Well, for your purposes it's just like attacking with your crossbow (except the damage is different).
You've been writing code to do die rolls?
Just use this: http://www.d20srd.org/diceBag.htm
You can probably just use the 1d4 (first die) and reroll if you get a four.
I use a better program where you can write any die in and it works, but I'm not sure if there's a PC version . I'll have a look for you.
Now wasn't this supposed to be a spam thread?
And aren't there threads on the PnP forum for discussing this?
Or this the equivalent of secret note passing?
Questions, Questions, Questions...
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
Yeah, Visual Basic for me (for some reason that's all this school teaches).
And sorry about this Lestat, but it was this or discussing Phreddie's unnatural affection for all this contaminated and he'll probably read this, so I hope he knows I'm kidding.
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
Do carry on.
You could throw dice if you want random numbers.
So much easier than programming.
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
I looked at your character actions.
You need to roll a 1d20+3 for your Acid Splashes - to see if the spell hits
And a 1d20+1 for all your spells to see if they beat any resistances the enemies have (Kipi will work that out). The +1 is your character's level.
And that's it I think.
I'll try and think of a topic more interesting for Lestat.
How's Libya at the moment?
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Well when you invent a dice that has 3 sides I will, but until then, let me wallow in VB .[/QUOTE]No I will let no innocent wallow in VB!
Throw d6, 1-2 > 1; 3-4 > 2; 5-6 > 3.
Hey, I started playing RPGs when only posh people had computers.
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
Well tough Rav because I finished mine already and I've allowed it to be customised for any size dice.
And Lestat, I played Hero Quest, that just had two die. 1d6 for Moving, and a dice with skulls and shields, which meant whether you hit or missed, or if defending, blocked or was hit. Then depending on stats, you would have a certain number to roll.
And Rav, I've fixed it up.
In memorian: Fiona; Ravager; Lestat; Phreddie; and all of those from the 1500 incident. Lest we forget.
[QUOTE=Ravager]Oh, does that make you posh? [/QUOTE]We're talking about 20 years ago...
I had my first computer less than 10 years ago...
@ DJ d6 for moving? Like ... on a board???
I think that God in creating man somewhat overestimated his ability.
- Oscar Wilde The church is near but the road is icy; the bar is far away but I'll walk carefully.
- Russian proverb
LESTAT IS SPAMMMMMING!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :speech:
[url=tamriel-rebuilt.org]Tamriel Rebuilt and,[/url] [url="http://z13.invisionfree.com/Chus_Mod_Forum/index.php?"]My Mod Fansite[/url] I am the Lord of Programming, and your Mother Board, and your RAR Unpacker, and Your Runtime Engine, can tell you all about it