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Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:05 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Ravager]@slade, glad you're stepping in as some defence then. :rolleyes: :p [/QUOTE]
errrr...sorry......ahem...* takes out notes to read*..lets see it says Im supposed to read this.....Rav is a good person...he is a good moderator... :rolleyes: :D :p

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:11 pm
by Ravager
@Fiona, ahh yeah. This is good then. :D

@slade, haven't you been practising this?
*sigh* Better late than never I guess...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:15 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Ravager]@slade, haven't you been practising this?
*sigh* Better late than never I guess...[/QUOTE]
Bah I dont need practice....

good night fiona ;)

it got empty in here now :(

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:18 pm
by Ravager
I think Hill may still be around.
And we've been doing well in the spamming anyway. I might be cclose to chu's spam target for today. :rolleyes: :p

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:21 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Ravager]I think Hill may still be around.
And we've been doing well in the spamming anyway. I might be cclose to chu's spam target for today. :rolleyes: :p [/QUOTE]
what was that again...450 or 500??...wait..I think it was 250...

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:25 pm
by Hill-Shatar
[QUOTE=slade]what was that again...450 or 500??...wait..I think it was 250...[/QUOTE]

I'm lost? :confused:

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:26 pm
by Ravager
I said 250 was low to me (sarcastically of course), so he upped it to 500. :p

I don't keep count though, one day I will, see if I can shock myself. :D

@Hill, chu wanted today to have lots and lots of spamming, he PM'ed us all. Filling our inboxes. :rolleyes:
Like the additon to your sig. I hope everyone remembers I found this Bunny-related item as well. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:34 pm
by slade
yeah I doubt you hit that today...unless you count the HoL....oh by the way now I now what everyone was talking about when they said no posts would be rising....I just saw the statement under the spam much for paying attention to detail :p :rolleyes:

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:50 pm
by Ravager
Not so hyper observant today then. Shame. That gives me a chance to catch up then. ;)

One for chu: ... .php?id=63 :D

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:50 pm
by slade
[QUOTE=Ravager]Not so hyper observant today then. Shame. That gives me a chance to catch up then. ;)

One for chu: ... .php?id=63 :D [/QUOTE]
Chu has breast??:speech: :laugh:

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:52 pm
by Ravager
No, those are paws I think. :p
I meant the Ohio reference. He lives in Ohio. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:56 pm
by slade
mines the limited edition one....
good night everyone..
Ill go stay at the HoL for a few seconds

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 7:59 pm
by Hill-Shatar

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2005 8:01 pm
by Ravager
I think I really struck gold with that comic. Completely accidentally. :D

Cya slade.

Now the place has truly gone dead, I'll be leaving too.
Goodnight, anyone who reads this. :p

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 6:46 am
by Ravager
Well, it's quiet again...

As advance warning to the regulars around here, I've been having computer problems (in addition to the broadband), that being the BIOS (to those who know of it). It's the first thing that loads on a computer, without that working, nothing will.
Fortunately turning the computer completely off and on again fixed it this time. I'm not sure if that's going to last though. It may mean a replacement PC has to be bought.
In any case, that may cause problems for my spamming.
So I thought people might want to know. :p

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:07 am
by dj_venom
Ooo that's not good Rav, I know a bit about computers, so what is it that is wrong about the Bios?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:16 am
by Ravager
Well, I turned on the computer, immediately I got this error:

BootBlock Emergency Recovery Mode
The System Flash ROM Image has been corrupted

Please insert a ROMPaq diskette into A: and cycle the power on your system. A ROMPaq diskette may be obtained from

So I couldn't really do that much, turned the computer off and on again (though the power light for the PC stayed on), consulted some expert (who hadn't seen a problem like that before) and eventually I turned the power off and on again at the wall.
That seems to have fixed it for now.
I downloaded the stuff for the ROMPaq disk and I'll eventually upgrade the BIOS so the disk will hopefully work.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:22 am
by dj_venom
I've never heard of it either, it seems quite strange, but if a certain piece of software is corrupted, which it seems it is, then installing that software should fix it.

I say should because I don't understand it that well, but I hope it works out for the best.

And also, although I doubt you have, have you made any changes to the bios?

Oh, and also, did you happen to have a disk or something similar in at the time, one which is not normally in?

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:27 am
by Ravager
Nope, I didn't do anything special, nothing different from normal.
I have no idea whether it will happen again, it might do or maybe I'll be lucky. But at least I have one of these ROMPaq disks now, that could help.
And if it does completely fail, I guess it's time for a new computer. At least I won't be paying for it.

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 7:32 am
by dj_venom
Well I'm not sure how similar it is to a 'bootdisk'.

When windows would stuff up, it would ask that a bootdisk would be used, as that was a way of being able to help fix the problem. Perhaps this disk is a way to help fix bios.

And did you have a disk in at the time, because that can trigger it.