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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:11 am
by Ravager
@DJV, I should be glad you're not giving me any gifts then?
*sigh* Now it goes very quiet...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:06 am
by dj_venom
Oh, your present would have come, except the numerous delivery vans I sent with presents never seemed to arrive... something about not being boats, I don't know

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:12 am
by Ravager
Well, at least you sent one...
What was it?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:14 am
by dj_venom
Not sure... it fell off the back of the truck.
No wait, it fell off the wheels of the truck

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:16 am
by Ravager
You don't even remember what the present you sent me was?
Sheesh, I hope my present to you arrives in better shape. Or at least arrives...

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:17 am
by dj_venom
Well if you're so good, what was my present?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:19 am
by Ravager
Now, why would I want to spoil the surprise for you?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:20 am
by dj_venom
Awww but I want it NOW! :laugh:
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 6:21 am
by Ravager
Tsk tsk tsk. No one has any patience these days!
Besides, if my present was handled so poorly, I don't owe you any favours to tell you what the one I sent out was....
Just trying out my questionable art skills now.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:18 am
by dj_venom
Well now there's an idea, if you want art skills, perhaps you could receive a sig made my the one and only venom, it's worth it

But now that I remember, I need to ask you how to upload gifs as avatars, it doesn't seem to work for me, and Hill recommened I ask you.
Here is the one I made a little while ago.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:38 am
by Ravager
I'm fine for banners, thanks.
I've been testing Macromedia Fireworks to destruction to make banners. This is one I'm using at the moment on Levistus' site: ... ersig3.png
What do you think of it?
Sylver's just one of my alter egos.
As for this gif situation, I was trying to get one working for chu, but it refused to work for that too. Mine is a standard gif, 30 frames long. What I'm thinking at the moment, is maybe it only accepts gifs of a certain length, but I have no idea why some work and others don't. There may be a reason like the frames things or it could just be some random bug with GB, I don't know. I'll see if I have any luck with your gif though.
EDIT: Maybe not the frame numbers then, seeing as yours is half the length of mine.
However, mine has only 2 distinct frames (eyes open, eyes closed) and another one I've seen that works has 5 frames. MAYBE if you cut yours down to the same kind of thing then it would work.
Oh, I decided to give up with the drawing for now, I've gone onto quote compiling for the SF. Page 351 upwards.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:47 am
by dj_venom
It looks alright, however I'd suggest some colouring for the background so it suits the pictures.
Yeah, for some reason they are just refusing to work, you must have had yours placed before they stopped working.
Quote compling? What exactly is quote compling?
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:48 am
by Juniper
[QUOTE=Ravager]Now, why would I want to spoil the surprise for you?

This sounds strangely familiar....:laugh:
Good Morning/Afternoon all!
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:53 am
by Ravager
What kind of colour?
Originally I used a gradient fill (black to white) and a fill to get it to look like stone - this was my original ... ersig1.png
Now though I suppose a colour change could help. Something like it starting red at both ends and heading towards grey in the middle perhaps?
Okay, I'm just experimenting with your gif, I'll see if it really is the frames thing.
For the quotes check the links on Page 1 of this thread. A few months back I went through the old pages and found quotes I liked and put them all together with some comments of my own included.
Hiya Juni!
The surprise (for you) will be the Memorable Quotes when I'm finished.
Happy 3000!!
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:59 am
by dj_venom
Well, generally speaking, you want your picture colour to match your background, so it blends nicely. As such, I would recommend a fill of red or brown, as that would suit it.
And I see, quite disturbing.
Hey Juni, still leaving that Christmas shopping to be done?
Seeing as it's the time of year,
Merry 3000!
And Rav, howcome she can know her surprise and I can't, it's not fair

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:02 am
by Juniper
OH!! I did not notice my 3000!
Many thanks for the congrats gents!!
@dj....ravvy promised me a sooo-prise the other day....
I finished my shopping last night!! Badda-Bing....done in 2 days!! *HAPPY DANCE*!!
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:08 am
by Ravager
[QUOTE=dj_venom]Well, generally speaking, you want your picture colour to match your background, so it blends nicely. As such, I would recommend a fill of red or brown, as that would suit it.[/QUOTE]
Along the whole length of the banner? Don't know about that, there's a grey statue thing in the middle that wouldn't go so well with red/brown IMO.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]And I see, quite disturbing.[/QUOTE]
It doesn't look like it's going to be possible. I tried to upload one which I've seen working on GB before and it refused that too.
I guess we're going to have to wait for Buck to find whatever's stopping us uploading them.
Anyway, I was only modifying a copy of yours, so just hang on to it, until you can use it.
[QUOTE=dj_venom]And Rav, howcome she can know her surprise and I can't, it's not fair

Well, she's been waiting longer, I can't stand to keep her in suspense and I haven't thought of a good enough surprise for you yet.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:11 am
by dj_venom
Well colour the grey thing a colour to suit. I'm sure you can do a paint over in that program.
Yeah, I thought so, oh well, I can wait... though it's a pity I can't use my Christmas avatar that I made at Christmas time

Fine, I'll wait (I say that, even though I don't have a choice, but it does make me sound good

@Juni: Well done, I finished mine yesterday too. I still have to wrap them up, and unwrap those other ones.
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:15 am
by ch85us2001
Would you like some pie with thaAT??!???!
*does the new computeroid dance*
Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 8:18 am
by dj_venom
Someone's excited about their new computer.