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Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:03 am
by Chanak
@Kayless: That's pretty damn cool. Actually, Lobo does indeed seem to be a good name for a moose. :D

I've never seen a moose up close and personal, though I have seen a rack of antlers taken from a sizable bull. Jumping Jehosaphat, those antlers were over 12 feet across. :eek: :D

What the hell do you do when it's rutting season? Call the National Guard to your backyard? :D

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 7:10 am
by C Elegans
Originally posted by Scayde
two quid, I have no idea what that is in US$, but I have a feeling we should leave it that way. I won't tell you how much I paid for mine :o

But I did love the way it fit :D

The things we do to look thinner :rolleyes:

Two quid (£) is about $3.20...not a lot, in other words.

Or the right places :rolleyes: :D

When I was younger, I often bought second hand and like Frogus, water damaged or even fire damaged clothes (they might smell a little of smoke, but it disappears as soon as you wash it)...nowadays I seldom have time to buy any clothes at all, but fortunately Silur likes do buy clothes for me (for some strange reason, I'm not sure why - but I hate shopping, so it's great that he likes it :D ).

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 9:37 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Chanak
@Kayless: That's pretty damn cool. Actually, Lobo does indeed seem to be a good name for a moose. :D

Glad I'm not the only one who thinks so. :D My family thinks I'm a nut for naming him that. :p
Originally posted by Chanak
I've never seen a moose up close and personal, though I have seen a rack of antlers taken from a sizable bull. Jumping Jehosaphat, those antlers were over 12 feet across. :eek: :D

There's a moose skull and rack on the outside of my house. :) Most folks up here have some sort of decoration like that (be it a bear skin rug, wolf pelt, moose antler etc.). :cool:
Originally posted by Chanak
What the hell do you do when it's rutting season? Call the National Guard to your backyard? :D

If everyone in Alaska did that the National Guard would be busy 24/7. :D Just give the moose some space and they tend to do the same. It's the bears that get into trouble (once I get the photos developed I'll post a pic of Mort and Goober, the adolescent black bears who like to steal my trash). :D

Posted: Tue Jul 08, 2003 6:23 pm
by Scayde
Great Pics Kay !!! Were you around when Momma delivered? That would have been something quite special :cool:
Originally posted by C Elegans
Or the right places :rolleyes: :D

LOL....I guess there are tradeoffs in everything :p ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:15 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Scayde
Great Pics Kay !!! Were you around when Momma delivered? That would have been something quite special :cool:

I didn't actually see the event, but the baby was very wobbly when I first saw him. If you look closely you can see some of the afterbirth still stuck to the mother's rear. I'd say she'd given birth within a hour or so of the pics. :cool:

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:12 pm
by Tamerlane
Originally posted by Kayless
It's the bears that get into trouble (once I get the photos developed I'll post a pic of Mort and Goober, the adolescent black bears who like to steal my trash). :D

If you post the bear pics, I'll try and find some kangaroo ones. They think they own the golf courses around here :rolleyes: :D

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:20 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Tamerlane
If you post the bear pics, I'll try and find some kangaroo ones. They think they own the golf courses around here :rolleyes: :D

LOL :D I don't think I've ever encountered a moose or bear on the golf course (though there are some coyotes that wander around the area). :cool:

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:20 pm
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by Yshania
Well here I am with three of my baby sisters, on Saturday night at the School Disco ;) Such a laugh!
Well, my fantasy life is now set for the next couple of months.... :cool: :D

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 4:45 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
Well, my fantasy life is now set for the next couple of months.... :cool: :D

Well for the record, I am the gorgeous one...but then we are all gorgeous...some think we look like sisters!

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 5:31 pm
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by Yshania
Well for the record, I am the gorgeous one...but then we are all gorgeous...some think we look like sisters!
I picked you out as the cutest one instantly - I'm sure your sisters always hated that you got all the brains and the looks! ;)

Posted: Mon Jul 14, 2003 5:41 pm
by Bloodstalker
I have the sudden urge to find a job as a janitor in an all-girl university :eek:

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 9:45 am
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
I have the sudden urge to find a job as a janitor in an all-girl university :eek:
I'll be the school nurse! :D

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 10:07 am
by Ned Flanders
Sweeet! New wallpaper. ;) :D

Thanks Ysh. I'll be the principal, and yes, they've all been naughty.

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 12:13 pm
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by Ned Flanders
I'll be the principal, and yes, they've all been naughty.
For this reason, the nurse's office will stock plenty of balm. ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 6:08 pm
by Scayde
LMAO @ above :D
Great pic Sis !!!

Love the ties :cool:

Are those really your sisters? :eek:

I bet your dad had a time of it with the boys in the neighborhood :D ;)

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:33 pm
by Maharlika

Principal/Dean *check*

School Nurse *check*

School Janitor *check*

I'll be the Guidance Counselor! :D :p :cool:

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 10:11 am
by Taco Magus
sinces everyone is horrably off topic and its a good place to show off my paintball markers ill post my pics...finnally :D

Here I am

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 11:12 am
by Yshania
@ Gwally, BS, Ned and Mahar LMAO! :D

@Scayde, yes, they are all my sisters :) There is also another sister (the youngest) and three brothers who weren't there. Luckily for my dad, there was quite an age gap between two sittings so he had time to recover from one lot first ;)

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 12:38 pm
by McBane
Nice picture Ysh. You are as lovely as ever! :D

(please note the lack of school girl jokes....I have been gone too long..) :D

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 1:01 pm
by Bloodstalker
Schoolgirl uniforms are no joking matter. :D

Evidentally, Ysh is trying to start up her own wallpaper site ;)