Hello again Maverick! If you don't want to debate this subject it's of course entirely up to you, but you cannot expect to post statements that go against all current knowledge and scientific data unanswered!
In my post above, I outlined a few points I find of utmost importance for any debate, and already see how these points have become relevant. I will refer to them below.
Originally posted by maverick8088
If that is the case, does that mean that automobiles, houses, watches, computers, television sets, etc. have no designer?
So, in other words, complexity is not evidence of a design. The world around us is full of complex things, all of them needed a designer. Noone would deny that man designs and builds wonderous things, all of them complex. Why is it so hard to see that infinitely more complex structures like the precision of the universe and the human brain couldn't simply happen?
First, as other has pointed out, what you define as complexity is not necessarity complex in an "objective" fashion, but let's assume that we both define the word "complex" as meaning something like "consisting of many different parts interacting with each other".
Automobiles, houses and computers is very simple compared to for instance the climate system or the immune system. Man-made things can be simple or somewhat complex, whereas natural phenomenen such as a rock, a weather system or an organism can be simple or much more complex than any man made object. I don't understand at all how the mere existence of simple or complex things implicates the existance of a designer? You claim that mere complexity equals the existance of a designer, but you fail to present any valid arguments for this - your only arguments seems to be the same as Behe's - you just believe this yourself, it's a personal conviction.
The most complex things we know of are not man made. Complexity has no necessary association with design. You seem to belive that because humans can contructs objects of some complexity, other things that exist that are even more complex must have a designer. This is a flawed argument. It provides no evidence at all, it's just an analogy.
For that matter tell me, if all evolutionary steps are for the better survival of the species, what purpose does art serve? Poetry? Discussions such as this one? Honestly, why do we have thoughts about the future? Dreams and aspirations are meaningless for the obtaining of food and shelter. Thoughts of beauty are unnecessary and irrelevant.
Here my point
2. Familiar with how the concepts and terms used in the discussion are defined in case there are standard definitions , becomes relevant. Evolution
does not say that all changes are for the better survival of the species. The idea that evolution is hierchial and leads to "better and better" survival, is a popular misconception from the 19th century. Evolution is gradual (or sometimes less gradual) change, and it has no intentions, it's not a form of consciousness.
Secondly, what is adaptive and not adaptive in survival context, can hardly be assessed by simply sitting down and thinking of what seems immediately relevant for physical survival and not. Thoughts about the future, for instance, are part of the human working memory system that provides is with the high flexibility and the high social interaction our species has.
Lastly, abiogenesis is a deeply flawed theory. Life cannot spring from non-life.
First, you must know that abiogeneis and evolution are two different things. Abiogenesis deals with how life started on earth. Evolution deals with how life developed, but does not address how life started. You can compare this with epidemiology and surgery: epidemiology deals with the source of a disease and how it is spread, surgery deals with the mechnics around performing a treatment. As you can see there is a principal difference.
I would like to hear your arguments why you believe abiogeneis and the current consensus hypothesis the RNA world, is deeply flawed.
I would also like to hear the arguments behind your claim that life cannot spring from non-life. It has already been demonstrated in scientific experiments, that the proteins necessary for RNA to form, can spring from non life. Do you claim that these experiments are flawed? If so, in what way? Every step in the RNA world-hypothesised sequence of change simple chemicals in the primordial soup -> polymers -> replicating polymers (for instance hexanucleotide or RNA-ribozomes) -> protobiont -> hypercycle -> protobacteria -> bacteria has been demostrated in controlled experiments.
Here are a couple of references, which I really would like to hear your arguments against.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... t=Abstract
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... t=Abstract
I can provide hundreds of more studies and references from controlled experiements, published in the peer-reviewed scientific press.
Spontaneous Generation was disproven centuries ago, and that's all abiogenesis is. Different words, same thing. The protien molecules necessary to make up a D/RNA strand are simply too complex and too fragile to have come together by chance.
What on earth are you talking about? This certainly calls for my point 1,
Debating the same topic. What is "Spontaneous Generation? It is not a concept that exist in current biological sciences. Since you claim it is the same as abiogenesis, and also make a statement about RNA and DNA that appears quite ignorant, I must ask you to explain the core concepts of both "Spontaneous Generation" and abiogeneis. 100's of scientific experiments to demonstrate something can happen, but you say " RNA and DNA are simply too fragile and complex to have come together by chance". What makes you believe so? What knowledge do you base your belief on?
In fact, I don't even understand what you mean. "Too complex"? They only consist of a few different proteins? "Too fragile"? In what sense? Can you explain this further?
I remember reading that is something like 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 even to get them together by chance w/o taking into consideration the volatile environment. Also, with the experiments that go on in order to prove abiogenesis, who does the scientist arranging the experiment represent? Even in the models to simulate chance, intelligent design is inherent.
Your post actually becomes more and more confusing to me. Are you sure that you have read scientific literature about evolution and abiogeneis? It seems like we are not at all talking about the same thing here?
First of all, I'd like to know where you got the figure "100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 to 1 even to get them together" from, and also what "them" you are referring to here. I have seen some Creationism websites (not Jehova's witness websites, so I don't know if it's the same reasoning behind this) that claim that a sequence of 400 proteins is necessary for life. This is not true since there are known bacteria with as small sequences as 32, but that's not so important, lets just look at how probability works here.
But ok, to use the same figure as you do, let's say you have a 1x10^30 chance that a certain sequence will appear. That is a lot, sure. But taken into consideration that you have
billions of simultaneous trials going on every second over a period of hundreds of millions of years, it's actually a very small figure.
The early, prebiotic earth had an ocean consisting of 1x10^24 litres. Counting with a moderately dense dilution (ie a moderate rather than high estimate, see this reference:
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer ... t=Abstract), you will have 1x10^50 starting chains, so a good number of viable peptide ligases (such as the Ghadiri ligase, the SunY self replicator, or the Ekland RNA polymerase) would be likely to appear
within one year.
Secondly, I don't understand what you mean with "who does the scientists represent". Represent? Themselves, their labs, their universities and their professional fields of course, what else?
However, you most confusing statement in this paragraph is you claim that "Even in the models to simulate chance, intelligent design is inherent". This is totally untrue. What has made you believe this is so? There are no scientific models of how life started on earth, that has an inherent idea of intelligent design. How would such a concept be operationalised into a scientific experiment? Please explain further, and post references. I'm sorry, but again your statements sound like mere personal belief, not conclusions founded on observed facts.
This post became so long, so I have to split it in two parts.