Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2001 7:20 pm
@Xandax: As I imagine it, the Shadow Thieves’ attack on the Black Helm headquarters would be more a free-for-all than an organized assault. Organized assaults are the Helm’s forteit
But no sweat
I see you’ve gone and dug yourself a nice little grave there
@Aegis: Nice
@Fas: Any ideas on what you’re going to do next, and when?
* * * * *
Calahan raised his halberd just as quickly as he swung it, quickly arcing it towards Virdel's tiny body. Virdel, again, leapt back, the blade of the weapon coming withen inches of his chest. Virdel didn't stop to think back to the battle he had watched this man win single-handedly earlier in the week. Instead, his mind was racing for ideas on how to stop the significantly larger, and stronger man. Virdel quickly slammed his blade down on the passing halberd, hoping to spilt the shaft in half. His hopes were shattered as he watched his own magical blade rebound with a reverbrating sound off the enchanted halberd...
Virdel leapt back, just in time to avoid another deadly slash.
“You fight like a bad dancer, drow.” Calahan rushed forward, sweeping low with his halberd. Virdel cleared the attack with a standing leap, flying towards him with blades upraised. But in one smooth motion Calahan brought the haft around, blocking the twin blows. Virdel danced sideways, avoiding a well measured kick.
The armored punch came out of nowhere, contacting his head with a dull thunk and sending the drow sprawling to the ground.
“Got him good, sir.” The words seemed to drift across Virdel’s dazed mind.
“Imbecile!” Virdel heard the rasp of cleaving metal, than the dull ring of heavy plate hitting the ground.
“I’ll suffer no cowards in my company.” Calahan glanced at the drow’s prostrate form, then reluctantly walked away. He had a battle to win.
His soldiers had the enemy routed. Only a few pockets of thieves were still fighting in the streets. But the snipers on the rooftops were proving bothersome.
He saw a group of guards finish off a nearby thief. “YOU THERE! GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR AND FLUSH THOSE BASTA*DS OUT!”
A collective “Yes Sir!” went up, then they hurried into the nearest building. Another group followed their example and took the building opposite.
Calahan nodded in satisfaction. Enough sneaking around. It was about time they did this the old-fashioned away.
Turning, he saw only two of the four mages remained standing. Wimps. “We need some damn light so we can see our blasted enemies. Think you can do that?”
The wizards grumbled, not in the mood to be bossed around by some glorified grunt, but nonetheless complied. The sky lit up like mid-afternoon, exposing thief and guard alike. The useless invisibility spell had worn off, revealing scores of men in multi-colored plate. The sight was enough to make Calahan grimace in embarrassment.
* * * * *
“To the death” Xandax cried out, and charged the group nearest to the door.
At Xandax’s rush both groups of men did the same.
His amulet flashed with a blinding blue light, and suddenly a vision swam before his eyes. He saw himself charge into the mass of thieves. One fell, two fell, half a dozen fell, and it seemed he might make it through. Then the blades began snaking their way past his armor, slicing into him in a dozen places. He stumbled, then fell into the welcoming darkness...
All at once he was back, charging into the mass of thieves. Confused and bewildered, he did the first thing that came to mind. He turned and hurled himself through the nearest window.
Glass bit into his exposed skin, and the cobblestones rushed up to engulf him in their rocky embrace. He hit the ground with bonecrushing force, the impact sending him rolling hard into the side of a nearby building. Then it all stopped, and Xandax dazedly realized he was somehow still alive. Sitting up, he discovered himself more or less intact. He looked down to see his amulet glowing like never before...
* * * * *
@Xandax: Acceptable? Hey, it sure beats dying
@Aegis: End round 1, Virdel vs. Calahan
But no sweat
@Aegis: Nice
@Fas: Any ideas on what you’re going to do next, and when?
* * * * *
Calahan raised his halberd just as quickly as he swung it, quickly arcing it towards Virdel's tiny body. Virdel, again, leapt back, the blade of the weapon coming withen inches of his chest. Virdel didn't stop to think back to the battle he had watched this man win single-handedly earlier in the week. Instead, his mind was racing for ideas on how to stop the significantly larger, and stronger man. Virdel quickly slammed his blade down on the passing halberd, hoping to spilt the shaft in half. His hopes were shattered as he watched his own magical blade rebound with a reverbrating sound off the enchanted halberd...
Virdel leapt back, just in time to avoid another deadly slash.
“You fight like a bad dancer, drow.” Calahan rushed forward, sweeping low with his halberd. Virdel cleared the attack with a standing leap, flying towards him with blades upraised. But in one smooth motion Calahan brought the haft around, blocking the twin blows. Virdel danced sideways, avoiding a well measured kick.
The armored punch came out of nowhere, contacting his head with a dull thunk and sending the drow sprawling to the ground.
“Got him good, sir.” The words seemed to drift across Virdel’s dazed mind.
“Imbecile!” Virdel heard the rasp of cleaving metal, than the dull ring of heavy plate hitting the ground.
“I’ll suffer no cowards in my company.” Calahan glanced at the drow’s prostrate form, then reluctantly walked away. He had a battle to win.
His soldiers had the enemy routed. Only a few pockets of thieves were still fighting in the streets. But the snipers on the rooftops were proving bothersome.
He saw a group of guards finish off a nearby thief. “YOU THERE! GET YOUR ASSES IN GEAR AND FLUSH THOSE BASTA*DS OUT!”
A collective “Yes Sir!” went up, then they hurried into the nearest building. Another group followed their example and took the building opposite.
Calahan nodded in satisfaction. Enough sneaking around. It was about time they did this the old-fashioned away.
Turning, he saw only two of the four mages remained standing. Wimps. “We need some damn light so we can see our blasted enemies. Think you can do that?”
The wizards grumbled, not in the mood to be bossed around by some glorified grunt, but nonetheless complied. The sky lit up like mid-afternoon, exposing thief and guard alike. The useless invisibility spell had worn off, revealing scores of men in multi-colored plate. The sight was enough to make Calahan grimace in embarrassment.
* * * * *
“To the death” Xandax cried out, and charged the group nearest to the door.
At Xandax’s rush both groups of men did the same.
His amulet flashed with a blinding blue light, and suddenly a vision swam before his eyes. He saw himself charge into the mass of thieves. One fell, two fell, half a dozen fell, and it seemed he might make it through. Then the blades began snaking their way past his armor, slicing into him in a dozen places. He stumbled, then fell into the welcoming darkness...
All at once he was back, charging into the mass of thieves. Confused and bewildered, he did the first thing that came to mind. He turned and hurled himself through the nearest window.
Glass bit into his exposed skin, and the cobblestones rushed up to engulf him in their rocky embrace. He hit the ground with bonecrushing force, the impact sending him rolling hard into the side of a nearby building. Then it all stopped, and Xandax dazedly realized he was somehow still alive. Sitting up, he discovered himself more or less intact. He looked down to see his amulet glowing like never before...
* * * * *
@Xandax: Acceptable? Hey, it sure beats dying
@Aegis: End round 1, Virdel vs. Calahan