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Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:58 am
by Maharlika
That's okay...

...doing some rounds myself over here. ;)

Hope you're doing okay :) and that angel of yours :rolleyes: took mighty good care of you over the weekend.

*takes a swig*

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:17 am
by Eerhardt
LOL :D ; that she did, that she did ;) :D ** takes another healthy swig from his mug ** Ah, that takes me back a couple of centuries... they don't brew 'm like that anymore :D

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:36 am
by Maharlika
For one thing...

...the ale here is almost 2-year vintage! :D

I wonder what happened to the brewer? :rolleyes: :confused: I don't think I had the chance to meet him.

Send my regards to your "Earth Angel". :cool:

*finishes with one swig and goes and get another round*

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:42 am
by Eerhardt
Never met him either, but I've read some of his work upon arriving in SYM ;) :D ** drinks some more ale and sends down Mah's regards ** ;) :D

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:55 am
by Maharlika
*takes a swig*

Wished I had an Earth Angel too. :(

Kinda difficult to find a kender angel here... :rolleyes: for the brew, I wish dM could try this stuff and we'd hear from his expert evaluation...

...of course, BS would always give the thumbs up. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:06 am
by Chanak
Strange bar...considering there's more replies than views, there must be some serious drinking going on in here. :D

*attaches Beer Killer 2000 to the nearest beer keg, flips on the switch*

Ahhhhh. Nothing like your morning beer delivered via turbo ultra osmosis. :cool:

Hiya Eery. :) Long time no see. Glad to hear you aren't being harrassed that much at the job. With Weasel's return, however, I would be ready for anything to happen. :eek: ;)

@Mah: Top of the morning (here, anyway) to you. :D

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:13 am
by Maharlika
Three is never a crowd in this place...

Hey, Cowboy! :cool: That's evening to you too. :p :D

I think the ale here is good for your gums. ;) Did the novocaine wear off?

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:19 am
by Chanak
Ale is good for everything that ails you. Wonderful stuff. :D

Ah, the old tooth. Well, turns out only a cusp was broken off; no nerve hit there, even though it hurt like the ****ens for a time. It was an old filling gone bad. No, no more novocaine...however, Nurse Scayde and her healing ministrations soothe the hurt very well. ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:26 am
by Maharlika
That's good then...
Originally posted by Chanak
...however, Nurse Scayde and her healing ministrations soothe the hurt very well. ;)
...I'm not surprised, my friend, not surprised at all. ;) :cool:

*takes another swig*

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:29 am
by Eerhardt
@Chanak: hey, good to see ya, fellow Guardian of the Duff ;) ** takes another drink ** sorry to hear about the tooth... but you're in good hands, I see ;) @the both of you: I'm going to have to sign out for a moment :o , it looks like I spoke a bit too soon in respect to the (L)users :rolleyes:

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:33 am
by Chanak
Re: That's good then...
Originally posted by Maharlika
...I'm not surprised, my friend, not surprised at all. ;) :cool:

*takes another swig*

Indeed. I am a regular in her clinic. :D

Alas, I must be going. My tooth and I need to go to work. :( Today, I shall concentrate on not giving myself an uppercut to the jaw. :rolleyes:

Have a good one, O Scribe. And rejoice: the Weasel is back in town. :eek: :D

Sorry I missed you, O Purveyor of Duff. May thy day be filled with the blessed amber suds of that Most Holy of Beverages, and may the wisdom imparted by the imbibing leave thee most refreshed, and filled. :D ;)

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 6:36 am
by Maharlika
Later then, Cowboy...

...send my warm kisses to milady for me. :)

Later to you too, E-man. I'm also on my way out. :cool:

*parks his mug on top of the keg*

edit- yeah, with Weasel back, happy days are here again! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 7:33 am
by Eerhardt
Ok, guys, see you again some other time ;) ** refills his mug with Ye Olde Duffe Dark ** @Chanak: May thy parting wish be granted ;) :D @Mah: later, bro' - keep cool :cool:

EDIT - well, I'll be off. Y'all behave yourselves now in a matter befitting your personae :D . C ya! ** leaves the tavern **

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:35 pm
by Aqua-chan
Is anyone in? I'm in bit of a situation, I'm afraid... *sigh*

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:37 pm
by Yshania
Hi A-c :) what's up? *hug*

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:43 pm
by Aqua-chan
Hi, Ysh. :) *Hugs*

Got home today and noticed it was pretty quiet. Went to check on my birds. and sure enough, the female had passed on. Now I have a heart-broken male and no idea what to do. The vet told me to try and cheer him up.. but the fact I just found one of my two fish dead as well isn't helping. I need nice words now. :(

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:47 pm
by Yshania
Aw! *hug* what kind of birds?

I can relate to the fish, we lost 3 this weekend :( two large ones from stress of a water change, and a new replacement.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:50 pm
by Tybaltus
Bloody hell....I swore to myself to stay away from taverns...

Well last week was the 1 year anniversary of the passing of my best friend, the c0ckatiel Ive told you guys all about. Yeah yeah...I wont go into it. You all know I still miss him.

Well it really hurt for a week...and I mean it REALLY hurt. I didnt have too many friends to turn to at the life was being turned upside down again, my parents were fighting, another close friend was ignoring me, and my "posse" was getting further and further away from me. So it was a really tough time.

But I overcame it all....

I remember Jeremy (c0ckatiel) very much 1 year later, and I still look into the corner of the room where he pirched, sometimes still expecting him to be there, to rush over to my hand to greet me. Well, of course he isnt, but I still feel he is there.

Through time, all you think of is the good times, so it becomes a real time of reflection, and it makes me happy to know he had a great life, and he made my life brighter. I thank God I found him in the pet store. He was always full of life and excitement. And I know I made his life happy. I know he was happy more often then not, and he had things to look forward to...things he could be happy about. So think of that.

I hope Ive helped.

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 4:53 pm
by Aqua-chan
Well, they were just parakeets, but I'm quite attached to both of them.

He keeps on calling out for her, and being the sentimental sap I am, it just breaks my heart. :( :)

I have lost.. SO many fish from water changes. It's just the worst, isn't it?

I buried the bird in the backyard. Kids wanted to bury the fish, too. I had to slip by them to flush it. Now I feel so guilty... :o

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2003 5:00 pm
by Yshania
@A-c, we are lucky that in all of this time, they are the first two to be lost at a water change. It is a particularly stressful time for fish so we always take care to treat the new water. That said, these two died before going back in the tank. Ironically two of the same breed, the only two we had. They are really fast fish, and I think it was the stress of actually being caught rather than the water change. The other fish are HUGE (ask Georgi or Sleepy) our net wasn't big enough for those, but they are tame enough to be picked out by hand if you tickle their belly in the right place ;)

Those that died...well my daughter was heartbroken (she only knew of one of them dying before I ushered her to bed) Of course the kids think they are buried in the back garden. I flatly refuse to flush them - hubby does that :( ;)

That is really sad about your male bird though :( *hug*

<edit> does he have a mirror?