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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 8:23 pm
by Rail
LOL. I'd hurry to help, but that may be too rash.

And, if you're bitten by a vampire, does that mean you're un-dying? Just curious how that works. Image

[This message has been edited by Rail (edited 01-26-2001).]

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 8:43 pm
by Waverly
Originally posted by Melosh-tar:
Rail: At least your sitting. I'm dying with a vampire bite and I don't know what to do. Image
Its not the vampire bite...I told those goodies to take the rod out of your arse, but they seem to like it where it is. "Been on the rod too long" STILL lmao.

roaster of inquisitve paladins

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 9:04 pm
by Magus
Rail had found it easy enough to follow the paladin and the hakeashar in the ample coverage of the garden. He *heard* the hakeashar in his head when he and Aegis were talking. He found it stranglely disconcerting. Then the pair suddenly disappeared, and Rail froze. He walked over to the spot they had occupied...nothing. He was trapped, as the hakeashar had been telling Aegis. Rail looked ahead, and saw the tower on the horizon. It hadn't gotten closer despite all of that travel, and he suspected it never would. Rail was about to give in to despair...
Then the hakeashar appeared out of nowhere. It stared at Rail, its glowing eyes probing into his soul... After a moment that seemed like an eternity, it spoke: A battle wages in your soul, human. You shall play a part in the coming conflict, but which side will you choose? You are selfish and distrustful, yet you regret your recent past. A part of you longs to return to older, happier times... The time of reckoning is at hand. Choose your path.
Rail stares at this wraith that had read him like a book. He knows that there is no deceiving it. And he knows that once he chooses, there will be no turning back. Rail searches deep inside for an answer...

Sidenote: Here's your chance to turn back, Rail.

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-26-2001).]

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 9:38 pm
by Magus
@Melosh-tar: You're the one that chose to incapacitate yourself with a vampire bite, not me. Image I wanted to leave room for you to take matters into your own hands. Quayle's a good friend of Magus, after all (due to Aerie). But it's fine with me if you want to leave it to me. Just don't complain if I can't get to immediately. Image I got a lot of people to handle... Image

Quayle runs into a side alley. When he's sure no one will see him, he teleports to the entrance of The Rift. The portal opens up for him, and he enters. Once inside, he teleports to the Tower. An aerial servant appears and glides up to him.
Welcome, Quayle. What brings you to Magus's abode? Its voice is a whisper, like the rushing of air.
Quayle: I have urgent news for Magus. Can you contact Magus and tell him to meet me at the Copper Coronet as soon as possible? His old friend Melosh-tar is in dire need of assistance.
Aerial Servant: Of course, milord. I shall inform Magus immediately.
The aerial servant vanishes, and Quayle makes his way back to the Copper Coronet to await Magus.

@Melosh-tar: This happens during/after Magus's meeting with the others, so Magus won't come until the meeting is resolved. This means I have to wait for Rail (if he hasn't responded yet) before Magus will visit Quayle. It's all part of the master plan. Sorry if you feel neglected, but it would really screw my plans Image if I had to interrupt the story immediately to help you. Just hang in there. Image

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-26-2001).]

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 10:08 pm
by Rail
Rail stared hard at the malevolent hakeashar, either out of suspicion or hatred. Perhaps both. He knew he could turn back, but he could have done so several times before now. Maybe he had always known he was headed toward this juncture, but certainly from the moment he chose to follow the paladin into the rift. He only hoped Magus wouldn't be like every other mage he had met.

He took off the ring for a moment and became visible again.

"There, that's much better, human," came the words from the hakeashar. It stared for a moment without response. It seemed the creature could read him like a post Image

Rail frowned, a fixed expression on his face up to this point, and pondered. He had hoped to take the ring off out of trust, but felt only trapped instead. But it wouldn't do to go on as sullen as he had been. It would only make Magus trust him even less, if the mage would trust him at all. If he knew how many more mages he had killed than he was given credit for, the man would probably flay him on the spot. And he had been credited with quite a number.

He decided to change his demeanor to false bravado. Looking the hakeashar over, he commented, "I've seen bigger, but I guess you're the best Magus could do."

The hakeashar's eyes seemed first to widen, then narrowed dramatically. "I could be the last you'll ever see, pathetic soul. This is not so bad a grave, no?"

Rail nodded, returning the ring to his finger. Touche. "Lead on, beast! I believe your master is waiting."

"Bah!" The creature hesitated, too long for Rail's comfort, before teleporting them both as the knight before.

[This message has been edited by Rail (edited 01-26-2001).]

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 10:33 pm
by Weasel
Side Note..
Good Team: Magus..Drakron..Rail..Aegis..Melosh-tar..Fallout..Trip-Wire..KidD01.. 8 member....2 NPCs..Aerie..Tag?..
Bad Team: Ubik..Gruntboy..Waverly..Omar..Seabass..Weasel.. 6 members....2 NPCs..Serevon..Viconia..
Neutral team: (This is the ones who don't want to join or have not made up their minds) : Chrissy..Ron..Alienbob..Craig..Vixen..
If I left someone out or put you in the wrong and I will edit it in.

The Defender of Truth Image

[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 01-28-2001).]

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 10:41 pm
by Magus
@Rail: "Bah!" Image False bravado? Who does your character think he's fooling, besides himself? And the hakeashar (if you haven't noticed, this is an important character) is much too confident and in control to be offended by the bravado anyway. It would more likely be amused. And it loves playing mind games, as demonstrated with Aegis. Look deeply at the hakeashar, for it is more than a simple servant (there's a reason for its strength and personality). I'm trying to keep time straight, so I'll initiate the meeting with Fallout and Trip-Wire, Aegis will enter, then you will enter. Until then, sit back and watch the story unfold.

BTW @Everyone: If you get stuck waiting for something to happen in the story, and you want to get involved somehow, write a flashback. They usually don't interfere with the "plot," and they can enlighten others about your character.

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2001 11:39 pm
by Rail
@Magus- It's pretty clear the hakeashar is quite important. It could see through Rail's false bravado (since it could see his motives)and reminded him that it was in control. Rail continued right on with his bravado, anyway, despite the hakeashar's control of the situation. The "Bah," was that it was tired of Rail's game and decided to get rid of him and take him to Magus, as was his original intent. Sound alright?

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 12:28 am
by Aegis
@Magus: Flash back eh..... Story eh...... Chrissy eh...... uhh... ignore that.....

When the Hakeashar teleported Aegis to the base of the tower, the porcess seemed to take hours, but no time at all. Aegis had been caught in an odd time drain, but had no current concept of it. Oddly enough, when he experianced the journey through the dimension door, it forced certain memories to re-surface....

Aegis cowered in the corner of his home. The robed figure had been neogotiating with his parents had grown frustrated. Aegis just kept hearing the robed man saying things like "He has too much power for us not to take him!" and "If we don't "interfere", as you put it, right now, we may have another Jon Irenicus on our hands!". Aegis, of course, had no clue who Jon Irenicus was, nor did he wish to know. Instead, the small, six year old child huddled on the floor in the corner.

When the robed figure grew too tiresome, and frustrated with the parents, he lashed out. Aegis watched as his parent's flech melted away at the base of a fire ball. This cuased tears to come to his eyes, but he was still too frightend to d anything. The robed figure appraoched Aegis. He couldn't see any of the man's face, as it was all shrouded by a red velvit hood.

Robed Man: Your parents were.... "uncooperative"... Your coming with me now...

The man muttered a few words of magic, casting the sleep spell, and sending Aegis into a deep slumber.

He had been awakend a few hours later by the sound of more arguing. He looked up from where he was laying on a cart full of straw. He saw the Robed man again, but he also saw three men in full armour. He couldn't hear them, but he knew they were fighting. Suddenly, one of the men had drawn their sword, and attacked the Robed man, stricking him dead in one blow. That same man then appraoched Aegis.

Man: The child is alright! Let us take him back to Praelit Wessan. Perhaps we can give him some other future then to be a successer of evil...

The man then picked Aegis up gently, and proceded back to his group. The three men took him back to the Oreder of the Radiant Heart, and it was there Aegis grew up. He learned the ways of the Order at a young age, and instantly became of favorite of the former Praelit, and other Paladins.

Over the years, he forgot about the whole incident, blocking it from his mind. He now wondered why it resurfaced now? What was so important about now?...

(Hmm... Interesting insight to my past, and why he is so distrustful of magic... I wonder where this will lead? Any ideas you have Magus, go ahead to through em in.)

I am the defender of the light! The champion of Justice! And the slayer of really big lizards!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 12:54 am
by Magus
@Rail: Yeah. Your explanation is certainly fine. It's not how I would have played the hakeashar, but that doesn't mean I'm right. I didn't mean to sound nit-picky. He's a complicated character. Don't sweat about it. Image

Fallout and Trip-Wire step out of an identical mirror into the dimly lit room. The walls on the side are lined with endless rows of shelves, filled with spell components, from the mundane to the exotic. The space inbetween is filled with magical devices, some familiar, but many totally foreign. It is Magus's laboratory. Magus stands nearby, watching as the visitors enter. He wears a long blue-violet robe that brushes the ground, with sleeves that come down to his hands. His hands are slim and delicate. His cowl is back, revealing the long, clean-shaven, semi-angular face of a young half-elf. His blonde hair reaches to his shoulders, but his eyes are the most striking aspect of him. They are a glossy shade of blue-green, and they shine with intelligence and wisdom...and something else. An aura of calm power radiates from him. As Magus carefully scrutinizes the new visitors, Aerie quietly slips to his side. After a moment, Magus seems satisfied, and breaks eye contact to give Aerie a hug.
Magus (to Aerie): Thank you for bringing them here, my love.
Aerie blushes with pleasure: I-It was nothing.
Magus smiles, then releases Aerie and soberly faces Fallout and Trip-Wire. As he is about to speak, he stops, and turns to the right. Where there was empty space before, stands Aegis.
Magus: Welcome, Aegis. (turns to the other two) You too, Fallout and Trip-Wire. It's good to see you all again, though I wish it was under happier circumstances. You all remember the last time I called you guys up. A necromancer named Ubik was undermining the rule of the Cowled Wizards, and we were called upon to set things right. I know you didn't agree with me last time, Trip-Wire, but this time is much different. Ubik is back, and this time he's not just trying to make a commotion. I've got it from reliable sources that he's after an ancient necromantic artifact of incredible power. Not only that, but he's gathering another band of powerful friends around him. I've tried to identify the artifact, but the histories I've read so far are remarkably vague. I can only confirm that it enables its user to accumulate monstrous legions of undead. Possession of such an artifact could cause the entire Sword's Coast to erupt in war; honorable nations will invade to protect the peace, and dishonorable ones will covet the artifact for themselves. Not to mention the damage that Ubik himself could cause... Simply put, we must either halt Ubik's plans before they become widely known, or recover the artifact ourselves. Once it is in our possession, we could dispose of it where it can't cause any more harm. Any-
Magus stops and looks to the left. A moment later, Rail appears, accompanied by the hakeashar. Magus smiles: I see you finally decided to join us, Rail. I'm glad you recognized the growing evil within you, and saw the error of your ways. I hope Void didn't rough you up too badly (turns with a smile to the hakeashar)
Void's eyes flash in amusement (telepathically to all): Your friends are...entertaining. Especially...that one (indicates Aegis) Humans are such interesting creatures...
Magus (to all): Void's my familiar. He gets a real kick out of manipulating, but he means well. Rest assured he had no intentions of harming any of you. He decided you all must be tested before I met you again, and his stubborness is unmatched by any mere mortal (Void's eyes flash with laughter, and Magus chuckles softly).
Magus quickly sobers: Can you fill Rail in on what I said, Void?
Void's eyes flash an affirmative, and soon Rail is caught up with the others.
Magus: Any objections? Questions? Are all present agreed that Ubik must be stopped?

Edit @Aegis: Cool flashback. From your description, sounds like the mage could be a Red Wizard of Thay. Other than that, the flashback suggests high magic potential. Perhaps if you could overcome your aversion to magic, you could harness it...(dual class option- mage or sorcerer)

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-27-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-27-2001).]

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 1:56 am
by Rail
Rail suspicion and distrust suddenly melted as he shook his head in laughter and disbelief at the irony. "So, this is the same necromancer we last fought, Magus, The one undermining the Cowled Wizards?" The last part of the sentance dripped with obvious distaste. He thought to himself how things might have been different had he not sided in defense of those treacherous Cowled Wizards, but dismissed it almost as soon as the thought came.

"Indeed it is," the blue robed mage replied. He seemed to study Rail thoroughly, so that the assassin had to wonder if the man had read his thoughts. 'Hopefully, he can make more of them than I,' he thought to himself.

Magus didn't laugh, so he hoped that was a good sign his thoughts were his own.

"We should have finished him off when we had the chance," the assassin remarked, though he knew it was a sore spot with the young mage. Had either of them been able to, it would have been done.

Rail brushed his dusty brown leathers off and turned to the hakeashar. "Oh, you're still here? We're done with you. Move along! Shoo!"

The hakeashar drifted slightly in the direction of the assassin, and words drifted into Rail's mind, erasing his smile. "While the mage might not be able to read your thoughts, I can. Do not toy with me, mortal-child."

In his thoughts, the assassin responded, and the smile was quickly replaced. "I toy with many more powerful than myself. Play my game, then , if it amuses you."

"I will play as I see fit," the creature responded. "If it ceases to amuse me, the consequences will be... disheartening."

"Fair game," the assassin said aloud. He removed his worn leather gloves, tucking them under his belt, and turned to the rest of the group.

The knight was certain to object to Rail's addition to the group, and the assassin knew he would be a more than formidable adversary. Give him the respect and room he needed. His dog, however, didn't seem to mind him, though. Perhaps with a little dog biscuit..., well, perhaps not.

The bard was vaguely familiar to him. Well dressed in colorful chain, he was clearly familiar with his blades, but it was his knowledge of magic that made the assassin uneasy.

The third warrior was more to Rail's liking. Clearly a seasoned brawler worth reckoning, and eying the mage and his surroundings with the distrust they deserved. Perhaps the barbarian could understand Rail's hatred of mages, though it was doubtful. Hopefully none, especially the paladin, had heard of him nor held any allegiance with the hated Cowled Wizards.

[This message has been edited by Rail (edited 01-27-2001).]

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 2:00 am
by fallout
At last we found you Magus. I am getting tired. Hehe Aegis come too. Now there is one person in this party i can turn my back without hesisation. Hope he didnt out of practice. I can learn some new moves if i can cath him in good mood.

After magus's talk.
Fallout "What about Weasel. Is there any information. And what are you talking about. A test. I hate tests. How many times i have to prove i am faithful" yells.

But Magus and rest of the party seems uncomfortable looking at Rail and hakeashar. Mostly he dont know what is fear but.. this shapeless creature confirms his thoughts about magic. This newcomer looks brave and will be a worthy opponent to Grunt. Perhaps he has to be tested but with a hakeashar. Who will test hakeashar ?

[This message has been edited by fallout (edited 01-27-2001).]

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 2:45 am
by fallout
@Weasel What about NPC's Aerie Viconia and Serevon

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 2:53 am
by Weasel
(Side notes)
I didn't know all of them..Post them and I will add them to their group.

The Defender of Truth Image

[This message has been edited by Weasel (edited 01-27-2001).]

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 3:19 am
by fallout
Aerie with Magus
Serevon with Seabass
Viconia with Ubik

And craig in natural team.
Are you sure you are in evil team. Image Image
Maybe we have better cookies.

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 3:35 am
by Weasel
@Fallout....the darkside offered to much...or did they...

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 10:12 am
by Aegis
@Magus: Thnxs!

Aegis watched Magus as he spoke. He had finally acheived part of his mission the Prealit sent him on, but to wait ends? He had no clue if this Magus character was truly on his side, or if they were being toyed by a greater power. He approached Magus ofter the discussion.

Aegis: You mentioned that it was good to see all of us, again. Yet, I have never seen you before in my life. Surely, if I had been here, I would've remembered the experiance.

Aegis paused for a moment, waiting for a response, Tag standing vigilently at his side.

(I think that was a good lead into how you may be able to connect Aegis's past with the present. Open court to you Magus.)

I am the defender of the light! The champion of Justice! And the slayer of really big lizards!

Posted: Sat Jan 27, 2001 12:18 pm
by Magus
@Fallout: Magus isn't uncomfortable looking at his own familiar! Image

@party of good: I will deal with each of you in the order that you answered. Hold on.

Rail's thoughts are interrupted by Void's glaring eyes. Suddenly, he knows his secret is no longer his own. He glances at the hakeashar, outwardly calm, but inside panic wells within him. If Magus found out, his life would almost certainly be forfeit...
A voice sounds in his head:Silly human...did you think that Magus did not already know of your past? He was willing to trust you, but I was far more suspicious. I've watched you since you came. So far, I'm satisfied with what I see, but know this: If you even contemplate treachery, you will die a most painful death. Not even Magus will be able to save you...
Rail gulps inwardly, but quickly recovers his composure. He flashes a smile at the brooding hakeashar. Then he falls to thinking. Why would Magus trust such as him, if he knew his bloody past? And what should he make of this mysterious hakeashar? It clearly has its own agenda, but is it evil? Or trustworthy? Whatever the case, Rail knows that Void isn't bluffing, and that he best not anger the hakeashar if he values his life. Just then, another speaks, and Rail pulls his mind out of his contemplations to listen.

Level 18 young Half-Elf Conjurer, Neutral Good, resident of The Rift, bitter foe of Ubik

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-27-2001).]

[This message has been edited by Magus (edited 01-27-2001).]