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Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 11:56 am
by Red Raven
hehehe i think it be fun to play the mandeloreian wars.
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 12:05 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Make the episode -1?
Fighting in a war has already happened... you fought in a war in the first one, you just didnt come into contact with many of your allied troops.
I would like the idea of being on a world of turmoil... one that has been clearly split with problems. That would be interesting and fun.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:15 pm
by Unbrow
[QUOTE=Tovec]I would love a war! I mean an actual full out battle bloody war! Killing, battles, skirmishes, winners loosers, gun ships, capital ships, you in a snub fighter or directing it all from a battle ship. It would make the game so much more dynamic. Maybe a premise of True Sith v. Rebuilt Republic! You a general in the war and the Jedi Approve of it!! That would be freaking great![/QUOTE]
That's why Lucas Arts has the battle front games so that you can play through wars that occur in the star wars universe. By the way you should try that new battle front game it's pretty good. I don't actually know if it's out yet but i played a demo that was fun.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:09 pm
by alpha_hazard
[QUOTE=Unbrow]That's why Lucas Arts has the battle front games so that you can play through wars that occur in the star wars universe. By the way you should try that new battle front game it's pretty good. I don't actually know if it's out yet but i played a demo that was fun.[/QUOTE]
I think what tovec wants is to fight through the war on the ground. Rather than as a strategy game, like battlegrounds. I wouldn't be opposed to it, but it would have to be done minigame style because fighting through a warzone in the turn based way combat is done in the Kotor games would be incredibly repetitive and difficult. I would say that rather than being the main focus of the story, it just be part of what you need to do to complete the game, like when onderon split into factions.
I came up with an idea while playing TSL for another time, and I decided it would be cool to set the latest game a little further into the future and have the offspring of characters like mandalore or something. I think that putting mandalore in again would be a little trite, since he is so prevalent. But by giving him a son or daughter you could still have the presence of his character and stories, but with a different personality and look. This wouldn't work for HK-47, who I think would be just fine remaining, since he never changes.
Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 9:06 pm
by Hill-Shatar
I see what you people see... a battlefield. A set amount of enemies always around.
How would you design a game around that though...? KotOR would be difficult to mold into that without turning it intop a hack and slash or Action RPG...
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:42 pm
by Phreddie
Back to Bindo
I say screw a KOTOR III for now.... I say a prequel, before Revan and the Mandalorian Wars, something that would set the scene for the Wars. How about those adventures Jolee always talked about in KOTOR I he came off as the older wiser version of Revan. One who had been on dangerous missions, maybe even part of the great tarrentetek hunt and other things he has to start off in the temple, then get his knight hood and be assigned to go out maybe on the hunt, he runs ino some remnant sith fight but loses alot of friends and his wife (i.e. pary members).
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:33 pm
by yoyopogo104
oh, yeah, another thing...i was playin kotor I yesterday and talked to jolee about nomi sunrider. itd be kinda cool if she came back, or if vima sunrider, her daughter
, was in the game. i think i read, though, that vima was going to originally be one of the main characters in kotor I. too bad she wasnt.
Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:57 pm
chose own race,more jedie classes improved graphes better plot(and plot twists)jedie robs look more athentic,a decant an baled way for party members to gain dark/light side points,coustem hilts cools sith masks like revans more hidden(usefull) items quests better visual when dark/light side more feats/jedie powers balanced power/combat system FIXED BUGS,better endings lots more hk-47
Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:48 pm
a possibilty to keep on playing with my character after i finished the storyline.
Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:12 pm
by Phreddie
What i wouldnt mind seeing not so much in KOTOR III but in sewuel to that or ina different series i want to see a game that deals with/is centered arund the Prophecy of The One. Not sure how they would do it but hey itd be nice.
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 5:36 pm
by Unbrow
[QUOTE=JFSOCC]a possibilty to keep on playing with my character after i finished the storyline.[/QUOTE]
Yeah that's is a novel idea. why can't you keep exploring after the story's over. you should be able to unlock new planets or even just one bonus planet.Unlock a bonus character too. omg that would be sweet. immglad that i didn't look this over now thanx. Yea that should have been a feature in the first one
Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 10:27 pm
by Xandax
[QUOTE=Unbrow]Yeah that's is a novel idea. why can't you keep exploring after the story's over. you should be able to unlock new planets or even just one bonus planet.Unlock a bonus character too. omg that would be sweet. immglad that i didn't look this over now thanx. Yea that should have been a feature in the first one[/QUOTE]
Why should they make a character or planet (or anything else) to explore *after* you beat the game as opposed to place an extra planet or classes into the game *while* you are beating the game.
It makes no sences to add extra content for the player for after the game, and seeing as the KOTOR games are so very liniar and small, it would make little sences to keep exploreing the game after you beat it.
I'd much rather they use their ressources to actually making the game a solid one with good gameplay and forget about post-game action.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:27 am
well i disargee, i don't want to trow my character away after i've played with it for days, even weeks. i have grown attached to him/her, and i don't want to give that up, playiung after you finish the game, such as a neverending war against the sith on the outer rim, would make nice gameplay, not because i want to play forever, but because i'm not ready to say goodbye to my character, and because i have been "upgrading" my character since the bigiing, and it would be pretty lame, if i had x credits xskills and powers, and only be able to use them for the last hour of the game...
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:58 am
by Xandax
To me, playing a "neverending war" sounds dull.
All you can do would be to kill endless waves of enemies and perhaps keep leveling up, but for what? - Killing more endless waves of enemies. No worthwhile accomplisments, risk or rewards could be implemented - because the story is over.
Anything worthwhile after a game has actually eneded could just as well be placed into the game while it is ongoing. Instead of wanting things outside the games scope, I'd prefere developers to focus on content inside the games scope.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:32 am
by Phreddie
Compromise anyone?
Heres an idea that might please all:
There are many who want to play after story is over, because they got so powerful but they cant do anytihng with that power except for the boss fight, there are many including myself who tihnk this is a bad idea (unless they make it more like morrowind in which you can join guilds and do other quests besides main story then i could live with that) my compromise is this:
You make the story longer, you get you uber powers mid way through game but also the enemies get progressivley harder, so that you get powerful but the more powerful you get the more powerful hey get, say when your party is level 18 on avg. then the normal random creatures are at say lvl 13 and big enemies are equal to you. Th boss would be say 5 lvls above you so as to amke it hard, but this would be a more party oriented game so u could mabe take one of them or two of them with you... thats my idea...
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:09 pm
by Tovec
I have a question..
What were everyone's levels for their NPCs at game end? I don't even know in KOTOR 2 but in 1 I was a 20 and my NPCs were like 18. It just sucks to have it that way. I keep saying make it a 5-7 person army not a 10-12 person group. I think that you get an outrageous amount of bad guys and exp. it just isn't worth having that many. That isn't to say that you can't get those skilled memebers but I say you have to hire them and/or pick them. I also mean that you have to pick them not just they join you like the Wookie and the Redhead did in 2. If you could choose who was in your party like say to the Order that you are going against them to fight the Sith and just ask who wants to join you. Accept who you want. This would also allow for customization in your NPCs too. I think that having a well rounded groups is good unless you have a full Jedi group. I think that if you had a small ship with a small elite crew would mean you could choose what influence you get. I mean if you are a DS male with a full female DS crew it would way easier to get 'spiritually connected' then being a DS on a (mostly) LS mixed crew. I can't say for all but I would genually enjoy just recruiting different kinds of characters to see what they would say to one another, how the crew would interact, and how they would talk and treat me. Also, I want to be able to hire an assassin for an outrageous amount of credits to kill someone without me having to do it. Just once let HK have an assination function that WORKS! I agree that set a few years later would be a good idea because I've been saying it all along. I mean we make it so that history is, vaguely, set. We eliminate the problems with foggy memories. Make it a kid recruited to be a Jedi and semi-leave the order or whatever. It would just be a so much simplier and enjoyable idea.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:21 pm
by Unbrow
highest level you can get in kotor 2 is 50. I know icause i know a really good infinite experience glitch that works really well for Dark side so yeah mine were 50 at the end
Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:33 pm
by yoyopogo104
[QUOTE=Tovec]...I keep saying make it a 5-7 person army not a 10-12 person group. I think that you get an outrageous amount of bad guys and exp. it just isn't worth having that many. That isn't to say that you can't get those skilled memebers but I say you have to hire them and/or pick them. I also mean that you have to pick them not just they join you like the Wookie and the Redhead did in 2. If you could choose who was in your party like say to the Order that you are going against them to fight the Sith and just ask who wants to join you. Accept who you want. This would also allow for customization in your NPCs too. I think that having a well rounded groups is good unless you have a full Jedi group. I think that if you had a small ship with a small elite crew would mean you could choose what influence you get. I mean if you are a DS male with a full female DS crew it would way easier to get 'spiritually connected' then being a DS on a (mostly) LS mixed crew. I can't say for all but I would genually enjoy just recruiting different kinds of characters to see what they would say to one another, how the crew would interact, and how they would talk and treat me. ...[/QUOTE]
in kotor I theres a level cap @ 20, so thats obviously where i ended
. in the 2nd, dont remember. i can tell u it wasnt newhere near 50, thats 4 sure (i didnt cheat
). as for characters n stuff, i really enjoy character interaction and reaction as well. its kinda cool to come on ur ship and find crew members gettin into fights or just plain old bickerin. i say the more in-depth a character is, the better. it makes the journey less..."jedi gotta save the universe-ish." i mean, it is nice to come back to the ship for a chat about a crew member's life story after wiping out a whole load of dark jedi, sith assasins, and troopers from a dark lord's tomb which was filled w/ dark powers calling my LS jedi to the DS. *huffs* i especially looked forward to talking w/ atton...and they better make the romances better and more complete next time! how come *spoiler*
male revan and bastila got to kiss but female revan and carth didnt!?
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 2:33 am
by OperaGhost
What a KOTOR III game would need
As an adamant fan of both games, all I can say is KOTOR III would need Revan and a good story to back it up. Revan should be a playable character, because, as Kreia says, "Revan is power." Imagine this: Upon learning of Revan's disappearance, the exile of KOTOR II could go look for him/her. Have the good/evil, boy/girl questions about Revan solved in conversation, and, perhaps, choose a photograph of a character ("this is Revan.") to decide that factor. KOTOR leaves a gap open to follow up on Revan's relationship with Bastila/Carth, and the futures of the people aboard the Ebon Hawk with the exile. There's more to the story, so there needs to be another one, but Revan was awesome. If the exile doesn't even use the force anymore, but sucks it out of his/her companions, and Revan is power, then imagine how well Revan and the exile would compliment each other! I disagree on the idea of another KOTOR being a prequel because that would never resolve the plot!
Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:10 am
by Xandax
I still can't understand why people would want to play either Revan or The Exile, because of the level these guys would have attained, you wouldn't be able to start them at low level.
In my view - slicing by countless hordes of opponents with an already high level character withouth breaking a sweat would seem very dull to me.
I hope they start from level 1 with another character.