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Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 9:30 am
by scully1
Re Vic and Anomen...
See, I think that could work -- at least, for a while

Vic would be interested in Anomen for the sole purpose of making him lose his inhibitions. For a gal like that, it's a real turn-on to take a pious guy and make him lose his standards/morals/value system. Then when all that was gone she'd dump him. And on Anomen's side -- well, what guy doesn't want the bad girl?
Ehh...that was me complaining about stereotypes, right?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 9:43 am
by Georgi
Heh, yeah I guess you're right loner, Vic would probably have fun corrupting Anomen and his sweet innocent little mind... (at least till the Harem got near him!)
But Anomen seems more like he's looking for a long-term, one-true-love kind of thing. If he decided to sleep with Vic, and then she dumped him, the poor dear would be devastated...
Like I said, he needs support...
As for Aerie... well, she can't get much worse, can she?! Maybe the experience of going to hell and back will have done her some good?
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 11:02 am
by Vivien to Aerie, you have to admit what she shouts at Irenicus during the final battle has spunk? (don't remember what, but I was surprised by it)
Anomen always dissapointed me there..but Aerie surprised me by being so strong about it

Just thought I'd bring that maybe she will get better?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 12:09 pm
by Gwalchmai
I should post this in the alternate romance thread, but you're talking about stereotypes here...
The pc tends to remain a relatively passive character in the romance scripts, no matter who you're a-courtin'. I think that for Valygar or other characters, the pc shuld have the opportunity to be aggressive. After all, Valygar is worn down by Mazzy into becoming his squire. Some aggressive and active scripting for the pc might add some nice spice. Especially for non-LG pcs.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 1:08 pm
by dragon wench
Mmmmmm. make the pc agressive....that could be fun.
sort of like: "Valygar, you have a delectable body and I want to ravish it now."

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 1:24 pm
by Vivien
DragonWench: LOL! I was about to take a drink of Diet Coke...started coughing...

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 1:31 pm
by dragon wench
I'm going to see if I can include something like that in some PC/Valygar (Kivan) dialogues. I find that being raunchy can be great fun

. Ok, I admit it, I'm twisted, oh well....
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 1:39 pm
by Vivien
Dragonwench: *whew* I thought I was the only one...
I've been having fun making Edwin say naughty things

(and the pc responding in kind), but haven't posted most of them (A. not finished B. People's opinions may change about me, wouldn't want that)

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 1:54 pm
by dragon wench
@Vivien. IMO it's better to have a naughyy reputation than none at all, please post, or send then in a note or they're not suitable for public viewing

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 2:00 pm
by Vivien
Dragonwench: Okay
I'm working on several at once, and will see which ones I've finished...
On a more silly note, have you talked with one of the thieves outside of Aran Linvails office? (near a halfling and a harlot). He is hilarious..I think his name starts with a C? If they could make him into an NPC, I would need to look no further for my love interest.. Fun loving, mysterious, bad reputation
He mentions his specialty (stalking the rooftops)
Nalia: I am amazed! I never got further than hugging the walls!
Theif: Well, perhaps I could show you more...over dinner this evening?

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 2:00 pm
by Georgi
Ummm, can't remember who was talking about this, but the messenger who tells Anomen about his sister's death arrives 5 days after he joins your party. If the same kind of thing happens with the later messenger, that explains how you could miss out on dialogue.
And I found a new bit I never saw before! It was after telling him not to kill Saerk, he said how angry he was, and wanted reassurance (as usual) that he was doing the right thing. I usually get the dialogue about his Test after stopping him killing Saerk... hmmm.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 2:04 pm
by Evandarian
If you want (it's too long to post here!) you can find my BG1 Chapter 1 here
[url=""]Child of Bhaal Stories[/url]
Some of the stuff is changed to my lil version of Forgotten Realms

, so don't flame me about accuracies to the BG world! Anyways, working on Chapter 2... sorri, at the moment I don't think Anomen will feature in Kael's story

because Viconia's taking his place in the love triangle (maybe!) but he'll feature in my second one (if I ever finish this one in the first place!)
[ 05-21-2001: Message edited by: Evandarian ]
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 2:09 pm
by scully1
Evandarian -- I'll check it out, thanks for posting the link

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 2:42 pm
by jennabard
i took a fews days off from the computer and had a very interesting weekend. went to my first strip club with my husband. i must say that after an hour the novelty wore off and i got bored. but i do believe in trying everything at least once.
i finally tried the tia maria as well and i it was heavenly even though i'm more of a amorretto kind of person.
@gwalchmai- the story was hilarious!!!

love it, though i'm more of a long sword/katana/hand crossbow/whip kind of girl
mazzy is too cool in my book so i'm going to forgo any idea of a romance with valygar. but edwin...well he has gender issues so it will be kinda of kinky
i think anomen has a more farther-son relationship with keldon instead of sir trawll. when i had these two in the party keldon keeps trying to help and of course anomen keeps pushing him away saying he doesn't need any help. plus they do live in the same area, so i'd assume that whenever keldon visits his home he watches anomen grow up. so my conslusion is that anomen wants to be more like keldon, after all he is probably the first paladin of the most radiant heart anomen met as a child.
i need to check out the rest of the forums to see what else i've missed see you later!
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 2:43 pm
by Georgi
Evandarian - looks promising, keep us posted
Jennabard! Welcome back... Everyone is over at the Harem tent on SYM I think...
We were getting worried, about to send out a search party to find you!!
[ 05-21-2001: Message edited by: Georgi ]
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 3:06 pm
by dragon wench
Yes, jennbard, welcome back. We were all getting worried. What with the search parties out looking for our missing slave, we'd have had to send Anomen off to find you....bearing Tia Maria and Amaretto, just in case.
Know what you mean about the strippers, gets boring after a while.
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 3:14 pm
by scully1
JENNABARD!!!!! The gang is complete again at last!!
Go to the Tent on SYM, Gwalchmai misses you...
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 3:56 pm
by Gwalchmai
Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 4:02 pm
by dragon wench
Indeed you have been raunchy Gwalchmai. Now what was that about cone of cold

Posted: Mon May 21, 2001 4:09 pm
by Georgi
Oh dear...
Cone of cold...
My mind is plumbing new depths now... Really, I'm appalled at myself. I mean there's innuendo, but this is appaling...