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Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:37 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Tybaltus
All you need is a whip and some leather and the entire guy side of the forum will be at your feet. :D :cool:

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:38 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vicsun

He doesn't have to be made. It's neutral.. Only maybe chaotic neutral... :rolleyes:
Now dont bring this conversation in here. Things could get ugly if we bring up the allignment here. I came here to relax and stare at AC. I dont need the debate to be brought here.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:38 am
by Aqua-chan
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Well lets see, you have a scantly dressed avatar now...
Sha has PLENTY of clothes on!!!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:38 am
by Bloodstalker
Hey, BS. Nobody made you drool over me.

You flatter yourself. I was merely offering the usual services. I would like ti state for the record, I only offered you lotion, you were the one who assumed I would be applying it to you. I begin to think McBane may be right about you ;) :D
You're not answering the question...

Would I ever be able to ansxer it to your satisfaction anyway? :D

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:38 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vicsun
Wha? Eh? What are you saying?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:40 am
by Aqua-chan

I'm going back out. I'll see you all later.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:40 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Tybaltus

Now dont bring this conversation in here. Things could get ugly if we bring up the allignment here. I came here to relax and stare at AC. I dont need the debate to be brought here.
That wasn't a debate.. If you want to see a real debate (one that you get a headache from :) ) I'll be glad to bump one for you.
Originally posted by AC
Sha has PLENTY of clothes on!!!
...and pigs fly :p

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:41 am
by Bloodstalker
Later AC...don't get sunburn ;) :D

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:41 am
by Vicsun

@Tyb, your mention of leather and whips reminded me of someone :o :p

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:42 am
by Tybaltus
@Vic The debate isnt over unless AC concedes. I will stand my ground and will not give up in something I truly believe in. I have more points to bring up and more of your comments to prove wrong. :cool:

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:42 am
by Dottie
Originally posted by Georgi

Evening Dotreyu Don't worry, we saved some for you...
Evening Georgi, and im fine without, but thaks for thinking about me. :D
No I ask you, How is it possible ANYONE could not know the reaction that her statement was gonna inspire in such company?

It's real simple Dottie, just drink several bottles, gaze into the glass as you do it, and cry. oh, and sigh dramatically from time to time.
*Sigh* Well... I dont really know... *shakes head* Nobody knows anything...

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:43 am
by Georgi
Originally posted by Bloodstalker
Would I ever be able to ansxer it to your satisfaction anyway?
You could just admit that I'm right... :p
Originally posted by Tybaltus
All you need is a whip and some leather and the entire guy side of the forum will be at your feet.
Actually I don't think she even needs that... :D

Seeya later AC :)

And you guys stop picking on AC's avatar... it's not as though it's offending your delicate sensiblities... :p :D

@Dottical One - ok, but I have some if you feel the need ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:44 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Tybaltus
@Vic The debate isnt over unless AC concedes. I will stand my ground and will not give up in something I truly believe in. I have more points to bring up and more of your comments to prove wrong. :cool:
Bring up a debate in a spam topic (a tavern?)???
Ha! You are doomed!

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:46 am
by Bloodstalker
@Vic The debate isnt over unless AC concedes.

this is gonna be one LONG debate :D

Pretty good Dottie, now, remember to look off in the distance every once in a while, like you are replaying some terribly depressing scene in your head. then after sufficient time to play the scene, take onother drink and try to look wistful :D

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:46 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Vicsun

Bring up a debate in a spam topic (a tavern?)???
Ha! You are doomed!
No, I want to have the debate at your poll, not here. I just want to relax here, and now that AC is gone, I dont really have anyone to stare at except Georgi. And Ive never been aggressive towards Georgi, dont know why, though.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:47 am
by Georgi
Hey! Guys! Take the debate away, this thread is for drinking! :mad: And crying into your beer, apparently... ;)

@Tybby I'm sure there's a reason... *cracks whip* :D

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:48 am
by Tybaltus
Originally posted by Bloodstalker

this is gonna be one LONG debate :D
I know. But Im up for the challenge. As a person who believes in druid thought and balance, I feel I can beat her.

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:48 am
by Vicsun
@Tyb, my poll is just as a spam topic as is this tavern. Unless you debate in a topic which sais "No Spam" on top of it you are doomed to spammed arguments and not a real debate. This I excel at :D :D

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:49 am
by Vicsun
Originally posted by Georgi
Hey! Guys! Take the debate away, this thread is for drinking! :mad: And crying into your beer, apparently... ;)
And I havn't drunk a single round yet... :( :( :( :(

Is MC2 served here?

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2002 11:49 am
by Dottie
Originally posted by Georgi

@Dottical One - ok, but I have some if you feel the need ;)
In this company its hard enough to try not to be lewd. You shouldnt make it more difficult by offering me something ;)

@BS: I will try and try again... But I doubt... *looks at the horizon*