Page 18 of 78

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 3:52 am
by OperaGhost
And yet...

I agree that earning the experience is one of the best facets of the game, but on a personal level, I grew attatched to Revan and the Exile while playing them. I imagine other players did too. And again, "Revan is power." It's kinda like playing Anakin. But there are ways to start the game sans-memory-loss. For example, if the new sith can suck the force out of someone, why couldn't the True sith? Here's a way to get around the overused amnesia card (to go with my ranting in the previous post): Set up the game with a movie of the Exile coming after Revan. Then, a prologue level could be given of Revan running off to challenge one of the True sith leaders. No matter what level you are on, have the sith suck him dry like what happened to Kreia. Bingo! A level 1 character with a chip on the shoulder. The exile and any force users there could be within range and the sith could just do an area-draining (that would render the Exile helpless if his/her force-wielding ability comes from syphoning it out of the companions), or even have the exile & co. show up later with their experience high (like the presentation of Mandalore in KOTOR II.) But, I guess it all boils down to the fact that Revan is one of my favorite game characters...okay, so I'm biased...

Posted: Sat Oct 15, 2005 5:04 am
off topic

[QUOTE=OperaGhost]snip... If the exile doesn't even use the force anymore, but sucks it out of his/her companions,[/QUOTE]

i always believed, and still do, that she (she was a she with me) was not a wound in the force, but rather a black hole, something so powerfull(well, dense), that everything (in this case the force) is drawn to it, and just cant escape the gravity field.

just like with black holes, there is a chute that spills materials out, this would be the energy that influences the characters around you.

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 2:43 pm
by OperaGhost
to respond to the above...

...You know, I've never really thought of it that way. That's pretty interesting...makes a lot of sense, too...

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 6:16 pm
by Phreddie
Has any one considered it form this angle? (this may be ablackhole im not that far in physics yet) But could the exile have been filled with some sort of anti-matter/anti-force that draws the force to him but doesnt let it get too close (i.e. its close enough for him to wield and influence, so it influences others too.)

SPAM ALERT: If somehow you and your antiself (your equivalent in antimatter) ran into eahc other would you cancel out? something my friends and i had wondered on...

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2005 1:01 pm

SPAM ALERT: If somehow you and your antiself (your equivalent in antimatter) ran into eahc other would you cancel out? something my friends and i had wondered on...[/QUOTE]
that was the plot of the last matrix film, neo and agent smith fight eachother, either btoh live, or both die,in the end neo sacrifices himself, so that ppl can once again live in a world without agent smith

(what a lame movie that was)

back on topic, i'd like a change to actually gain fame in the multiverse (dark side) or to become known (respect) as a wise person (light side).

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 8:16 pm
by Hill-Shatar
[QUOTE=Xandax]I still can't understand why people would want to play either Revan or The Exile, because of the level these guys would have attained, you wouldn't be able to start them at low level.
In my view - slicing by countless hordes of opponents with an already high level character withouth breaking a sweat would seem very dull to me.

I hope they start from level 1 with another character.[/QUOTE]

I agree... and so do so many others.

I believe some answers to your questions would be found in these two threads:

[url=""]For BASTILA's and REVAN's fans - HOW would you want to have them back in KOTOR III ?[/url]
[url=""]Honest Anwsers everyone[/url]

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 8:41 pm
by Tovec
Can someone just answer me?

OK I just want to know what someone, anyone, thinks of these two ideas.

First a small selective group rather than a large multiskilled force.

Second a Fable like game. Not a galaxies like game a fable like game.

If you want my major points either ask me again or refer to my other posts.

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2005 11:22 pm
by yoyopogo104
small, selective...sounds good, as long as we can use em all at the same time. maybe an optional 5-person party or so would be cool when ur outnumbered, like, 20 to 3 (or 4 or 5). but then that means there has to be a lot of background for each character so u dont get bored w/, "'what can i do for u?' 'i wanna ask u a question.' 'shoot.' 'never mind.' 'sure. let me know if u need nething.'" :rolleyes:

and, uh, could u explain what a "fable-like" game is for those who have never laid an eye on that game? :D

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 7:47 pm
by Hill-Shatar
The small, select group, or the ability to chose members to join you, has been brought up before, and for one, I agree.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 3:45 pm
by Elias De vere
In response to the fable-like game i believe it is a single player game where most of the time you are by yourself, but you can HIRE mercs and other people assist you in other parts, and the world changes occording to various things you do, and the way you look, and if you are good or bad. Also, i think, you should be a mysterious Jedi from ages ago, such as beginning of the order, who's lasted for ages through the force like Yoda, and is returning to see of this final threat of the true sith, whom at the end are written out of the history books by a jedi historian called George Lucas!!!! :p

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 4:18 pm
by Nihilus
Ok so much has been gone over already, but here are mine points (sounds like the eurovision or som'thing :D )

- Don't disguise the total linearity of gameplay by making you "choose" between several planets.

- Make your own character more, well, characterful. Voices is an option, though definetly this is hard. While we're on that, I must say the only playable characters I really felt were cool were Visas Marr and Treya. Partly Bastila because she was, well, kindda sexy. The fascination with Revan strikes me as odd, as he was always (mostly) a "dead" character, in accordance with you controlling him.

- Bad guys. Really put some work into the bad guys. Two mistakes to make here:
1. Build them up incredibly much, and then - out of the blue - you meet them, and guess what, a level 3 character could've beaten them => see Darth Nihilus.
2. Give them this "I'm bad, nothing I do is good, bad to the bone, let's do something bad, you can never beat me, cause I'm bad"-attitude. See Darth Malak and also Sarevok from Baldurs Gate. => Lets see some multifaceted, interesting bad guys, see Irenicus from Baldurs Gate II.
To this point, Treya was actually an ok bad guy - or guyess or, well, gal.

- And finally, and arguably the most important point, the hero-complex. Ahhh, the hero-complex. This is something most RPGS come down with (i.e. it's a diesease if you didn't catch my drift :D ) :
In one shape or another, you're hero is destinied for greatness. Everybody relies on you, maybe secretly, they don't wanna tell you why (which is useful together with the amnesia-theme) or out in the open - with bullocky terms like "the chosen one", "eternal hero", "our saviour", something like this. Kill this theme dead. I would like the PC being a wretched being, nobody relies on you, even after you do a lot of good/evil, you're shunned. An extra ingredient could be that everyone puts their faith in someone else and you just stand their and watch, but as fate would have it, you're entwined into the story. In short:
In an RPG I wanna be a cool *edited*, but that doesn't necessarilly mean I wanna be the most important or most relied on character, the most heroic character in the story; something a lot of gaming companies seem to mix up. Kill the hero-complex dead. This would also give a good excuse to kill the amnesia-theme dead.

Ex. of what I'm thinking: Maybe you're a kid, who lives a normal life on a poor backwater planet. You learn of the jedi from some travellers at a spaceport. You do some quests around your planet.
At some point, some jedi are on your planet, you see them and wanna talk to them, but they don't want anything to do with a brat like you.
Maybe you then get involved in the jedimission on your planet in some way. Or maybe you just sneak aboard their vessel; then you are later discovered, but you then either get captured by the bad guys, involving you in the quest, or in the process of escaping the jedi, who are mad because you snuck on the ship, you kill a jedi / or it just looks that way and you have to prove your innocent, while at the same time following the main quest.
And no matter how much you progress in your main quest (for example as a good character), the other jedi don't really acknowledge you, except maybe one or two. You're not any chosen one, your not the saviour, you're just struggling like everyone else. You're not given all the important missions (but of course, fate has it that the missions you are given evolve the main storyline).

Well, that was a rant (and quite a start for a 1st post, ah?)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 5:16 pm
by Chanak
@Nihilus: Refer to the Forum Rules regarding profanity in posts, and the profanity filter. Profanity is not acceptable on the GB forums. I have edited the phrase in your post.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:36 pm
by Hill-Shatar
A summed up version:

Here I am going to put items that seem to be made by popular demand. Just to make surfing a little easier. ;)

Larger cities/maps
Less Lag
Fewer Glitches (more testing before release)
Return of the character sidequest
No more dea worlds
More than one location on multiple planets
Movie/more interesting/more finite ending.
More AI civilian intelligence (ie bomb blowing up near them, and the do not shudder)
Difficult final battle
Less loading time
Ability to kill everything (not popular choice)
Driving vehicles (unlikely, RPG based game system)
Scene where you fight in a war
More planets
Customizable Lightsaber hilts
Different races of jedi
Different kinds of NPC aliens
More aliens in general
Return of some charatcers, from major players from before to lesser charcters, like Bao-Dur
More reality based fighting system
Force abilities more powerful
Able to hit a footlocker (: p)
Smarater AI in general
More realistic influence system
No more amnesia or memory loss
As you level up, stronger enemies
Exotic clothing
More realistic living conditions
Return of mini-games
More romance
Larger group of companions
Chose your companions
Mercenaries to hire
Bodyguards, ect.
better voice acting
Removal of the four item main quest series
Better Puzzles
Puzzle effienciency in Jedi (the puzzles become easier as your level goes up? )
Upgrades that were promised for swoopbikes
Addition of Master or Darth to name upon force mastery
Actual different coloured light sabers
More open gameplay
Mass stralth
Mass deception
More quests and knowledge of the mandalorians
Try to even out the force powers of the DS (force storm too strong)
More limited dialouge options the farther down the dark side you go
tie up the loose ends of the old characters
ability to try and choose your path at the beginning
try to keep it from becoming the sims
Too much last of the jedi, make the numbers larger in the next
no more redundancy between titles
never see Kreia again
knowing what happened to Revan
ability to walk, so that you do not look suspicious, ect...
lightsabers are in the belt of jedi who are not in battle, instead of in their hands
more emphasis on the defense rating
more portraits
harder to switch between light and dark
options for boot items
new droids for party (no fat balls, either)
more force powers/feats
whole suits of armour (other than mandalore)
leave behind Bastila, Revan and the Exile as playable charatcers (yes, most do not want to see them again)
better music
more swoops, ect, to get around, instead of running across fields for hours
more melee feats
revamped story line
some new planets
return of some old pnets (already stated?)
more named equipement
more "useable by" equipement
do not assosiate republic-LS and vice versa
redesigned damage system-too easy to kill things in K2
pazaak comeback
arena fighting comeback
an option to save the main villian which actually works
no mindless killing quests
little extra touches, such as Gizka invasions and the Sasha situation
no more wound in the force stuff
longer game
higher level cap (and a need to continue to go through the levels)
no uber starting characters
character based feats
more interaction between protagonist and party members
more racial influences
ability to...flirt
ability tomake your own armour from scratch
time-sensitive missions
dont restrict jedi robes from charcters who you obviously want to become jedi
a sequel, not a prequel, a sequel
please do not turn this into Star Wars: Galaxies
hoods on robes, ect
more forks in the story
larger story line
longer time to finish it
ability to walk over obstacles (it took us until page seven to say this, and finally Xandax did :p )
more opinated and outspoken party members
party members who will warn you in some situations
recrutiment game? Finishes when you wipe out the sith that you can find, not by the amount of disciples?
courscant-the only planet that seemes widely accepted
Yavin back

This is up to page 7, and some of the suggestions I had to omit, as they were either obscure or did not seem to be widely accepted.

I will try to do more later. :)

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:15 pm
by yoyopogo104

:eek: there's a list 4 ya...neways, whats this, "try to keep it from becoming the sims?" i sorta know about this game, but whats the main dont behind not making kotor III like it?

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 9:56 pm
by Hill-Shatar
A while ago, people began talking about making faces customizable to the eyebrows, like in sims.

Personally, I think that is a little over the top... :D

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:08 pm
by ch85us2001
[QUOTE=Hill-Shatar]A while ago, people began talking about making faces customizable to the eyebrows, like in sims.

Personally, I think that is a little over the top... :D [/QUOTE]
You will be able to do that (using various sliders for different parts of the face) in the ES 4 oblivion (a upcoming rpg) though, so it may be feasible :D

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 10:41 pm
by Hill-Shatar
Think about the level of detail already present in these games. The level of laying graphics would make the game slow... I would much rather have a generic portrait if itmeant a longer and better built game, wouldn't you? :D

Of course, some games may be able to have an exception. Down to the eyebrow? No. Perhaps hair colour and the like... but do you really need to have your "likeness" to play a game?

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 11:00 am
by Nihilus
[QUOTE=Chanak]@Nihilus: Refer to the Forum Rules regarding profanity in posts, and the profanity filter. Profanity is not acceptable on the GB forums. I have edited the phrase in your post.[/QUOTE]

Oooh sorry -that wasn't a good start :eek: I didn't mean to cause any offence, I apologize.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:23 pm
by yoyopogo104
[QUOTE=Hill-Shatar]A while ago, people began talking about making faces customizable to the eyebrows, like in sims.

Personally, I think that is a little over the top... :D [/QUOTE]

oh, i c...too bad im an advocate for it, though, huh? :D well, mayb not eyebrows, but at least color of skin, hair, and eyes, height, length of hair (i think itd be awesome to have a jedi w/ long hair thats tied in some kinda funky way so that it it not easily chopped off :cool: ...sorta like that one twi'lekk jedi in the movies, the blue 1), and voices, please! i dont care if there is only 1 choice for each sex. i just wanna hear my jedi talk!!! but it would be nice to have a few choices...thats what americans want, at least: choices!

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:38 am
by Nihilus
Oh, it just occured to me, as per your thread yoyopogo104 about what's great about the dark side...

For those of us who want really good force powers and so on (and that means all of us I think), you have to be mega-good or mega-evil.

For Kotor III, I would like to see a system where alignments in between these extremes get some advantages too.