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Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:34 pm
by TalonKarrde

I've heard of Bogden, its mentioned on episode 2 Attack of the Clones. Jango tells Obi-wan that he was hired by a man named Tyrannus on one of the moons of Bogden.

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:40 am
by KOTORlord
they have to put in Danntoine. Plus that is where you should find revan and the exile

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 10:58 am
by greensaber
You are forgeting the klifhangers, revan and the exile are going into unknown teritory to find the true sith, which would mean new planets, maybe some known rim world, don't think Coruscant is going to appear in it :(

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:06 am
by AjaKS
greensaber wrote:You are forgeting the klifhangers, revan and the exile are going into unknown teritory to find the true sith, which would mean new planets, maybe some known rim world, don't think Coruscant is going to appear in it :(
Coruscant could appear in it :mad: , it could be where you start :rolleyes: , or you could go to it find info about revan or the exile from people like carth or bastila etc :)

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 9:06 am
by Revans mask
Afther kotor 3. Is it possible Revan and Bastila could live together on Tatooine. Bastilas family is there. Tatooine is a beautiful place to settle down.

For the male Exile

Is it possible exile can find love?

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 1:41 am
by AjaKS
Bastilas dad is dead, and her mum was dying (so probably dead). No point they'd probably end up on Alderaan or something.

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2008 1:18 pm
by KOTORlord
Katarr (but like telos restoration) fixed Telos Onderon Dxun and Kashyyk

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2008 1:45 am
by greensaber
I would really like it to see yavin IV, Endor, Nall hutta, some new planets in unkown space and a giant space station like the death star':mischief:

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:35 am
by DarthBob
I think

Polis massa

Kamino (Not proboble but would be nice :) )


Taris but with smaller buildings


Lots of new planets!

Planet with the chiss on :cool:

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 9:18 am
by bigredpanda
DarthBob wrote:I think

Polis massa
I haven't checked this or anything, but wasn't Polis Massa only inhabited a short time before the events of the original SW trilogy? Wouldn't it just be an empty asteroid at the time of KOTOR? I could be wrong, like I say, I haven't checked...

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:53 am
by Puffykins
All I have to say is..

Mon Calamari.

Its a trap!

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 5:27 pm
by playa8624

Id like to visit Taris again, but not as a restoration project. I want it to be a destroyed world of rubble. There was a Jedi temple on Taris, maybe you find it? Fidn some teachings?

About Tatooine, i really wont mind having it in the game (more the merrier) but its not that great either. Its in the movies and games, but it supposed to be this unimportant backwater world, its just a big dessert. Exploring it would be nice (fighting crayt dragons, finding the ruins of old settlements) but its not really that great

I want to visit Bespin as well (has it been constructed yet?). Kassyyk (spelling?) would be nice, its really diffrerent in the movies and in the KOTOR games. I want to see Korriban again, its supposed to be abandonded. Manaan was my favourite planet (it was buitifully made, great concept too), so id defnitly want to see it. Raxus Prime as well. Just cause.

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 6:09 pm
by playa8624
Kayos wrote:hoth would not be possible. hoth wasnt even dicovered until the rebellion. remember? luke skywalker discovered it between a new hope and the empire strikes back. it just wouldnt line up with the countnity (sp) of the WHOLE star wars time line.

i was thinking the Hapes Cluster... O_o ... a corrupt Queen Mother...
Im pretty sure Hoth had been discovered before. Tatooine has been re-dicovered more than three times. So have plenty of other planets. What I am exited about in visiting old planets: Finding some sort of ruins!!!Ynow how tatooin used to be a bustling civilization? Then the Rakatans attacked? Well, I want to FIND THE OLD CIVILIZATION :eek: :eek: :eek: . Maybe you come acroos this cliff or valley and go down it and Find the ancient runes of the civilization. Maybe find some Rakatan Force teachings!!!! :mischief:That....would....rock...

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 11:01 am
by Arok2092
Hmmm, according to the Darth Bane duology there was a Jedi named General Hoth during Bane's time. However Bane was 3,000 years after KOTOR but 1,000 before A New Hope, so Hoth may be in KOTOR III but it will understandably not be under the same name.

If Bioware is smart in making the game then it will be in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. After all throughout KOTOR II they frequently said Revan went off into the Unknown Regions of the galaxy and hasn't been heard of since. I would like this because it would fit into the story more and Bioware could have more creativity in creating the enviornment. Also at the end of KOTOR II when Kreia asks what your plans are one of the options to choose is, that you plan on searching for Darth Revan. All of this leads me to believe we will probably see brand new planets in KOTOR III which is just fine with me.

Although if I did have a choice I would want to see Coruscant which is a perfect quest hub planet. And as long as there is no Manaan than any planet of their choosing is fine. Also Ziost which is the true homeworld of the original Sith near the core of the galaxy and the original homeworld of the Jedi (although I can't remember the name of the planet.) Both those planets are right next to each other but have no inhabitants. However going there would be nice as they still have thousands of artifacts and untapped force reserves.

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:13 pm
by playa8624
I really want new planets too, but I want there to be AT LEAST 15 planets. So at athe start of the game you are in knows space gathering an army with the Mandilorians in order to save the republic (Read my speculation on the specualtion thread). Then you go into unknown space in order to repel that attack. Like Revan and the Exile (and you) are the last hope, and you go into the unknown regions for like 12 planets in order to find them and weakness in the unkown sith...or something...

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:55 am
by bigredpanda
Is there not a problem with the idea of going into "unknown" space? How would you know what hyperspace routes to use? I've always wondered this. Presumably Revan had a way of knowing... perhaps part of the main quest would be to discover a lost hyperspace map, or something...

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 2:09 pm
by Arok2092
bigredpanda wrote:perhaps part of the main quest would be to discover a lost hyperspace map, or something...
I hope they wouldn't do something like that as that would take up a huge chunk of the story itself and would feel like(to me at any rate) to much like KOTOR I. Sure KOTOR I was great and all but doing it too many times is to much of the same and a bit of an OverKill. Something more inventive and refreshing would be nice.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:02 pm
by Mission Vao
I think you should go to Sleheyron, the planet cut from kotor I and have to like lead a slave revolt with Yuthera, or like invest in the slavers (if dark) and crush the revolt. I was diasapointed when they didn't bring Yuthera back, even for just a bit would have been cool. I wonder if she was considered dead after the Sith attacked Dantooine. New planets would be cool and all, but making the majority of the plot be finding neww hyperspace routes would be a little boring compared to what they could do for the main plot.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 3:17 pm
by playa8624
bigredpanda wrote:Is there not a problem with the idea of going into "unknown" space? How would you know what hyperspace routes to use? I've always wondered this. Presumably Revan had a way of knowing... perhaps part of the main quest would be to discover a lost hyperspace map, or something...
Someone had an idea on another forum that I think would fit: You find the trashed Ebon Hawk and find its navigaton map or something and find out where Revan was going.

Posted: Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:59 pm
by Arok2092
playa8624 wrote:Someone had an idea on another forum that I think would fit: You find the trashed Ebon Hawk and find its navigaton map or something and find out where Revan was going.
That would be a good deal more interesting but would also mean that you would play neither as Revan or the Exile and would take place some time after KOTOR II in order for the story to flow. I like the idea though and as long as we don't actually fly the Ebon Hawk again it would be a more creative turn I think.