1) XHTML and CSS validation, however arduous it may be, in a futile attempt to get sites working in various browsers... *sigh* (yes, I'm aware of the existence of PHP. Unfortunately, people who also need to be able to modify the site I'm managing, aren't)
2) subsequent Java scripts that refuse to function in Firefox, without removing DOCTYPE declaration
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1. Mimes.
2. Children who have to make a point of it that they're better at something I'll never fully master.
3. Children.
4. Translation exercises. English is okay, but Dutch is a fairly impossible language.
5. The type of bodily reaction that can at unfortunate times pull out your pubic hairs when there is a pretty lady sitting next to you in the bus.
6. Fran Drescher.
7. The Commercial Broadcasting Network.
8. That trend where it's becoming perfectly normal where you have a newly released game that desperately needs patching.
I think I should leave it at that. For someone who doesn't care about much, I sure do have a lot of pet peeves.
[INDENT]'..tolerance when fog rolls in clouds unfold your selfless wings feathers that float from arabesque pillows I sold to be consumed by the snow white cold if only the plaster could hold withstand the flam[url="http://bit.ly/foT0XQ"]e[/url] then this fountain torch would know no shame and be outstripped only by the sun that burns with the glory and honor of your..'[/INDENT]
I'll second that one. I want a laptop now (cuz I'm planning on moving out of state/country soon) and I need something light and portable. So I say this to my mother, since she could get it for me for my birthday at no cost to me, and I say I want Win 2000. Nooooooo. The newer hardware out now and Microsoft do not support Windows 2000 anymore. [string of curses] Why can't I get a damn laptop with Win 2k on it? At least with XP having been out so many years there are service packs to fix the plethora of bugs I was told it had, but I absolutely do not want to touch Windows Vista (my mother works for a software company and already two of their computer experts have installed and subsequently deinstalled Vista due to the sheer buggage). But this has been a pet peeve of mine ever since I was a kid and first introduced to computers (well, not counting my old Tandy when I was 10, but the computer I got later with Win 3.1). I fought tooth and nail against going from Win 3.1 to Win 95, and when I lost that battle, the price was a couple of my games (including a couple which I absolutely loved like TIE Fighter; I had to wait until LucasArts put out a new version to work on Win 95 and 2k before I could play it again, but it lost my favorite feature: playing with the mouse. I hate using the joystick). Then came the upgrade from 95 to 98, which I also fought and that created a slew of problems in itself. Then 95 to 2000. And now I've had 2000 for... god, I don't know how long, and suddenly XP Is going to be forced down my throat like so many other newer and (laughably) better versions.
What also is getting on my nerves is the KotOR III thread. I keep waiting for some kind of news on if the game is even being developed and there's nothing definitive in that thread. Just newbies and their really awful theories on what the game should be about and include. Every time I visit the thread I get annoyed. I don't want useless theories by people with no imagination (although I am aware that some software developers have been known--or so some people claim--to visit fan boards to see what users want, what gets batted around the KotOR III thread is all basically stuff repeating on itself; very little new stuff is added, certainly no relevant news comes up).
General: "Those aren't ideas; those are special effects."
Michael Bay: "I don't understand the difference."