Page 19 of 37

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 8:10 pm
by Magus
@all: You guys aren't waiting to post on my account, are you? I'm waiting for you guys :D

@Aegis: Point taken. I was just saying that if Virdel managed to kill 3 outnumbered 12 to 1, the group together wouldn't have had much of a problem taking them all out :)
BTW, since I don't know what you have in store for Virdel, I'll let you DM the battle, if you will. You post what Virdel does, I'll post what Magus does, and you tell what happens, etc...

[ 10-07-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2001 8:58 pm
by Aegis
Virdel could barely feel his body. The only thing telling him that it was still there was the insurmountable pain he was receiving from his many wounds, and bruises. "So this is how it ends.." He whispered to himself, a bit of blood running down his lip. His self-arrogant smile appeared on his face. He pulled his weapons, and arms in tight, wanting to at least die with those in his hands. Grasping with his hand, he again felt the cool surface of the magical gem Magus had given him. He pushed his head to see the object, to gaze into the swirling depths of its power. The Cowled Wizards surrounded him.

Virdel looked up, his white hair matted, and dyed red from his blood covered most of his face. The Mages could see the smile on his face. As one mage stepped forward, the rest seemed to vanish from sight. Whether they just stepped back, or if they teleported away, Virdel couldn't tell. His head throbed. He saw the man raise his hands, and begin to trace symbols and words into the air. He watched as the man's lips formed inricate lines of prose and magic. Virdel squeezed the gem tighter. Oddly enough, he found himself wondering what this gem did. In the last moments of his life, he had thought of something trivial. He smiled again weakly.

As the Mage was finishing the incantation, something happened. Death didn't come to warrior. No magic struck him down, and no pain seemed to engulf him. Virdel looked up. He saw the Mages perplexed face, and his sudden anxiety. Virdel blinked. When he opened his eyes, he saw white. He saw nothing but white. In his hand, he still grasped the gem, and his weapons were with him. He didn't feel the pain wrack his body anymore. He didn't feel anything. He blinked again. this time, when he opened his eyes, he found himself laying outside the building, down the street from him was where the group had just seperated. He looked weakly to the gem, the pain suddenly coming back, as if his body had just woken from some dream state. The gem was a solid black now. No image was seen, nor were the swirling mists still there. He leaned his head back, and looked to the sky. Over top of him, he saw the familar face of Magus's Hakeashar. Had he and the mage saved him from his fate? Virdel wasn't sure, and wouldn't get his answers now anyway. His eyes rolled back into his head, and he slowly faded into unconscienceness.


@Magus: Just so your not confused, I'm assuming the gem protected me from the initial magic. Virdel seeing the white was him passing out. During that time, I'm acting like you found a way to get me out.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 12:57 am
by CM
Well i can't do anything until 4:00 am now can i? :D

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2001 1:09 pm
by Xandax
Xandax saw the one so arrogant man, resigning to helplessness. The way most arrogance will end up, he thought.
Xandax lowered his sword, but still keeping his shield up, one could never be sure in situations such as this, and it would be foolish to exposed oneself to the whims of others.

“Duty above all” Calahan all but whispered to himself – the Helms tenet.
He seemed ready to snap like a dry branch in an autumn storm.

“This must end!” Xandax said still firm in his voice “Who is your contact with the wizards, and why have they singled you out? Who else would have know about this campaign against the thieves?”
Xandax asked a lot of questions, hoping to get but a few answers from Calahan, but he doubted.

The clouds were still hanging thick in the sky, it seemed all but a permanent state lately.

I know my post may not be very long (or very good) but since I wouldn't be able to speak for "Calahan", this is the only way I can do this :) }

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 11:27 am
by Craig
Thryn rushed out of the building, seeing the Drow take a fighting stance, "Foolish drow"
@All im doing home work NOW so i can't do much

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 11:28 am
by Xandax
{ooc: hmm, is everybody gone?}

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2001 1:02 pm
by CM
Nope i am here lurking and reading various news papers off the net.
Second i can't do anything as i have to wait so that some one shows up at the coronet.

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 3:08 am
by Magus
@all: Sorry :) Pool of Radiance + school = serious jam-up :D I think I’ve got a handle on it now. Back to business...

* * * * *

“This must end!” Xandax said still firm in his voice “Who is your contact with the wizards, and why have they singled you out? Who else would have know about this campaign against the thieves?”
Xandax asked a lot of questions, hoping to get but a few answers from Calahan, but he doubted.

Calahan’s eyes refocused from their momentary lapse. They still seemed somewhat resigned, but a shine of vitality laid behind them. Calahan was no twig.

“Well aren’t you the nosey one, kid? Just who are you working for?” He was no genius, but Calahan was far from stupid. As he spoke, his weapon rose into attacking position almost playfully. He stared straight into Xandax’s eyes, taking his measure, a smile slowly forming on his face.

Suddenly he moved forward, swinging his halberd slowly, purposely. Xandax met it with his shield, but the impact was weak, like a sparring blow.

“Well, what’s your answer?” Calahan asked, thrusting in again, a little faster this time.

* * * * *

Magus crept swiftly and silently through the halls, a gift from the elven blood flowing strongly in his veins. He rounded a corner and spotted Virdel lying on the ground, hair and armor stained with blood. He grasped the shadow gem in his hands.

Only Correlon was left. Where the other mages had went, he didn’t know. Disintegrating energy shot from his hand towards Virdel, faster than Magus could react. But a shimmering globe of energy surrounded the drow, absorbing the spell without a trace.

Corellon, not able to see the gem from his angle, gaped in astonishment. No Globe of Invulnerability could have absorbed that spell! He threw a Breach spell at him. Again, no effect.

Unseen, Magus crept next to Virdel and laid a hand on his shoulder. Without a word they disappeared through a dimensional gate.

Corellon hurled a fireball at them, but the gate was long gone before it exploded. Fuming, a thought appeared in his mind.

-You will suffer for this, arrogant mageling. You will suffer...-

He looked around, but no one was there.

* * * * *

@all: I’ll leave it at that for now. You guys can pick it up from there, otherwise I’ll be back tonight to continue where I left off.

[ 10-11-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2001 11:55 pm
by Rail
@all- sorry for the absense. Great job with the story in the meantime. I'll throw a small curve, here. Take it how you will. ;)

* * *

Corellon hurled a fireball at them, but the gate was long gone before it exploded. Fuming, a thought appeared in his mind.

-You will suffer for this, arrogant mageling. You will suffer...-

He looked around, but no one was there.

Rail smiled, silent as a shadow as he watched the leader of the Cowled Fools angrily gather himself up and head back to the Council room. The brooding assassin, cloaked in invisibility, followed close behind the leader of those he despised so deeply, studying the various protective enchantments constantly surrounding the powerful mage. He knew it would be foolish to blindly attack one such as Corellon, though his heart ached for the kill.

The mage was clearly unnerved by his encounter with the magic-resistant drow, and by the telepathic thoughts left behind. He muttered several times to himself as he stormed the hallways, often stopping to shout orders to other Cowls or berate an underling who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Rail even thought the usually controlled mage would even lash out magically at some of the servants who happened to be in his way, but he kept his magic to himself. Which was good. Who knew when he might need his magic, after all? And who knew when he might lose it in one thrust? The difference between the two was so slim.

After several minutes, the mage finally entered the Council Chambers, striding past the guards to stand before the Six. Rail slid carefully past some of the wards that had been replaced after their hasty departure from the quarters just moments before, and watched from the shadows.

Though Corellon remained outwardly calm, his voice held thr rage of a sandstorm. "The mage and his cohorts have temporarily eluded us, but mark my words, we will use all our resources to track him down. Give us three days time and he will be yours. The Cowled Wizards are not to be trifled with!"

The Council of Six rose from their gilded chairs as one. The Councilhead's gaze rested coldly on the Cowled Wizard. "See that their heads are on this table by the end of the week, Corellon. You are dismissed."

Corellon raised an eyebrow at the six Council members standing together, but nodded and departed before Rail could gauge how much the man knew. He was always hard to read anyway, thought the assassin as he slowly crept around the side of the room to gain a better view of the Council members. He had been in the City far too long to think their action normal.

"Well done my servants!" Lazal stepped from the shadows within arm's reach of the startled assassin and walked toward the group at the table.

Rail breathed a sigh of relief as the mage seemed oblivious to his presence, at least for the moment. That sigh, however, quickly turned to a scowl as he realized the gravity of his situation. That mage had been able to detect him somewhat the day before. Now he was in an enclosed and heavily guarded room with Lazal and his allies, several stories up in the government district. He definitely knew one mistake would surely cost him his life here. He began warily to inch creep his way back to the door.

That was when he heard the voice again.

Lazal is an ambitous fool, Rail. You and I are a much better fit.

Rail's frown turned from caution to fear. If he was walking on quicksand before, he certainly walked on fire now. He thought carefully how he should respond this time, for to misspeak not would mean his life. Why should I believe you? Lazal is far more powerful than I am. He is a better tool for you.

The voice laughed in Rail's mind even while the Six and Lazal talked on. He is busy with his own visions of grandeur. He wants so many things more than what is important. You, however, are not like Lazal. You are more focused. More efficient.

Rail frowned. So, I would make a better servant? You think I would live to do your will?

On the contrary, my child. Your will and my will are not that different. Think on the decisions in your life. You know I speak truth.

Rail looked on as Lazal dismissed the guards and continued his discussion with the Six. The assassin, for the first time in weeks really did think on the offer. Here he was at the mercy of another power. If he refused, he could be exposed and killed without much thought. After all, who was he against divine beings such as this and surrounded by their servants? Rail's flight instincts screamed deafeningly at him to run from the room as fast as he could, but the assassin stayed rooted to the spot, caution overcoming terror. He glanced back at Lazal, full of ambition and power, but morally empty. Rail shook his head and calmed his mind. No, he thought, sounding more shaken than he liked. We are not the same. You aid those I seek to destroy. My actions might be similar to yours, but our reasons differ greatly. I will not accept your offer. I do not serve you.

Without hesitation, Rail strode from the room, again sliding past the wards at the door. He had seen enough of Lazal and the "Council" to know what was going on. He had hoped to wet his blade forther on Cowled backs, but those thoughts were long gone now. Thankfully, Lazal never turned his direction. Never blanketed the area with spells. But even as the assassin rounded the corner, the voice echoed chillingly through his mind. You will serve me, child. You will.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 1:34 pm
by Magus
@Rail: Nice :)

* * * * *

The portal vanished, leaving Magus and Virdel alone in the Copper Coronet’s private stall. Magus looked the drow warrior over. He was in poor shape. Blood ran profusely from many wounds all over his body, and his skin was badly scorched in several places.

The mage pulled a flask of glistening liquid from his robes. He dabbed his finger in it, then smeared a bit on the drow’s forehead. It was a powerful healing mixture, but too much would do more harm than good. The bleeding stopped, and the burns changed from an ugly red to a more healthy pink color. That would have to do until Aerie got back.

Returning the flask to his robes, Magus began to think over what had happened. Though frequently at odds with Corellon, he had always been on good terms with the Council. They had often asked his help in solving minor problems within the city, when discretion was preferable to overwhelming force. Why would they turn against him now?

And what was Corellon’s involvement? Though outwardly he pledged subservience to the Council, he was no more ruled by them than any of the other guild leaders. He had his own agenda, and though he and Magus didn’t quite see eye to eye, Magus never thought his own elimination was on it.

Chaos, utter and complete, now seemed to be the new ruler of the day. Unwritten codes were being broken left and right, unraveling the order and peace that had once reigned within the city. Could Lazal be behind it all?

The thought troubled him, but it somehow ringed false. Powerful as he was, he was only one man. No, something greater was afoot. Unbidden, the memory of that night’s battle between the Helm and Thieves came to mind. That unidentifiable presence he had felt watching in eager anticipation...

Void appeared, interrupting Magus from his thoughts.

-That was not so amusing. By the way, those Council members were not themselves today. Literally.-
Void’s tone was casually ironic.

“What?!” Magus blurted incredulously.

* * * * *

@all: You guys got a couple of hours before the meeting. Feel free to wander about and tend to unfinished business and the like.

@Xandax: Which means we got to have your little confrontation with Calahan over by then :D

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 1:59 pm
by CM
Faisal having no clue where the rest of the group was, decided that the best idea would be to go to the coronet and memorize some spells while waiting for them.

Talking the stairs down from the temple, Faisal headed straight for the coronet.

He checked with Bernard if anybody had shown up, but the answer was no.

Taking a set near the back of the place faisal opened up his new cleric book and started to memorise some of the spells.

It was a couple of hours before Faisal heard a russle behind the old room where the fight had taken place earlier in the night.

Peering in Faisal saw Magus and Virdel who seemed to be injured, as well as that floating bag of hot air.

Walking in faisal said "you guys took your sweet time!"

[ 10-13-2001: Message edited by: Fas ]

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 2:26 pm
by Xandax
“Well aren’t you the nosey one, kid? Just whom are you working for?” Calahan asked, as he struck almost playfully with his halberd towards Xandax. A swing easily deflected, so Xandax knew there was nothing behind that swing.

”Whom I work for? “ Xandax replied.

Calahan lunged towards Xandax again, this time with a little more force behind.

”Need I fight him” Xandax though to himself, as he tried to asses the situation.
This Calahan were truly a mysterious person – he seemed almost as having several personalities.

”Yes – you heard me, boy” Calahan replied – again swinging his weapon around, this time though, not towards Xandax, but more as a means of showing his skill with the weapon.
Xandax knew his skill; he had watched Calahan several times, fighting with his halberd.

”Boy” the word stuck in Xandax mind.
”I work for those not wanting their city razed to the ground” Xandax replied “If it comes to full scale war between the helms and the thieves – this city and many more will be all but decimated”
Xandax still wielded his shield in front of him, he still had his sword pointing downwards – as to not seem threatening. If there was to be combat between them, it would not be him that initiated it – but he would respon quickly if it happen though.
“You know this, don’t you – but you don’t care either” Xandax said. “No matter, you’ll not live long, when the forces behind this step forward.” Xandax poked to Calahan. ”Whether it be wizards or something else”
“No matter, you properly don’t know anything either – you’re just a pawn in this game of chess”
Xandax said as he turned around and stated to walk away – he was gambling with high stakes…..again.
But he was vigilant, his sword was ready.

Posted: Fri Oct 12, 2001 3:11 pm
by Magus
@Fas: He's Virdel, not Thryn. To the best of my knowledge, Virdel's the only drow in the story so far :D :D

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 1:45 am
by CM
Ok editted it.
But having 2 elves is confusing for my little mind! :D

Posted: Sat Oct 13, 2001 8:36 pm
by Magus
@all: Sorry I couldn't post today. Got dragged to a party, and didn't get back til real late :) My homework didn't get done either :D

Posted: Sun Oct 14, 2001 6:59 pm
by Aegis
@All: Sorry I haven't posted in a bit, but I need some time to focus on my football (Sucked badly on saterday). I probably won't be adding anything for another day or two. Magus, if you feel the need, or desire, you can act for Virdel.

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 11:36 am
by Magus
Ok, the reason I haven't been posting is I lost my home Internet connection. And I don't have nearly enough time to write posts at school. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to replace it today :)

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 11:46 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Magus:
<STRONG>Ok, the reason I haven't been posting is I lost my home Internet connection. And I don't have nearly enough time to write posts at school. I'm crossing my fingers that I'll be able to replace it today :) </STRONG>

Whoah - what a bummer about your internet, what happend?

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2001 6:30 pm
by Magus
My free hours ran out :D

But now I got a paid unlimited access user, so I'm good to go :)

I hope to post in a few hours.

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2001 9:26 pm
by Magus
@all: Whew. Finally got some time to post. Tomorrow’s my birthday, so I probably won’t be able to post til Friday :)

* * * * *

”I work for those not wanting their city razed to the ground” Xandax replied. “If it comes to full scale war between the helms and the thieves – this city and many more will be all but decimated”
Xandax still wielded his shield in front of him, he still had his sword pointing downwards – as to not seem threatening. If there was to be combat between them, it would not be him that initiated it – but he would respond quickly if it happen though.
“You know this, don’t you – but you don’t care either” Xandax said. “No matter, you’ll not live long, when the forces behind this step forward.” Xandax poked to Calahan. ”Whether it be wizards or something else”
“No matter, you properly don’t know anything either – you’re just a pawn in this game of chess”
Xandax said as he turned around and stated to walk away – he was gambling with high stakes…..again.

“A pawn?” Calahan whispered as he watched Xandax walk away, turning thoughtful again. Perhaps the boy spoke the truth. The more power he received, and the more responsibilities he was burdened with, the more used and powerless he felt. With Gerhard dead, assassinated by the Thieves in his headquarters that very night, Calahan was now leader of the Black Helm. But for what? Abandoned by the Wizards, engaged in a bitter struggle with the Shadow Thieves, the future was bleak for the Black Helm. What was the point of it all?

He remembered the drow from the battle. So confident, so arrogant. Without a second thought he had plunged into the thick of battle, to fight for some cause only he knew. Deluded maybe, but at least he had purpose, something to live for, to die for...

And that was a whole lot better than the emptiness of despair. What the hell, it was about time he do something. You couldn’t run from Fate, you couldn’t hide from it, but he would turn around and give it one hell of a fight.

“Hey kid!” Calahan yelled.

Xandax looked behind his shoulder.

“The Helm wasn’t the one that started this. We got caught inbetween the blasted wizards and the bloody thieves, and their damn accursed feud. It all went to Hell from there!”

Xandax slowly turned, staring silently.

“If your employers know a way out of this mess, the Helm is listening.”
From the authority in his voice, Xandax knew he was talking to the leader of the Black Helm.

* * * * *

-That was not so amusing. By the way, those Council members were not themselves today. Literally.-
Void’s tone was casually ironic.

“What?!” Magus blurted incredulously.

Void hovered silently.

The idea was outrageous, but Void wasn’t given to idle speculation. He wouldn’t make such a statement if there was any doubt.
“Why didn’t you tell me when we were there?” Magus asked exasperatedly.

-Because we had more important matters to deal with at the time. Like escaping alive- Void replied sarcastically. Magus wasn’t amused.

Suddenly the curtain opened.
Walking in Faisal said "You guys took your sweet time!"

Magus’s face lighted up.
“Think you can do something for him?” he asked, standing up and motioning to Virdel’s comatose form.

* * * * *

[ 10-17-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]