Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2002 5:33 pm
In a discussion with Ysh (if I remember correctly -- these tavern discussions tend to be a bit blurry ), she asked if we might post the kinds of equipment our character uses. I hadn't done this before, so I basically just created whatever the hell I wanted. It was great!
So here goes...
Thantor's equipment (acquired over Thantor's long life and his association with Mielikki )
Helm of Inner Light: Protects against critical hits, Immunity to mind affecting spells, AC +2, Magical resistance 20%
Ring of Holiness: One extra cleric spell from level 1 to level 4
Ring of the Dove: Immunity to Disease and Poison, Regenerate 2 hit points/round
Belt of Frost Giant Strength: +5 Strength
Amulet of Gnosis: +3 Wisdom, cast Harm 3 times/day
Gauntlets of Dexterity: sets Dex to 18
Rainment of Mielikki: Mithril Elven chain +3, AC 10 (3rd edition style), weight reduction 40%, Universal save bonus +3, Free Action, each hit heals wearer 3 hit points. Can only be worn by Thantor.
Cadeusa's Bane: Modified twin maces that can be combined to Dire Mace (think Darth Maul's twin lightsabers in Phantom Menace). Stats: Dire Mace +3 (1d6/1d6), Stun 75%/ 3 rounds, Command Twin Hisslas per mace (8 hit point creatures, Poison, Invisibility once per day), double damage vs evil alignment plus saving throw at -4 or be destroyed.
Boots of Striding +5 as in NwN
Cloak of Synaesthesia: reflects offensive spell damage back to source (like Cloak of Mirrors), elemental resistance 30% (fire, cold, electrical, etc)
Bow of the Jaguar +4: Long Bow, unlimited ammo -- uses Phantom arrows (20% chance level drain, 1d6 electrical damage), two shots per round, Mighty +5
Staff of Command: Ability to Dominate/Charm as in NwN
So here goes...
Thantor's equipment (acquired over Thantor's long life and his association with Mielikki )
Helm of Inner Light: Protects against critical hits, Immunity to mind affecting spells, AC +2, Magical resistance 20%
Ring of Holiness: One extra cleric spell from level 1 to level 4
Ring of the Dove: Immunity to Disease and Poison, Regenerate 2 hit points/round
Belt of Frost Giant Strength: +5 Strength
Amulet of Gnosis: +3 Wisdom, cast Harm 3 times/day
Gauntlets of Dexterity: sets Dex to 18
Rainment of Mielikki: Mithril Elven chain +3, AC 10 (3rd edition style), weight reduction 40%, Universal save bonus +3, Free Action, each hit heals wearer 3 hit points. Can only be worn by Thantor.
Cadeusa's Bane: Modified twin maces that can be combined to Dire Mace (think Darth Maul's twin lightsabers in Phantom Menace). Stats: Dire Mace +3 (1d6/1d6), Stun 75%/ 3 rounds, Command Twin Hisslas per mace (8 hit point creatures, Poison, Invisibility once per day), double damage vs evil alignment plus saving throw at -4 or be destroyed.
Boots of Striding +5 as in NwN
Cloak of Synaesthesia: reflects offensive spell damage back to source (like Cloak of Mirrors), elemental resistance 30% (fire, cold, electrical, etc)
Bow of the Jaguar +4: Long Bow, unlimited ammo -- uses Phantom arrows (20% chance level drain, 1d6 electrical damage), two shots per round, Mighty +5
Staff of Command: Ability to Dominate/Charm as in NwN