evive wrote:Coruscant
Bespin (the SW5 floating city in the clouds)
Naboo (including most definitely the underwater cities)
Bespin wouldn't exist so many years back, and I'm not sure the Gungan city on Naboo would, either.
Alderaan would be nice, and maybe some Expanded Galaxy planets!
Let's see... Corellia? Kessel? Ando Prime? you know, stuff you don't see in the movies but that are exhaustively described in books and depicted in games.
"But you were a fool. All you saw was an enormous factory, all you ever imagined was an infinite fleet rolling forth to crush the Republic." - Malak
Gizka wrote:Bespin wouldn't exist so many years back, and I'm not sure the Gungan city on Naboo would, either.
Alderaan would be nice, and maybe some Expanded Galaxy planets!
Let's see... Corellia? Kessel? Ando Prime? you know, stuff you don't see in the movies but that are exhaustively described in books and depicted in games.
Naboo would open up the possibility of a JaJa-esque character being in your team, which would in turn open up the possiblity of the game being smashed repeatedly.
I agree with you, though, it would be good to see new planets where the designers can really go to town with their imaginations rather than being slightly limited by what's gone before (like Dantooine in K2).
bigredpanda wrote:Naboo would open up the possibility of a JaJa-esque character being in your team, which would in turn open up the possiblity of the game being smashed repeatedly.
dude, i'd LOVE to have a Jar Jar Binks style of character. idk why people thought he was annoying. i thought he was quite amusing
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
LOL I've been over my "But Jar Jar is cute!" phase too, you know?
If you'd place a creature like him in a game that tries to be serious (or say, in the original SW trilogy) then wouldn't he fall completely out of the line?
"But you were a fool. All you saw was an enormous factory, all you ever imagined was an infinite fleet rolling forth to crush the Republic." - Malak
Having said that, Naboo was probably my favourite map on Battlefront 2 - the city is very elegant. It would kind of be like Onderon in K2 but much prettier and less boxy.
Perhaps Naboo would have the JaJa creatures like the sand people in K1, so you had the choice of keeping them alive in their underwater city or massacring them horribly... then we'd all be kept happy.
fave map in BF2 was space battles, tbh. anyway, i love that idea, bigred. only thing is, don't make us need a translator this time. that's about 75% of the reason i just killed the sand people all the time. i think i only kept them alive ONCE in the many many times i've played the game
"You see, the war, the true war, has never been one waged by droids, warships, or soldiers. They are but crude matter, obstacles against which we test ourselves." -Kreia, 3,951 BBY
it sounds like some of the planets we're going to seeing are
ord mantell
I assume is isn't all of them
as for planets I'd like to see
I am like the idea of revisiting Taris (the ruins, or in middle of restoration, (like Telo in II), or just rebuild (this is support to be set many years latter, isn't???)
actually after my first time through the first game, I had his idea that the under city villagers were able to make it to the promise lands before the planet was attacked and they survived, maybe something with them reinhabiting and rebuilding the planet, might be interesting
Ryloth (the Twi'lek homeworld)
Sleheyron (though if we're already gettinh hutta, that probably wont happen)
I remember hearing some where that it was suppose to be in the first game but didn't make it in to the final version
manaan, agian could be cool
maybe a new outpost, or even they underwater world