Page 20 of 37
Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 2:39 am
by CM
Seeing the drow on the floor in a comatose form, Faisal felt no remorse for the foul creature. However he was with the party against whatever they were against, and it seemed that they would need all the help they can get.
Faisal while in the coronet had beefed up on defensive and healing spells, because he still wasn't confident enough to memories the offensive ones. The logic behind this was, if he had a offensive spell memorized, he might need to use it, and he might end up hurting some of his newly found friends.
Going up to the comatose drow, Faisal took a good look over the body and the various wounds. Faisal knowing that this was his second time casting a clerical spell, and by the look of the filthy drow it would tax his abilities to the limit.
Still he should do whatever he can. Faisal started to unlock the most potent healing spell in his mind and to chant. Feeling frightened yet confident, Faisal searched for the warmth he had felt before that had helped guide him when he had failed his first spell. It was there, to his relief, but a distance only to provide help in an emergency. Knowing that he would have to do this himself but that there is help near by, Faisal cast the healing spell on the drow.
Not stopping to see if it took affect, Faisal started on another healing spell and moved through the process faster and with more confidence. Faisal had performed all 6 healing spells he had memorized before he actually looked at the drow. The body was healing which was good news, but slowly due to the many wounds. His breathing was steady and seemed to be sleeping.
A sudden weariness washed over Faisal that he had not felt before. He was taxed to his limits. 6 spells in a row one after another was too much for a novice. To exhausted to do anything Faisal just sat on the floor and looked up to where Magus was standing.
"What exactly are we involved in, and how much have I missed?"
OOC - Happy B-day magus.
How old are you.
Plus do any of use get a bit of that cake?

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2001 10:08 am
by Xandax
“Hey kid!” Calahan yelled.
Xandax looked behind his shoulder.
“The Helm wasn’t the one that started this. We got caught inbetween the blasted wizards and the bloody thieves, and their damn accursed feud. It all went to Hell from there!”
Xandax slowly turned, staring silently.
“If your employers know a way out of this mess, the Helm is listening.”
From the authority in his voice, Xandax knew he was talking to the leader of the Black Helm.
His gamble had work, Xandax smiled to himself, it was seldom he showed emotions like this – but he had avoided a possible fight with the experienced warrior.
“I don’t know who gives the orderes but they are al presented by different wizards” Calahan said “But I don’t think these orders are general knowledge inside their own organisation because many wizards were slain in this battle, so whom ever is behind doesn’t care much about them either – That is all I know about the leaders”
”We will contact you when the time is right” Xandax said comely to Calahan, as to express a certain degree of relif. “In the mean time, round up as many of your men as you can – but be certain you trust them, if the wizards or whom ever is behind finds out – we could all be doomed” Xandax smiled at Calahan, he looked somewhat sad to Xandax, maybe because his whole belief system had proved disastrous. “If you need help – you can leave a message at the Copper Coronet, and we will find you as soon as possible”
Xandax started to walk away.
”But how will you find us?” Calahan shouted at Xandax.
”I don’t know – but it never seems a problem” Xandax shouted back, thinking at Magus.
As Xandax turned a corner he saw Calahan shouting orders at some helmsmen, some of the few survivors. Xandax laughed inside himself – this Calhan really seemed to have more personalities than a doppelganger.
Doppelganger, it struck Xandax. It was part of the smell that had engulfed the city – that eerie smell of death was often accompanied by these dangerous creatures. Not dangerous because they were difficult to slay, but because they were difficult to spot.
He knew this smell very well – Xandax had been part of an expedition in Cormyr to rid certain areas of these creaturs, he joined only to find out that a large part of this expedition and several friends had already been slain and doppelgangers had taken their place – only 5 men out of 50 survived that expedition.
Xandax shook the thought, if the leaders of the Helm had been such creatures – it would not have prospered so greatly, these creatures were hard to control because they often craved the flesh of humanoids and new identities.
But still there was something.
Xandax needed to catch up with the others – he had used some times “duelling” with Calahan –, again he went towards the Coronet.
The sky was still dark – it was not normal.
Happy B-day Magus, conjure up some nice presents, kay?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 4:45 am
by Rail
Happy Birthday, Magus. So..., what
does one get the mage who has everything?
@all- BTW, I'll try and get an update here in the next day or so. Been swamped again in real life. Bad few months is a rediculous understatement. Nevertheless, I think my character would have taken some time to regroup at the CC, after his bout with divinity and corruption.
[ 10-19-2001: Message edited by: Rail ]
Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2001 11:19 am
by Craig
@All i've really been caught up in school, now im free ill try and pull something out of my hat
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 10:11 am
by Magus
@all: Thanks
@Fas: Well, I’m actually ageless. But my physical appearance is that of an 18-year-old
@Rail: Ancient, faded texts make a good gift. A new staff’s always nice too
* * * * *
"What exactly are we involved in, and how much have I missed?"
Magus smiled bitterly. “My worst fears have been realized. The guilds war among themselves, while someone plots in their midst. The Council has been replaced by dopplegangers, and standing before you is the most wanted man in Athkatla.” He sighed.
“Lazal?” Fas suggested.
“Most likely. From what I’ve seen, he’s more than capable of conceiving something this twisted. But I fear he doesn’t act alone.”
A hand brushed the curtain aside, and in came Xandax, followed shortly by Rail. It was 4:00A.M., and Aerie was still conspicuously absent. A touch of worry nagged at Magus’s mind, but he knew she could take care of herself. If the meeting finished without her, then he’d go looking.
His old friend was as dire as ever, but Xandax wore a look of satisfaction on his face.
Magus eyed him quizzically, beckoning him to begin.
* * * * *
Calahan stared at the burned out remains of the once magnificent headquarters. The remains of an old life. He wouldn’t look back. He turned from it to see a couple of portals forming nearby. What the hell could those damned wizards want now?
Just as he expected, a couple of Cowled Wizards appeared. Seeing him, they walked over.
“Where’s Gerhard?” one of them asked impatiently.
“He’s dead,” Calahan replied, glaring back, a look of contempt forming on his face.
“Oh. Then this message is for you. It has been discovered that the archmage Magus is secretly in league with the Shadow Thieves. He is to be captured if possible, otherwise kill him on sight.” He nodded in farewell, then the two stepped into magical gates and disappeared.
Magus. Though he had never met him, he had heard much about the powerful little half-elf. Reputedly he had single-handedly saved the city from destruction just a decade ago. In fact he was a rogue wizard. But he had always been tolerated by the Cowled Wizards because of his formidable power and popularity among the people.
He mulled over whether he should accept or refuse the request. The Wizards had so far done little for the Helm, after all.
But then again, they did need a new headquarters. He had heard his abode,
The Rift, stood only a few miles outside of Athkatla. A wizard’s tower would make a great fortress to defend inside when the Thieves inevitably retaliated. Especially since rumors abounded that foreign magic was completely ineffective within its walls. There’d be no more intimidation tactics from those bloody wizards. And they couldn’t fault him if he attacked under the pretense of routing Magus. Once they were in control of the tower, he could safely look into what that kid’s employers had to offer.
“Sir, the reinforcements from Trademeet will be arriving sooner than expected. They should be here by dawn.” Calahan turned to see one of his captains. He had often distinguished himself for his bravery and tactical prowess.
“Captain Keldoran! You’re Lieutenant Commander now. Send a messenger to the Trademeet force on the double! Tell them to head straight for
The Rift, home and abode of the traitorous archmage Magus. They’ll attack on my arrival.”
“Yes sir! It’ll be my honor, sir!” The new Lieutenant bellowed for a messenger.
Calahan smiled. For once, he was in control of his own destiny.
* * * * *
[ 10-20-2001: Message edited by: Magus ]
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 11:26 am
by Xandax
Magus eyed him quizzically, beckoning him to begin.
Xandax read Magus’ eyes.
“Well I haven’t much to state, other than the Helms weren’t acting on their own initiative – hardly a surprise, they were ordered to assult the thieves by the wizards, or somebody therein.
But the Helms have properly got a new commander in arms now – Calahan. It seems all the other leaders of the Helm were killed the other night.
Whether or not this is of any benefit to this situation, I’m not sure of – he seems to unpredictable. He bears hatred to both wizards and thieves alike, so I think it possible that he might amass forces to oppose both. He kept talking about forces from around the land, and other cities.
He could, if controlled, prove a valuable ally, but I doubt he is consistent enough to actually prove any worth. We have on all account not had the last confrontation with him.”
Looking at the people gathered around, Xandax could see he had missed out on some action.
“It looks like you’ve seen more action lately, what have you people been up to?”
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2001 1:02 pm
by CM
"What exactly are we involved in, and how much have I missed?"
Magus smiled bitterly. “My worst fears have been realized. The guilds war among themselves, while someone plots in their midst. The Council has been replaced by dopplegangers, and standing before you is the most wanted man in Athkatla.” He sighed.
“Lazal?” Fas suggested.
“Most likely. From what I’ve seen, he’s more than capable of conceiving something this twisted. But I fear he doesn’t act alone.”
Faisal was mulling over the new information when a hand brushed the curtain aside, and in came Xandax, followed shortly by Rail.
As Xandax walked in Faisal's mood brightened. It was good to see him still alive. It seemed that Faisal had missed out on a lot this night, but that seemed to be a usual occurance in his life.
Xandax gave his report to the mage, and faisal was extremely confused, as he had no knowledge of what was going on.
Looking at the people gathered around, Xandax could see he had missed out on some action.
“It looks like you’ve seen more action lately, what have you people been up to?”
"Nothing much," replied Faisal "typical cleric job, memorise the spells heal the wounded and get to have no fun whatsoever. But could some one tell the whole story? I think i missed out on alot."
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2001 1:02 pm
by Magus
@Xandax: quote:
"But the Helms have properly got a new commander in arms now – Calahan. It seems all the other leaders of the Helm were killed the other night."
Actually, believe it or not, it’s still the same night
* * * * *
"Nothing much," replied Faisal "typical cleric job, memorize the spells heal the wounded and get to have no fun whatsoever. But could someone tell the whole story? I think I missed out on a lot."
“My apologies,” Magus replied. He had forgotten just how much Faisal had missed during the last few hours.
“The Helm, aided by several mages from the Cowled Wizards, launched an attack on the Shadow Thieves just before midnight. They were repulsed, with heavy losses on both sides. But according to Xandax,” he said, gesturing to the grim fighter, “the Helm acted on orders, not in concert with the Wizards. Meanwhile the Shadow Thieves sacked the Helm’s headquarters while they were away, leaving only smoking ruins behind.
“We paid a visit to the Council of Six to organize a reprisal for this breach of the peace. They rejected my proposal, however, instead accusing me of absurd imagined crimes against the city. I was sentenced to death, and the Cowled Wizards were to be my executioners. You see, it turned out the Council had been replaced by dopplegangers. We escaped, though Virdel only barely.”
Here the drow began to stir. All eyes turned to him as he sat up groggily.
* * * * *
Aerie walked cautiously down the streets of Athkatla. The fighting had closed taverns for the night, and all was silent. The sky seemed unnaturally dark, even for the hour. A palpable gloom hung in the air, and a chill wind caressed her face like the cold touch of death.
They were close. Very close.
The screech of tearing metal rent the suffocating silence, followed by a terrified scream. Aerie broke into a run. Rounding the corner, she saw a mass of hideous undead pouring through the unattended city gates. In her entire life, she had never seen the likes of such creatures. Skeletal behemoths clattered alongside the rotting corpses of voracious ta’naari and baatzeau. Formidable in life, death had lent the vessels a terrible strength and malignant intelligence far surpassing their original forms.
Aerie quickly backpedaled out of sight, hoping she hadn’t been seen. She couldn’t possibly hold back so many undead of such frightful power alone. She had to get the others.
She muttered the words of a teleportation spell, and reality cleaved around her. She disappeared, and a jagged talon rent the empty space where she had been just an instant before.
* * * * *
Miles away, a Cowled Wizard diviner sensed the unauthorized dimensional disruption. Homing in on the target’s destination, he signaled to the group of waiting wizards around him.
* * * * *
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2001 1:48 pm
by Craig
Thryn had wished he'd never followed the Avarial, he was now cornered by undead.He made a silent praire(sp) to Shaundakul and slide his long sword down the back of a close by ta’naari in the hope of killing it, no such luck the sword simple ripped flesh which suddenly regrew and took notice, he swung hard and fast but he could not over come the Regenerative powers of the creature, then Thryn remembered his boots, he ran against the flow of undead, which took no notice of him he eventuly found a back alley near the coper coronet, suddenly he was cornerd by the ta’naari and cowled mages which threw magic at him, he doged and creeped of as the undead demon fought with the Cowls.
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2001 1:51 pm
by Craig
@ magus didn't see that
Origianly posted by Magus
<STRONG>Miles away, a Cowled Wizard diviner sensed the unauthorized dimensional disruption. Homing in on the target’s destination, he signaled to the group of waiting wizards around him.</STRONG>
Funny how things work out
Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2001 6:33 pm
by Magus
@craig: Actually, the wizards homed in
on her destination. In other words, they appear inside the private booth right after she does.
So that means no wizards blasting undead

At least for now. The rest is fine, but all of that fighting and running had to take some time. Meanwhile Magus and the others would have been dealing with the Wizard's little surprise

So Thryn's stuck hiding in that alley for the time being

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2001 6:42 pm
by Aegis
@All: Sorry I've been not posting lately, busy with school, and football.
Virdel stirred slightly. His mind hurt, a lot. He tried to open his eyes, but felt the intense stinging pain he had felt earlier. He groaned slightly, gaining the attention of those around him in the process. He made no initial movements, wondering if he was even alive. As he was about to lift himself to a sitting position, he heard a distinct sound. One of crackling energy, or magic. He heard a few soft boots steps on the wooden floor, and knew instantly it was mages, of some sort. He knew not if it were Magus, or Cowled Wizards. For now, he decided to play it safe, and slid his head to the side, and again, play dead.
I'll try to post more tonight.
Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2001 9:59 pm
by Magus
@all: Since both me and Aegis were so ambiguous

, it's up to you guys whether the two events (Virdel groaning and Aerie teleporting) happened at the same time. Actually, I planned for there to be some time inbetween, but it doesn't really matter.
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 6:23 pm
by Aegis
As the group of Cowled wizards materialized into the room, the sudden surprise of all those in the room was apparent, except for the prone Virdel. It took only moments for the Wizards to realize who it was they had just found, and the sound of their voices could be heard over the sudden orders.
"Magus!" Cried the lead wizard as he noticed the powerful Arch-mage. In mere seconds, he had raised protective spells. His coherts did the same, as did Magus and Aerie.
Xandax and Rail sprung into action. Off to the side, Fasial fumbled slightly, his mind racing wildly to recall the incantations of the spells native to his order and profession. He didn't stall long, and he quickly began the cantation of a spell...
@All: Let's try to get this rolling again, shall we?
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2001 10:09 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis:
@All: Let's try to get this rolling again, shall we?</STRONG>
No problem - I've just waited for something to happen, since I didn't feel I could advance the story
I'll post after school and Java

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 4:16 am
by CM
Fasial fumbled slightly, his mind racing wildly to recall the incantations of the spells native to his order and profession. He didn't stall long, and he quickly began the cantation of a spell, which would silence the mages. This spell was a gamble as it might also silence Magus, Aerie and himself along with the Cowled Wizards. But with Xandax and Rail near by, they could take the wizards out without any real damage.
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 5:02 am
by Rail
@all- just a tiny update before I head off to bed. Long day.
* * *
Rail bolted upright in his chair, even as the dimension doors began to form in the room. He recognized the formation, the way the arches crackled with static power, the colors the Cowled Wizards were often schooled to use, long before the fools appeared. Their cry of surprise was echoed by those around the small alcove.
Xandax scrambled to his feet, instantly ready for combat, and instinctually moved off to the left to give Magus a clear view of the newcomers. Rail mirrored the warrior's positioning from the other side of the alcove, fading into invisibility and allowing Magus room to use his powers. Or negotiate, if it had to come to that. Rail watched anxiously for the start of the first spells, knowing what they would be before they were finished, and knowing where he would best be needed. Dagger in hand, Rail silently began to creep around the Cowls, even as the patrons hastily cleared the area. Bernard sighed, muttering incredulous curses as to how he had so offended Tymora, and he glumly ducked behind the bar.
Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 5:25 am
by Magus
@all: I'll post in length this afternoon

Posted: Fri Oct 26, 2001 2:52 pm
by Magus
Originally posted by Xandax:
<STRONG>No problem - I've just waited for something to happen, since I didn't feel I could advance the story

@all: I was waiting for you guys’ reactions, and was too lazy to scold you for not doing anything
But now things are rolling again, so it’s all good
* * * * *
The rush of magic hit Magus an instant before the portals appeared. He stood straight, his mind whirling with possible spells as dimensional doors sprung up like weeds, just outside the booth. Aerie emerged at his side, and one look from Magus made her realize her grave error. The magics of the other gates were precisely woven in perfect harmony, and instinctively he knew the identity of their uninvited guests.
Protective spells triggered as mages shouted in surprise. The wizards immediately began chanting.
“HOLD!” cried the lead wizard. Spells fizzled amidst astonished cries.
He stepped forward. “Magus, archmage of
The Rift! You are charged with treason against the city of Athkatla. Surrender yourself, or prepare to make your peace!”
Magus calmly looked across the score of Cowled ones without batting an eye. By the looks of their robes they were hardly initiates, out for their first trial by combat. What arrogant fools...
His steely gaze settled on the leader, probably some instructor. “Your charge is ridiculous. I will not submit, and you will sorely regret any resort to force.”
The threat was enough to make the wizard hesitate. Formidable alone, the archmage was surrounded by several grim-looking hirelings. A couple grumbled words of “coward” went up from the initiates. His face turned red.
“No, YOU’LL regret it!” he yelled, flinging a fireball at the band of outlaws.
Complete anarchy broke loose. Magus flung his right arm out in a backhand, sending it careening towards the back wall where it exploded with a bang, flying chunks of rock felling a couple of nearby initiates. Before the motion was even finished he was already into his next spell, and seconds later a couple of ravenous nishruu coalesced in their midst.
At the start of battle Void disappeared, then reformed behind his unwary victim. Shadowy arms shot out, icy cold fingers draining warmth and magica from the body. A few seconds and it was nothing but a lifeless husk.
Meanwhile Aerie chanted the words to a mass shield spell. She finished just in time, and a volley of magic missles deflected harmlessly off their targets.
Several more enemy spells failed as Faisal completed his silence spell. They immediately cast vocalize, losing valuable time in the process. Faisal was similarly affected, though unfortunately without any counter of his own. He shrugged and charged into melee, relieved to notice that Magus and Aerie were unaffected.
* * * * *
Posted: Sat Oct 27, 2001 1:13 am
by Xandax
Xandax saw the assassin jump out of his chair – and then Xandax noticed the spell.
He quickly got up and positioned himself at the left side of the room, as to not interfere with any spellcasting from Magus and the elf-woman, he noticed Rail during the same.
Faisal had started chanting spells.
Xandax took his shield and fixed it on his arm, he felt the protective magic imbued in it, benefit him – he took his sword – “Ferox” were not glowing, and was cold as a regular sword – even his amulet did not warn him of this assault. “Hmmm – the wizards must be inexperienced.” Xandax though – “But why?”
“HOLD!” one wizard yelled out. . “Magus, archmage of The Rift! You are charged with treason against the city of Athkatla. Surrender yourself, or prepare to make your peace!”
”Arrogant wizards” Xandax thought
“Your charge is ridiculous. I will not submit, and you will sorely regret any resort to force.” Magus replied to the lead wizard.
“No, YOU’LL regret it!” The wizard yelled back – angry, while casting a fireball towards the center of the room.
Xandax didn’t move, but let the flames engulf him. Much of the damage was absorbed by his shield, and the rest of the burning sensation was quickly overcomed, he had only taken minor damage.
The wizards started casting protective spells, Xandax charged on near him and slashed out with his sword. The sword was deflected off the skin of the wizards – “Stoneskin” Xandax thought – but his strike had removed much of the protection. “Kids, untrained, why do they sent these kids to fight Magus” Xandax thought – as he noticed some of the wiards starting to cast Magic Missiles towards the group – several were heading towards Xandax, he braced himself for the impact – these missiles were all but harmless individually, but several at one time….
Just before the impact – Xandax noticed the elfwoman besides Magus casting a spell, that surrounded Xandax as well, and caused the missiles to hit without doing damage.
”Nice” Xandax though – and sent a thankful look to the elfwoman.
Faisal had slowed the wizards for a moment by silencing them – they were trying to counteract his spell
Xandax didn’t wait long, and two more thrusts toward the wizard near him penetrated his protection, and just as he had tried to cast an enchantment, Xandax cut him down.
Turning around to see what else were going on – several arrows hit Xandax, he could feel their acid working, again some had been absorbed by his shield, but far from all.
Xandax struggled to fight of this acid-effect and to find another target to charge.
[ 10-27-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]