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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:18 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
At least i am not the Gay one, poor Grunt, i can't see his handbag though :D :D
People will never look at Grunt the same way again. Image Image

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:21 am
by Waverly
Originally posted by Kayless
Hey, look what I found! It's a pic of Mr. Sleep, Gruntboy, Waverly and Ubik in a deranged orgy with an animal of some sort Image Image (okay, I swear this is the last picture doctoring I do). Image
Kayless, I literally LOL. Don't make me have to have to zap your hard drive, though.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:26 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Waverly
Kayless, I literally LOL. Don't make me have to have to zap your hard drive, though.
Just be happy you're the red one. I'd better hide before Grunt finds out I made him the gay purple one (Tinky Winky or something right?). Image Image

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:39 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Kayless

Just be happy you're the red one. I'd better hide before Grunt finds out I made him the gay purple one (Tinky Winky or something right?). Image Image
The red one is Poe, i can't remember any other names :o

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:53 am
by Nippy
Originally posted by josh
Here's a self portrait of me. I went for a less serious look. :D
That is a really good drawing Josh, well done! :)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 6:55 am
by josh
Thanks Nippy ;) :)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 7:03 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
The red one is Poe, i can't remember any other names :o
Okay, Grunt is Tinky Winky, you're Dipsy, Ubik is Lala, and Waverly is Poe (you find the craziest sh*t on the internet, including teletubby names). Image

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 7:09 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by josh
Here's a self portrait of me. I went for a less serious look. :D
Very good job :) Can you actually do the Roger Moore eyebrow? :)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 7:10 am
by C Elegans
@Sleep: Nice pic although I support the demand for a more recent one, without sunlight in your eyes!

@Yshania: It's very nice of you to post a picture from you wedding day - you have marvellous hair and you look like a fairy :) The Bikerbabe Black Leather Fairy Princess - that's Ysh :D

@Waverly: Much better since it's easier to see what your face looks like, although the image is small. You actually look very nice - almost as nice as Gwally and Sleep :D

@BS: Is that really you? That not at all how I pictured you - I imagined you'd look more like a crossing between Waverly and Jaker.

@Jaker: You also look very different from how I pictured you, you look like a big guy, I had imagined you'd be short and with brown short hair.

@Josh: Very good drawing - did you do it yourself?

To Ysh especially, a little anecdote about another bikerbike I know, she was a fellow psych student at uni. This woman is a devoted biker. she's been a member of a biking club for ages, her bike is her largest interest. She and her friend were out riding their bikes when they happened to meet this Hell's Angels gang. In Sweden like in several other countries, Hell's Angels are involved in organised criminal activitis, they have a very bad reputation and they are considered as a violent bunch of people. Now, this gang consisted of about 15-20 really tough looking guysn who blocked the road for my schoolmate and her friend (very tough :rolleyes: ), staring angrily at them. Now, my schoolmate who is a very straighforward person with a strange sense of humour, shouts to them: "Why are you looking so grumpy? Don't you think it's any fun to ride a motorbike?"
You can imagine the reaction. The bunch begins to stir. The other girl, who realised the threat in the situation, quickly yells: "Please you have to excuse my friend - she's a psychologist." (as if this was equal to being insane, hmpf :mad: )
Then they went away very quickly :D

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 7:19 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by C Elegans
@Sleep: Nice pic although I support the demand for a more recent one, without sunlight in your eyes!
Well if i had one i would post it, i have carried on a family tradition of having no pictures of myself :o I will see what i can do :)

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 7:45 am
by Yshania
@Kayless - great work!! LOL! :D - oh! and you forgot to mention noonoo! ;)

@CE - thankyou! ;) btw - I like your biker friend! :D I can just picture myself shouting my own profession at a group of nutters on two wheels! they would probably fall of their bikes laughing! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 7:58 am
by C Elegans
@Ysh: I used to believe that bikers where some kind of generally dangerous and violent-prone bunch who had nothing better to do than hit retired people in the head with iron-sticks while shouting the only word in their vocabulary, "Öh!" :D Now, I know two bikers, one is the girl in the story, she's a shrink and a PhD student in children's neuropsychiatry, the other is a guy who belongs to one of Sweden's most famous artist families, and he is a designer and the father of a little girl :D

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:01 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Yshania
@Kayless - great work!! LOL! :D - oh! and you forgot to mention noonoo! ;)
Only a parent (or someone who had just doctored a photo Image) would know the name of that freaked out vaccum cleaner. Image Oh, ever take the Teletubbie Personality Test? Image Image

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:04 am
by Yshania
Originally posted by C Elegans

@Ysh: I used to believe that bikers where some kind of generally dangerous and violent-prone bunch who had nothing better to do than hit retired people in the head with iron-sticks while shouting the only word in their vocabulary, "Öh!" :D Now, I know two bikers, one is the girl in the story, she's a shrink and a PhD student in children's neuropsychiatry, the other is a guy who belongs to one of Sweden's most famous artist families, and he is a designer and the father of a little girl :D
:) I know many bikers, but no Angels ;) All my friends on bikes are engineers, civil servants, personnel managers or accountants :D I did get to know a couple of despatch riders - they are next to Angels in being dangerous...but that is not their attitude, that is their adopted bad driving skills! :rolleyes: :D 10 hours a day on a bike in central London turns them somewhat mean....

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:07 am
by Yshania
Originally posted by Kayless

Only a parent (or someone who had just doctored a photo Image) would know the name of that freaked out vaccum cleaner. Image Oh, ever take the Teletubbie Personality Test? Image Image
LMAO! :D My youngest was a huge Tubbie freak :rolleyes: and for the same reasons my eldest has helped me learn 150 Pokemon names, who they evolve into/from and their special attacks....I try to be philosophical and involve myself in their interests while they still let me! :D that is my excuse... ;) I have done the test btw...

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:17 am
by Kayless
Originally posted by Yshania
LMAO! :D My youngest was a huge Tubbie freak :rolleyes: and for the same reasons my eldest has helped me learn 150 Pokemon names, who they evolve into/from and their special attacks....I try to be philosophical and involve myself in their interests while they still let me! :D that is my excuse... ;) I have done the test btw...
ROTFL My mother still knows the names of all the Ninja Turtles, what color bandana goes with which mutant, and what each is armed with. The duties of a parent I suppose. Image

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:20 am
by Yshania
Originally posted by Kayless

ROTFL My mother still knows the names of all the Ninja Turtles, what color bandana goes with which mutant, and what each is armed with. The duties of a parent I suppose. Image
Still knows? :eek: :eek: I was hoping I may conveniently forget the detail one day, and file it somewhere with their old baby photos - only to be taken out occasionally and smile fondly over while I worry about their current dress sense, music taste, and teenage interests!! :D

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:22 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Kayless

ROTFL My mother still knows the names of all the Ninja Turtles, what color bandana goes with which mutant, and what each is armed with. The duties of a parent I suppose. Image
Lets think:

Donatelo: Blue
Raphael: Red

That's all i can remember :o

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:33 am
by Gruntboy
@Kayless - LMPAO


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2002 8:38 am
by Aegis
Michelangilo (sp?) Orange
Leonardo Blue.