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Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 1:33 am
by Rail
LOL! Wouldn't that movie have been better if Willey just decided at the last minute to take the kid with him?

(leaps into the air)


Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 1:40 am
by Garcia
Thanks for the help The_Dude :)

wow I didn't mean to make you dizzy with a serious question :D
I think it is good to discuss this both for the discussion and the fact that if this becomes more spam good old Bucky will kick this treat down to the speak your mind section what he is in his good right to do. ;)

What makes the mage(sorc.) and thief constalation so interresting is that non of these two can tank (that good) you have to do a bit more thinking and I you do it right it really pays off.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 1:47 am
by TheDude
your welcome Garcia :D

btw that is a good point if we get to much spam we will be kicked to SYM and then we aren't the biggest topic of the board anymore :( :D

so for something serieus............
anyone a idea, or just give your idea's about a Mage Thief party and what would u pick then a sorc or a specialist mage.
a normal thief or one of his kits??

Or does some one knows another great combo with either a thief or Mage?

What i think is a great party a Assassin/Mage and a Bezerker/Cleric u got al u need to go through the game easily i think.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 1:54 am
by Garcia
Originally posted by Edwin:

@Kayless: we can make the orca an assassin to protect our guild......the only disadvantage is that she has low hide in shadows.... :D </STRONG>
I do hope you mean hide in water :D :D

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:05 am
by Garcia
A sorc. and an assassin would be my pick. the sorc. would have to have the knock spell and so that the assassin won't have to spend his few skill points in lock picking. that will leave him more points to hide in shadow and move silently.
with only two party members you will be at high levels quickly for that nice X7 backstab and poison.
The tactic at not so familiar places will have to be to move with caution since if they will be surrounded the won't stand that big a chance.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:07 am
by Edwin
Originally posted by Garcia:
What makes the mage(sorc.) and thief constalation so interresting is that non of these two can tank (that good) you have to do a bit more thinking and I you do it right it really pays off.</STRONG>

Right you are.....
And's hide in water

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:10 am
by Edwin
@Dude: i think sorcerer and assassin is the coolest. You described well the advantages of this party.
If i had to pick a specialist mage, i'd take a necromancer, a class i like very much. The Abjurer would be cool too with his defencives spells to protect the assassin....and himself.... :p

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:13 am
by Edwin
Here's the link to the website of the group i'm involved with. I don't play, i'm the one who takes care of management and contacts.
I've done the site, but it's my first try for a website....suggestions and comments appreciated....


Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:23 am
by Garcia
There is not that much fancy stuff....what I find very good I is simple and precise so that even an idiot can figure it out (obviously I could :D ) the page is made in very dark colours....what kind of music do they play??

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:28 am
by Garcia
Originally posted by Garcia:
or should we call you Alberto :)

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:29 am
by Edwin
As you can see, the instruments played are not so usual....we don't like classifications, but we in are in that area of music called "apocalictic folk". MP3 are not available now....but soon they'll be.
Usually poeple don't know us much, but after seeing our live shows, the crowd is really happy.......

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:32 am
by Edwin
Originally posted by Garcia:
<STRONG>or should we call you Alberto :) </STRONG>

The secret behind Edwin.....
:D :eek: :p

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 5:45 am
by U_Niq
hey, i really like to hear those mp3's, alberto! :D :D

500 posts is getting close... ;)
If everybody replies 10 times or so thedude will see post 500 before his holday, so reply everybody! :D :D

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 6:05 am
by Edwin
I'll work on the mp3 and let you more post.... :D

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 6:49 am
by TheDude
Originally posted by U_Niq:
500 posts is getting close... ;)
If everybody replies 10 times or so thedude will see post 500 before his holday, so reply everybody! </STRONG>
He is right! :D keep posting but remember the 500st is mine !! :D :D

and people lets hide our real identities it is nicer.
Because when every body is talking about alberto's and Steffens ( :D :p ) Some people won't know who we are talking about
And u can't gossip right when u don't know who is who :D :D

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 7:37 am
by RA
Edwin do you play gothic or something I am a really big fan of that.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 7:48 am
by TheDude
he edwin, i just fisited your site
is there a picture from u to on the site or not??
if so on wich picture are u on, if not u should place a picture of your selve on teh site i mean u made it right?
that why we can all see who we are talking to :D :D :D

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 2:20 pm
by nael
just wante dto add how much i loved the image of the killer whale fighting his way to freedom...afterall, he is the hell orca! but i'm afraid i can't allow the orca to guard the guild...he has been trained to eat me afterall.

Posted: Wed May 16, 2001 6:43 pm
by Kayless
Am I the only one terrified at how the Anomen topic has grown? :eek: :eek: :eek: Image At this rate they're going to overtake us in 53.84 hours! MORE SPAM!!!

Seriously, I'd love to discuss some non spam (or Hell Orca :D ) related topics but as of now there's not much new stuff to debate. :(

Posted: Thu May 17, 2001 12:14 am
by nael
i too was a bit distressed by the anomen topic, so i took a gander but found it as random as our topic to figure out what they weer actuakky talkign about. what is the point of their topic now? and more importantly, how can we, the shadow mages take them out?

or if all else fails, i will temporarily step aside to allow the hell orca to do his dirty work on them