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Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 9:31 am
by Armadin of Clan Geddin
Originally posted by Xandax:
<STRONG>Well I useally don't drink (all the time

) - so sure, keep 'em comming

Here ye got a barrel to keep yerself busy fer the rest o' the night.
Quite a service eh?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 9:33 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by Armadin of Clan Geddin:
<STRONG>Here ye got a barrel to keep yerself busy fer the rest o' the night.
Quite a service eh?

Yeah - no problem there (so far) - maybe I need somebody to hold on to the room to stop it from spinning

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 9:59 am
by Armadin of Clan Geddin
"It's oh so quiet...
shhh... shhh...
It's oh so still...
shhh... shhh..."
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 10:46 am
by Minerva
It's a fine day for a drink or two.
It's a windy day for a sail or two.
It's a sunny day for a walk or two.
And it's a lovely day for a kiss or two.
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 11:04 am
by Armadin of Clan Geddin
Originally posted by Minerva:
<STRONG>And it's a lovely day for a kiss or two.</STRONG>
Aye, I agree. Even fer three or more.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 12:04 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
"I'm a lurker. You cannot see me."
"I leap from the shadows shouting"
"Its over. You're surrounded. Spam attack. Spam will prevail!!"

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 12:12 pm
by Armadin of Clan Geddin
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 12:29 pm
by ThorinOakensfield
Ok Pope hold it in. I know you want to continue your smilie war but not now. Don't want to get banned again, now do we?
But if you have a problem with spam, then talk to this [url=""]guy[/url]
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 12:33 pm
by Armadin of Clan Geddin
Originally posted by ThorinOakensfield:
<STRONG>Ok Pope hold it in. I know you want to continue your smilie war but not now. Don't want to get banned again, now do we?
But if you have a problem with spam, then talk to this [/URL]</STRONG>
I ne'er were banned.... Not here...
Now that ye mention it, one o' me (many) closed threads were "Smilies War", with stuff like this in it. Better not start again.
I had like 8 o' them closed ones.
I even beat Baassie.
But I be a changed dwarf now.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 1:00 pm
by Georgi
Hey dwarf, do you serve c0cktails, or just ale?

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 1:38 pm
by Armadin of Clan Geddin
Originally posted by Georgi:
<STRONG>Hey dwarf, do you serve c0cktails, or just ale?

Anythin' with booze in it.
Here, one o' me favourites.
(Anythin' with booze in it be me favourite

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 1:42 pm
by Georgi
I just prefer my booze in pretty colours and nice-tasting
Thanks Armi
How are you this evening?
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:02 pm
by Craig
*Conects tunnle to and from the rising sun tavern to the "Ye olde booze bar"* Quick in here!
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:18 pm
by Georgi
*picks up her drink and follows Craig, since the place is empty*
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:22 pm
by TheDeacon
* Whips open a box of scarcely dressed women to spice up the place *
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:24 pm
by TheDeacon
* envisioning some Coyote Ugly scenes *
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:26 pm
by TheDeacon
O.K. this place is officially dead...
People I'll hit the sack. Have fun with the girls. Please returned them in the same condition they were left here.
Night all.
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:32 pm
by Gwalchmai
Originally posted by TheDeacon:
<STRONG>O.K. this place is officially dead...
People I'll hit the sack. Have fun with the girls. Please returned them in the same condition they were left here.
Night all.</STRONG>
*Examines the girls. Notes considerable wear and tear.*
Deplorable condition. Tsk. Tsk. I don't think you'll get your damage deposit back.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:44 pm
by Georgi
Hey Gwally

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2001 2:47 pm
by Gwalchmai
Hi Georgi. Have fun looking for books? [ooh. slowdown on loading time!]
[ 06-21-2001: Message edited by: Gwalchmai ]