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Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:38 pm
by sparky_kat
stick to it and hang in there hun! you will be glad you did. I would hate to see you have the same regrets my cousin does currently when she ended up quiting right before she was about to graduate. She says she is ok with her choice.... but i can see her real feelings about it in her eyes and the way she talks about it, lots of regret.

so put on your big girl panties sweetie......

otherwise..... i shall inflict upon you a fate more morbid than AC's cattle prod... FAR more gut wrenching and painful than you could imagine....

I shall cut off your booze supply and make you live the rest of your days in sobriety, take over your moonshine operation and claim it as my own, confiscate the Cher wig and golden pantaloons, take away all of your Anomen paraphernalia, make you wear a pink tutu, and...... tattoo "I 'heart' Weasel" on your buttocks :laugh: :D :laugh:

wait... damn, you already have the tutu and tattoo. :p

hmmmm.... shall i go on trying to 'encourage' you to stay in school? lol :D

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:06 am
by dragon wench
sparky_kat wrote: so put on your big girl panties sweetie......

otherwise..... i shall inflict upon you a fate more morbid than AC's cattle prod... FAR more gut wrenching and painful than you could imagine....

I shall cut off your booze supply and make you live the rest of your days in sobriety, take over your moonshine operation and claim it as my own, confiscate the Cher wig and golden pantaloons, take away all of your Anomen paraphernalia, make you wear a pink tutu, and...... tattoo "I 'heart' Weasel" on your buttocks :laugh: :D :laugh:

wait... damn, you already have the tutu and tattoo. :p

hmmmm.... shall i go on trying to 'encourage' you to stay in school? lol :D
ROFLMAO! That's one of the funniest posts I've read around here in a very long time... :laugh:

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:30 am
by sparky_kat

ahhh, what can i say other than bs inspires me :p

especially when one has a few vicodin in their system :D :laugh:

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:46 am
by dragon wench
sparky_kat wrote: ahhh, what can i say other than bs inspires me :p
Hmm... BS as an "inspirational figure." Now *there's* an interesting concept... :D
Perhaps we could collect all of his memorable quotes and publish them in a book.... so as to inspire millions upon the planet... :p

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:18 pm
by Bloodstalker
Wait, did sparky just accuse me of cross dressing?:speech:

This is all a moot point now though. Finally got everything finished. Turns out, all I had to do was procrastinate long enough to get mad at myself for procrastinating. Imagine that. :rolleyes:

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:24 pm
by fable
Bloodstalker wrote:This is all a moot point now though. Finally got everything finished. Turns out, all I had to do was procrastinate long enough to get mad at myself for procrastinating. Imagine that. :rolleyes:
Actually, that makes a lot of sense to me. Which is disturbing.

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:35 pm
by sparky_kat
lol @ DW.... remember, i did mention i had painkillers in my system :p

BS, i would never ACCUSE you of cross dressing.... merely stating what has been admitted to before :laugh:

and i agree with fable.... BS making logical sense of any type is very truly disturbing indeed :eek:

anyhoo, BS dear, i am proud of you for finishing what was needed. looks like you just needed to kick your own arse into gear .... frilly pink tutu and all :D

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:17 pm
by Bloodstalker
I remember making no such admission. Someone here is slandering my good name. I demand satisfaction. :mad: :p

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 7:39 pm
by dragon wench
Bloodstalker wrote:I demand satisfaction. :mad: :p
I'm pretty sure I recall Weasel mentioning that you said exactly the same thing to him... :o :eek: :p

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:15 pm
by McBane
Bloodstalker wrote:I remember making no such admission. Someone here is slandering my good name. I demand satisfaction. :mad: :p
Do I smell litigation?? Or is that more booze comiing my way. :rolleyes:

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:30 pm
by Bloodstalker
When it's all said and done, doesn't it boil down to the same thing anyway?

What are you complaining about anyway, sooner or later, you'll have to examine someones briefs, and I'm sold down the river as a result. :D

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 11:14 pm
by dragon wench
Bloodstalker wrote: sooner or later, you'll have to examine someones briefs, and I'm sold down the river as a result. :D
I guess it depends on whose briefs are being examined.... :p

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:24 pm
by McBane
Bloodstalker wrote:When it's all said and done, doesn't it boil down to the same thing anyway?

What are you complaining about anyway, sooner or later, you'll have to examine someones briefs, and I'm sold down the river as a result. :D
LOL! Apparently I'm too well known. :D :D :D

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 4:40 am
by Beldin
dragon wench wrote:I guess it depends on whose briefs are being examined.... :p
Sounds like you're volunteering ... :D

No worries, at least he can't examine mine, :p

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 1:02 pm
by Ned Flanders

Looks as if you finished things up. I mean, the procrastination comment is interesting and insightful but we all know it was that hit below the belt mentioning the pilfering of your complete set of Anomen undergarments (paraphernalia, really, let's just call a spade a spade; briefs are briefs) that truly motivated you.

And what did you get out of it. A bachelor's. Didn't you already know you had that going for you. Wished I knew you were attending college, here at the U of MN, there's actually a class about responsible drinking...but we wouldn't know anything about that anyway, right?

Congrats, by the way, finishing the degree is a good thing. It's not necessarily the knowledge gained but the experience notched in your belt (what's her name :D ) for seeing it through and getting it done. No one can take that away from you.

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 1:03 am
by sparky_kat
Ned Flanders wrote:BS,

Looks as if you finished things up. I mean, the procrastination comment is interesting and insightful but we all know it was that hit below the belt mentioning the pilfering of your complete set of Anomen undergarments (paraphernalia, really, let's just call a spade a spade; briefs are briefs) that truly motivated you.
oh Neddy, i was referring to ALL of his Anomen things, not just the undergarments hun. cant forget the poster collection, secret journal under the mattress, the complete Anomen dinnerware set complete with Radiant Heart logo napkin rings.... not to also mention the newly acquired life size replica Anomen himself hiding in BS's bedroom closet. :laugh: :D

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 9:20 am
by dragon wench
sparky_kat wrote:oh Neddy, i was referring to ALL of his Anomen things, not just the undergarments hun. cant forget the poster collection, secret journal under the mattress, the complete Anomen dinnerware set complete with Radiant Heart logo napkin rings.... not to also mention the newly acquired life size replica Anomen himself hiding in BS's bedroom closet. :laugh: :D
ROFLMAO!!! :laugh:
I had no idea that BS had collected the special "Anomen Bridal Trousseau."

*hug* Long time no see, how are you doing? :cool:

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 3:47 pm
by Bloodstalker
Ned Flanders wrote:BS,

And what did you get out of it. A bachelor's. Didn't you already know you had that going for you. Wished I knew you were attending college, here at the U of MN, there's actually a class about responsible drinking...but we wouldn't know anything about that anyway, right?
No :D Good to see you around again Ned. With all these old names floating around the first page it's like some kind of time warp. Wonder what it is that draws people back in groups like that. Maybe some kind of migration instinct or something. Hell with it, I lost my point. Hope you brought the shine.

@Sparky, All rumors. No substance at all to any of them. And stay out of my bedroom closet. There are enough voices coming from in there as it is. :p

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 12:59 am
by sparky_kat
Bloodstalker wrote: @Sparky, All rumors. No substance at all to any of them. And stay out of my bedroom closet. There are enough voices coming from in there as it is. :p
what would be the fun in that sweetie :laugh:

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 2:59 am
by Beldin
Bloodstalker wrote:Maybe some kind of migration instinct or something. Hell with it, I lost my point. Hope you brought the shine.
Be assured - where Ned, McBane, BS and my not-so-humble self come home to roost, the shine will follow.

**opens a barrel in the back of the truck and starts to fill glasses all around**

No worries,


Beldin :cool: