Originally posted by Mr Snow:
<STRONG>How does Natural and unnatural equate to the discussion?
Margarine is "Unnatural" that doesn't stop people using it. </STRONG>
Margarine is irrelevant to this discussion as margarine is not a living being.
Clones are 'created' through means other than the natural processes of reproduction.
<STRONG>(also, why is stems cell research singled out, I don't hear anyone complaining about cloning an arm?)</STRONG>
I'm more against certain applications of cloning than of cloning itself.
If you're cloning just a single organ/limb/etc to replace a lost/damaged/diseased one, that's one thing. It's the creating a complete clone who's sole purpose is to sit around all day waiting for when she gets to have something amputated to replace a part of the woman she was cloned from. that I'm against.
I see other applications for the process of cloning that may or may not be possibilities.
Example: A lesbian couple that wants children. Would some 'variation' on cloning allow for one of the women's egg to be 'fertilized' using DNA from the other woman and then the egg put back in the woman it came from? IIRC, there is a similar thing done for hetero couples who are, for some reason, unable to get pregnant where the egg is removed and fertilized with the guy's sperm and then put back in the woman.
<STRONG>But as I was aluding to before, people have some IMO strange opinions on genetic research. Cloning an animal is fine, but a human, that's an abomination. Why? How is cloning humans cells for organs and whatever any more or less evil/abhorent than how animals are treated every day? (Or how humans treat themselves for that matter)
I get more upset about the double standards humans have for themselves. Why is it in life that what gets done to animals is OK but when you do the same to humans it's not? I'm sure those battery chickens would like to know the answer. (Cause they're going to be the ones that have greater cloning reasearch done to and for them than humans ever will)</STRONG>
For some, it's the view given by the Bible. "God made man stewards over the Earth." IMO, this says we should treat animals better than we currently do, not that we can do whatever we want to animals.
But, since not everyone believes in the Bible, I'll show a more...scientific(?) view. Humans are sentient lifeforms. Animals are not. That changes things.
My biggest problem with cloning full humans to keep around for spare parts is the fact that
I believe that a clone would have a soul, just like any other human. I came to this conclusion while reading Friday by Robert A. Heinlein. APs(Artificial Persons) were genetically engineered clones made to be stronger and such, but they were pretty much bred to be slaves. There are two terms...
in vitro and
in vivo...they both refer to a type of fertilization. I can't remember which is which. One is 'natural' and one is 'unnatural.' The fact that one is 'unnatural' is why the people in the culture in that book didn't consider APs to be real people, hence the name "Artificial Person." It is actually this same type of viewpoint that would allow scientists to make complete clones to keep around for spare parts. IIRC, what I mentioned earlier about the hetero couple is the 'unnatural' version of fertilization because the egg is fertilized outside of the body and then put back in. Does this make the baby any less human? Certainly not.