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Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2005 1:41 am
by Lorya
O.k there are some flaws in this story, but the general idea may not be so bad. However i wouldn't like to see all of the characters from kotor2 again. Maybe the story should just mention Revan. like he found this child with huge amount of midichlorians on some God forsaken planet an he/she decides to teach him/her the ways of the Force. Then something happens some Sith lord decides he wants the kid for himself to teach him/her the ways of the Sith, and Revan decides to hide the kid from the Sith, so he/she takes him/her to another God forsaken planet where the kid grows up.And then our game begins.We play as the kid and we have to stop/join this Sith lord. Revan could be in our party as some sort of mentor like Kreia was......anyway bla bla....... it would also be cool if we could meet someone with the name of Skywalker. Like some great great great great.....mother/father of Shmi Skywalker.(although I always choose that name for my main character, somehow star wars without a Skywalker just isn't star wars) :p

And BTW there is no way that Earth could exist here because in case you don't remember this is the galaxy far far away, so it obviously is not the milky way......

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:06 pm
by yoyopogo104
what do u guys c as the flaws in the story, and how would u fix 'em?

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 8:53 am
by fjdude
*edited* ppl are still actually reading my post.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:36 pm
by Revan12200
[QUOTE=Darth Zenemij]
Flaw#1. There is only one master, and there is only one apprentice, the code forbids, no more and no less.[/QUOTE]
Revan and the Exile could run an academy

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:52 pm
by Chanak
[QUOTE=fjdude]*edited* ppl are still actually reading my post.[/QUOTE]

fjdude: Two forum rules were violated in this post. First, you violated the following by the using the Deutsch word I edited out:

#8 - GameBanshee is maintained within the United States and is made up of a staff who primarily speak English. To allow for easier administration and moderating, we require that a full English translation is provided if any other language is used within the forums (private messaging excluded).

Secondly, you posted a word that, had it been translated in English as specified above, would have been omitted by the forum's profanity filter. That is an attempt to circumvent the profanity filter, which is a violation of forum rules.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 1:59 pm
by Elias De vere
In my answer about Earth, how about a blackhole, that would send them through time, because it would be cool to have Jedi Knights living and breathing among us, and you could have one teaching the almighty beard, lucas about the jedi and its history, and that could be something really cool, or just dumb. hey, you never know :rolleyes:

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 4:25 pm
by fjdude
[QUOTE=Chanak]fjdude: Two forum rules were violated in this post. First, you violated the following by the using the Deutsch word I edited out:

#8 - GameBanshee is maintained within the United States and is made up of a staff who primarily speak English. To allow for easier administration and moderating, we require that a full English translation is provided if any other language is used within the forums (private messaging excluded).

Secondly, you posted a word that, had it been translated in English as specified above, would have been omitted by the forum's profanity filter. That is an attempt to circumvent the profanity filter, which is a violation of forum rules.[/QUOTE]

My apologies. The breach of those two rules were purely unintentional.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 8:21 am
by Revan12200
[QUOTE=Elias De vere]In my answer about Earth, how about a blackhole, that would send them through time, because it would be cool to have Jedi Knights living and breathing among us, and you could have one teaching the almighty beard, lucas about the jedi and its history[/QUOTE]
I was thinking the same thing but I think that if they made the 3 films after Star Wars 6 then it would be in there and that all people on earth are descendents of the Jedi. Its jest we haven't found it out about our selves. The films should turn out that the only way to balance the force truly for all time and kill all the Sith is to destroy the force completely. At the end of the films one of the last Jedi kills him self to balance the force and bring peace to the galaxy but the Sith try to stop him and destroys the galaxy along with themselves. Fortunately two Jedi escape and using a new form of hyperspace travel and find them selves at a planet called Earth. They start a new race of Jedi on this uninhabited world.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:57 am
by darth leano
theres no point in linking star wars to us, the entire point to star wars is that its so far away from us that any thing could happen there, and bassicly it does , but why do u want jedi on earth, do u want to feel special? sorry to break it to you but star wars is fictional, no jedi came and told george lucas of his adventures, george lucas MADE IT UP , get used to it

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:02 am
by Ravager
I agree that I don't think the franchise could work if brought to Earth, that would require far too many changes. Spaceships, aliens, Jedi, Sith. It could be set far in the future but it would be taking something big away from it.

Hmm... I suppose it could be possible if these Jedi were completely ostracised from the rest . It might make for an interesting story, but then the materials they need for building spaceships and light-sabers and other tech. could well not be available on Earth.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:11 am
by darth leano
but still theres absoloutly no point in having jedi in our galaxy, in comparison , our galaxy sucks,long long ago they had space travel hyperspace, lightsabers, whilst we were cave men realising we could create fire with sticks, its far more exciting to watch there fictional galaxy as ours is boring.

Think about how, if it were real, at present date , in the star wars galaxy they would have even better stuff than they do in all that we've seen, which brings me to another point wh ynot create futuristic star wars films/games: a long time in the future in a galaxy far far away :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:56 am
by Chanak
[QUOTE=darth leano]theres no point in linking star wars to us, the entire point to star wars is that its so far away from us that any thing could happen there, and bassicly it does , but why do u want jedi on earth, do u want to feel special? sorry to break it to you but star wars is fictional, no jedi came and told george lucas of his adventures, george lucas MADE IT UP , get used to it[/QUOTE]

It's possible to disagree with someone without flaming, as you have done in this post. I don't think anyone on this forum doubts for a moment that the Star Wars saga is ficticious. In any event, you're violating forum rules.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:00 am
by ajdaha
Sometimes I felt like I wasn't part of the jedi. Because I was always so powerfull. It just made the game really cheesy. I want to be part of the universe, I don't want to be expected to be more powerfull or special in any way. I love the idea of training my jedi in some academy. I want to choose my character and start at his childhood and play in different timepoints of his/her life until I reach adulthood and the game trully begins. I want to be around and train with other jedi and when I'm grown up I want to be near people who are in awe because I'm a jedi. From the recent StarWars games you'd think that its not a superb ability to be able to move an object using you're mind. The power's value is put in terms of damage dealt. And incorrectly as well. I hate the dungeons and dragons system. It doesn't apply when you have guns. A shot from a gun kills. But jedi are very hard to shoot, thats why there is no way a guy with a pistol can shoot down a jedi because all the jedi has to do is deflect it right back and since the bounty hunter can't deflect, he's killed. One shot is all it should take, and if it ever becomes this way in games gamers will realize why it is that Jedi are logically very awesome. Cause they can't be killed. And btw, damage output is much more than mere numbers because of the way that damage is delivered. How retarded is the D&D system? It could only work that way if someone was fightning unnarmed and the stronger guy could punch harder or whatever. Even if its just a sword fight it would not work because a correct slive is all you need, when fighting a human (what relevance is your strength for example when the only thing a human requires is a slice in the right area, to be killed). These days we should have enough power in our computers to handle more complex calculations than random(1-100)+modifiers = DC. That system is too dated, why are we using it?

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:50 am
by L.Robert
it would be good living from the age of about 5 or 6, learning strength, building weapons, building armour, creating original and personal fighting techniques ( like personalized attacks and blocks) , learning knowladge and becoming aware that you are force sensitive when found by a jedi ( or a sith dependant on alaignments ) (when your about 14 ) being taught by your master and growing a bond and friendship with him/her (like obi-wan -> anakin ) when some big galactical war starts (republic v sith or such like ) and having to choose sides (about 17yrs old) based on your performance in the war you can become a general. when this great war ends your about 20 and if your wise/strong enough you gain a position of importance, but you learn that your master was killed in the final battle by some one on the opposition who is a jedi or a sith (dependent on your allaignments) which could make your charector very angry and cause him to become extremely evil and seek revenge, as you become more powerfull you learn that the one who killed your master wasnt the oppostion but an assasin sent by revan to kill him as he is a) a jedi or b) to powerfull a sith to stay alive. you are eventually confronted by the bastilla who has turned back to the light side when she saw the destruction of the war she see's your anger and says she'll help you find and defeat revan who is the sith at controll of the sith army, on the way you are confronted by the exile who is a) trying to stop you and turn you to lightside or b) working for revan to kill you, you either stay on the dark side and kill him or join the light side and he helps you to find revan. ultimatly you confront revan (age 25) and you fight him in the proccess the exile and bastilla are killed, you see his power an flee to carth and/or canderous for help, either one suplies you withan army which you bring to fight revan (on the starforge) , revan naturally has a huge army ready (revan wasnt killed in the original battle somehow but he escaped as the jedi wouldnt kill him) at the end of the battle both armies are dead, but revan has another huge army. you look doomed when all remaining jedi return (bao-dur , atton , hand maiden , disciple, jolee, juhanni, mira and visas(who had became the new jedi council)) aided by a few droids (g0-t0, t3-m4 and hk-47)and carth and mandalore you eventually win the battle and revan fights you all in one climatic battle (this game will have a better duel engine so itll be a better fight than in kotor I and II, you have revan almost killed , he collapses, there is silence, then he roars and summons the dark power of the star forge and he becomes a big monster thing who kills every one, other than you, and you eventually kill him and save the galaxy. :D :D thats my idea

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:58 am
by ajdaha
Well, thats a great story, and I kinda support it. But because you posted it here, it will never be used because you would have given out the ending just now :) )))
What I'm sure of is that the gameplay in Kotor II was not good. I want game sto be ADVANCED. With many many features. And I would love it if the first game to actually be advanced was Kotor, and I would love LucasArts to make that game (ahem, cough, cough, choke, choke, weeze, ahem)

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2005 8:32 pm
by Sylock
ok without reading anyones post, except skimming most of the thread starters, this is my view:

not much time will pass from transition into kotor3 from kotor2, if anyone else preceieved that ending as "ebon hawk blast off of malachor 5, but OoooOoOo, WHERE ARE THEY GOING?" so imo, t3 m4 droid unlocks the ebon hawks history in the computer (remember ur party in kotor2 were very curious about this and yet the droid didnt let ppl find out) the reason was he was ordered by revan before he/she went to the unknown regions, to guard the ship until the time was right* [* i'm being vague in this clearly this condition and action for a right time can be triggered by, anyone looking for revan but was not worthy, the driod didnt trust the exile yet, etc etc blah blah blah]

anyrate the computers travel history gets unlocked, they find all the past planets that revan visited, one of these being coruscant (yay :D ) i forget that lil yoda guy from kotor1 (if u havent guessed i'm horrible at names so bare with me) he is in coruscant trying to reestablish the great jedi temple, from there ur mission is evident, he tells u the truth about revan and how he was converted by the jedi order, after kotor1 revan was having past dreams of the evil he did, he brings this up to the remnants of the order to seek out his places of jedi conversion. he couldnt let anyone know [being vague here as to why] thus carth not being informed. if any of u seen that movie sequence in kotor2 with carth and bastila u see what i'm getting at. all of this is told to u. before u go disciple or handmadien request to stay on coruscant to learn more and help aid, (trying to also predict who will be in ur roster for the beginning) atton is with u, so is bao dur , the droids always (i see them like c3po and r2d2, kinda like a comic releif yet not soo homosexual lol, but they have to be in there just as honorary players) mira also decides to stay or something i havent decided, with this plot setup it would either call for more player slots for more characters (16 or 18 slots maybe?)

any who; they blast off from there to some place idk where [insert clever rpg plot build up here] i'm keeping it vague because i feel my thoughts are up for interpretation so i dont wanna go into small details, kinda gets retarded if u do :D . so with this tho u will prolly see revan he wont be a playable imo tho, its just not logical, he's too strong to be a playable , plus if ur going into this as the exile already and if revan represents ur playable character from kotor1 and he isnt as strong as ur main character (kinda a main rpg rule that ur main character is the power house) so it would be an insult and dissappointment to have him in ur playable roster, regardless u work with him on a few things, close interaction so he can still portait that power he is notorious for, while u being the exile are still a strong counterpart .

u have in ur playables imo; carth, bastila, mira, baodur, atton, exile, the 2 driods hk ,and t3, juhani * [ she joins u possibly later she is hunting for revan too on her own, this opens up a possibilty to see her home planet] visas [her life for urs, so u gotta count on her :P ] possibiliy some converted jedi or sith in ur team or something too.

i think this will be even more jedi focused then kotor2. i loved kotor1 because u had ALOT to do, and each planet was like at least 10 hours of gameplay (if i remember right :o ) kotor3 needs to be what kotor2 was trying to be. i loved how to opened up the lab and work stations into my complex options, it made building lightsabers SOO much more cool, as well as more individual in correlation to the individual players and how one plays their game in view of tactics (using stunning ability, or brute power of ur blade, or even making it relfect alot of blaster shots back to ur enemy] how they set up kotor2 was perfect, yet if they make kotor3 it needs to be larger, morrowind large. because i seriously doubt anyone would get tired of it! :D

ok moving back on topic. yes we fight the true enemy in kotor3 the true evil empire lurking beyond the shadows of unknown space. and thats about it. :D