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Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:22 am
by JediaMaster420

as to my quote, i see now that i had actually misswritten it and didnt realize it till now, sorry for the incoveniance, and thank you DesR85 for the tip

But here is a quote i used to say, it is similair......ask not what mankind can do for you, but what you can do for mankind, earth is our mother, and you do not poison your own mother, so straighten up mankind, or suffer the consequences of losing your mother......JediaMaster420 -Oct.21st,1998

Posted: Tue Jun 20, 2006 2:34 pm
by Reaver32
The game wouldnt feel right if you started out as revan or the exile, unless it was in a prolouge like in k2 with T3. i dont know why so many people want to play as revan, his story needs finishing, that i understand, but why play as a person that you already "know" well enough.

on a different note, why not have that game follow a "weaker" jedi since in k2you were a god by lvl 15, and could do the rest of the game by yourself. also dont have all the chars able to become a jedi, the balance of the game functions because you can have a person shooting at a guy who is getting slashed with a lightsaber, and being blow up by a grenade(not just jedi charging over everyone).

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:16 am
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Reaver32]on a different note, why not have that game follow a "weaker" jedi[/QUOTE]The main character let's call him Bob. Bob is a weak Jedi like you want. Bob as the game has always been is the leader of the group. Bob has Revan and Exile on this team. The game is automatically made ludicrous and stupid, plus you insult Revan and Exile.

[QUOTE=Reaver32]also dont have all the chars able to become a jedi, the balance of the game functions because you can have a person shooting at a guy who is getting slashed with a lightsaber, and being blow up by a grenade(not just jedi charging over everyone).[/QUOTE]I see we have a real genius here. :rolleyes:

Even if everyone in the game is a Jedi doesn't mean they have to use lightsabers. They can still hold a blaster, and throw grenades. Try thinking beyond Jedi=Lightsaber!!1111!!

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 5:43 am
by mr_sir
Or just don't make them jedi in the first place - its optional to make them into Jedi and not essential for the storyline so you don't have to make any of them Jedi in Kotor2 (except the ones already Jedi of course) unless you want to.

Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 6:29 am
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=mr_sir]Or just don't make them jedi in the first place - its optional to make them into Jedi and not essential for the storyline so you don't have to make any of them Jedi in Kotor2 (except the ones already Jedi of course) unless you want to.[/QUOTE]There is always that as well.

It only helps you to make them Jedi. Give them a blaster and set them as a grenaider or agressive. Or set them on Jedi Support and give them a blaster that way they use all those nifty support powers on themselves and the pc, such as heal, valor, etc. Just because they are Jedi doesn't mean your entire party has to charge into fray with lightsabers drawn.

And for something actually story related:

I was reading Wookiepedia, and it said that Exile and T3 went into the Unknown Regions looking for Revan at the request of Carth. If that is true then if Exile is involved at all in the game he would need to be in the Unknown Regions or it would have to be years down the road and he is back in Known Regions after finding Revan (dead or alive) or not finding him. Also if that is true what happened to everyone else cause it wasn't like Malachor V had an abundance of ships they could use after Revan and T3 took off with the Hawk.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 10:49 am
by Reaver32
[QUOTE=The Exile Revan]...Also if that is true what happened to everyone else cause it wasn't like Malachor V had an abundance of ships they could use after Revan and T3 took off with the Hawk.[/QUOTE]

Revan and T3 didnt take the hawk, i think you ment the exile. also, you dont know that there arent other ships there (how did all the sith get there, not all got there because of the Ravenger). when you ask kreya about that fates of your party members, you learn that they get off malachor v (Bao-dur might be dead due to remote getting the message). I do see your point that if it is true, that theres far too many coincidences to rely on.

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2006 2:08 pm
by The Exile Revan
[QUOTE=Reaver32]Revan and T3 didnt take the hawk, i think you ment the exile. also, you dont know that there arent other ships there (how did all the sith get there, not all got there because of the Ravenger). when you ask kreya about that fates of your party members, you learn that they get off malachor v (Bao-dur might be dead due to remote getting the message). I do see your point that if it is true, that theres far too many coincidences to rely on.[/QUOTE]I know what Kreia says about them, its just a matter of filling in the gap between on planet and getting off. Cause from what I read Exile & T3 went planet hopping in search of Revan, they certainly didn't go since their fates were different than Exile's.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 7:05 am
by obrad
Frankly, I think the 3rd part should explain previous two. After the end of the 1st part everything seems perfect, and then in the 2nd you find chaos, and everybody in game tell you only rumors they heared, which are often certainly untrue. No one actualy knows what is going on. And what happend with those floating balls on Malachor? Or how did Mira escape when it collapsed? And has anyone actualy managed to find out where HK-50's are produced? I almost forgot, what happend with little guy that lookes like Yoda from the 1st part? There are many unanswered questions and I hope that the 3rd part will answer them.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 6:03 pm
by Darth Valrith
[QUOTE=zander811]I like that story idea, not bad at all. All they need now is good actors. A guy "yelling" at you in a calm tone won't seem realistic, I hope Lucasarts does a good job w/ the actors. Also, same-gender masters would be cool, and opposite-gender partners would make it differenciate w/ the gender of your character. The species can be random or w/e, just same voices, they did that in the other games, I noticed that nearly every mercinary sounded the same, but w/e, small detail. Love the story tho, hope they make one similar to that, either in the third or later.[/QUOTE]

yup very good idea. and only voice i've REALLY noticed to be the same from kotor 1 to 2 (i THINK is the same) is that of Davik Kang of the Exchange(Taris)/Lieutenant Dol Grenn of the TSF(Telos). only thing i don't like about the plot is the jedi council. i can kinda understand brianna (handmaiden) as her "mistress" was a member of teh council that exiled the..well.. Exile :p bastila makes sense. why mission? what makes her special. hell if she can be on council then people like Mira should be on (not Carth cuz hes in Republic, no Canderous cuz hes a mandalorian ("ooh look at teh mandalorian jedi!"), visas no (former dark jedi. exile also coulda killed her in k2). id say throw in bao-dur. we need more aliens. although i think i heard somewhere that baodur dies in k2. i beat is on LS, but i forget what happened. all i really remember is that M5 is a dumb place for final battle, and Traya uses like 3 flaoting lightsabers.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:03 pm
by JediaMaster420
in Remark to my earlier post

To DesR85 & hill-shatar, sorry about the new post i posted a couple of days ago about the rumor of K3 being months in the making, the rumors and news thread happened to be closed and i wanted to post my findings so the only other thing i knew to do is start a new thread for my post and other future posts so we wouldnt have to start new threads..... and to reaver32, i like your ideal, but for revan and exile, the 3rd major character needs to be stronger than both, and have the option to join either the true sith or the jedi/sith, and now im thinking even maybe bring back malak somehow to join your party and maybe even visas or however you spell her name joining you later on in the game looking for you after finally realizing what revan went after, because i believe it should take both jedi and jedi-sith party to overpower the true sith....and if not visas, then maybe kiera coming back somehow ( hey she surivived death once already) maybe to teach the new main character the 4th rank of the jedi, (padawan, jedi ranks from k1, new jedi ranks from k2, and new ranks for k3)...and to Darth Valrith, mission was more like a little sister to revan, and i think she still has a story in k3 to be told, just like bastilla, and as well as carth if they come to say the main character in k3 is revan and bastilla's child like i think they will(uncle carth funny huh), and in my ideal of k3 should be like, the only part canderous played in it was leaving a ship on the unknown planet, and we do know boa dur died in k2, hince his little droid side mission, but he would be cool to have around obrad, i think we will finally see the factory in k3, although i could be wrong, but i think they might actually let us do a mission there, and to all who wonders with what is missing in the gaps of k1 & k2, i think k3 will fill them in... and finally to mr sir, i think in k3 all should be either jedi or jedi-sith or can be turned with ties to the story line because its a major war, the jedi party and/or jedi-sith party against the true sith, and i think you should be able to chose the paths of all your party members like you did revan and exile in k1 & k2, although only you,revan,and exile reaching rank 4 if they use it, but these are just my opinions and i dont mean to offened anyone.

The true path of the light is hard, but to do the right thing even when your required not to, then the strength of the light comes truely understand the light, you must become one with it, to look darkness in the face and smile, to have faith and confindence in yourself that you will never fall to the darkness, always and at all times, that is the true path of the light - Master Scorpio "Jedia World Order" March 22nd 2006

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 12:47 pm
by obrad
Who said Bao-Dur Dies?

I think not. I don't know who told everyone that Bao-Dur is dead, but I don't belive it. In the end of the KOTOR2, Darth Traya says that she doesn't know his future. If someone is dead, how can his future be so complicated? The very same reason makes me think the main character in KotOR3 might be him.
He would have all those droids with him, and he would escape the planet using some scavenged piece of junk( I think someone said something about not being any ships at Malachor V, but I think that most of planet is covered with them).

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:13 pm
by Darth Valrith
I have a decent plot, but it would require Taris being in the game (it's been restored or is in teh process of being restored). Here it is:
You get Revan in the party (either main character or an alternate. this plot requires Revan being an alternate)If you dont play Revan as a main character, but he/she is a party member, then you automatically take Revan onto Taris (he/she wants to revisit the place where he/she got to talk with his/her romance partner). when you get onto the surface, a group of people instantly recognize Revan as the one who beat Bendak. if you're a DS follower, then you grow jealous of Revan taking the spotlight. eventually, Revan leaves the party because he/she can't stand you and your jealousy, then he/she goes off to get away from your constant remarks. Revan comes across the person who would originally be the final boss if you played lightside (or dark if you chose not to be jealous of Revan stealing the spotlight). This person hassles Revan about the main character wanting to take the spotlight from him/her. Revan is tempted to the dark side (again) to hold the spotlight and gain the power to finish you off, primarily to end your jealousy. But Revan wants the full spotlight, so he/she kills the final boss, and becomes the final boss himself/herself. At this point, main character goes on doing whatever until the final confrontation (maybe this is the BIG quest like the "A Quest for the Star Forge" or "Lost Jedi" quests). what you need to do is go around the galaxy searching for clues as to where Revan is, asking people if they've seen him/her. if you remain dark side, you're looking for Revan to steal the glory from Revan. if you switch to light side, you're looking for Revan to ask forgiveness, but by then it's too late, and you have to face him/her. If you're light side at the end, and you forgive Revan enough, then you redeem him/her instead of killing Revan. If this happens, then the original final boss that Revan ran into earlier shows up, apparently not dead. In fact, he/she is much stronger than before. From here, you could either take him/her down with Revan (and Exile's help if he/she is a playable party character, and Exile shows up to check that you're okay), or you send Revan off to the ship or whatever you arrived with to inform all the rest of the party that you're okay despite the fact you're fighting some person who is very strong. Meanwhile, you fight the person. When you kick this person's Sith Lord a**, the rest of the party shows up only to find that they were too late to help you bring down the boss more easily. The ending i dont really care about. the endings are usually stupid. no action. i hate lack of action. i leave the ending to my plot up to you kotor fans.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:14 pm
by Darth Valrith
I have a decent plot, but it would require Taris being in the game (it's been restored or is in teh process of being restored). Here it is:
You get Revan in the party (either main character or an alternate. this plot requires Revan being an alternate)If you dont play Revan as a main character, but he/she is a party member, then you automatically take Revan onto Taris (he/she wants to revisit the place where he/she got to talk with his/her romance partner). when you get onto the surface, a group of people instantly recognize Revan as the one who beat Bendak. if you're a DS follower, then you grow jealous of Revan taking the spotlight. eventually, Revan leaves the party because he/she can't stand you and your jealousy, then he/she goes off to get away from your constant remarks. Revan comes across the person who would originally be the final boss if you played lightside (or dark if you chose not to be jealous of Revan stealing the spotlight). This person hassles Revan about the main character wanting to take the spotlight from him/her. Revan is tempted to the dark side (again) to hold the spotlight and gain the power to finish you off, primarily to end your jealousy. But Revan wants the full spotlight, so he/she kills the final boss, and becomes the final boss himself/herself.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:17 pm
by Darth Valrith
At this point, main character goes on doing whatever until the final confrontation (maybe this is the BIG quest like the "A Quest for the Star Forge" or "Lost Jedi" quests). What you need to do is go around the galaxy searching for clues as to where Revan is, asking people if they've seen him/her. If you remain dark side, you're looking for Revan to steal the glory from Revan. If you switch to light side, you're looking for Revan to ask forgiveness, but by then it's too late, and you have to face him/her. If you're light side at the end, and you forgive Revan enough, and then you redeem him/her instead of killing Revan. If this happens, then the original final boss that Revan ran into earlier shows up, apparently not dead. In fact, he/she is much stronger than before. From here, you could either take him/her down with Revan (and Exile's help if he/she is a playable party character, and Exile shows up to check that you're okay), or you send Revan off to the ship or whatever you arrived with to inform all the rest of the party that you're okay despite the fact you're fighting some person who is very strong. Meanwhile, you fight the person. When you kick this person's Sith Lord a**, the rest of the party shows up only to find that they were too late to help you bring down the boss more easily. The ending I don’t really care about. The endings are usually stupid. No action. I hate lack of action. I leave the ending to my plot up to you kotor fans.

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:18 pm
by Darth Valrith
At this point, main character goes on doing whatever until the final confrontation (maybe this is the BIG quest like the "A Quest for the Star Forge" or "Lost Jedi" quests). What you need to do is go around the galaxy searching for clues as to where Revan is, asking people if they've seen him/her. If you remain dark side, you're looking for Revan to steal the glory from Revan. If you switch to light side, you're looking for Revan to ask forgiveness, but by then it's too late, and you have to face him/her. If you're light side at the end, and you forgive Revan enough, and then you redeem him/her instead of killing Revan. If this happens, then the original final boss that Revan ran into earlier shows up, apparently not dead. In fact, he/she is much stronger than before. From here, you could either take him/her down with Revan (and Exile's help if he/she is a playable party character, and Exile shows up to check that you're okay), or you send Revan off to the ship or whatever you arrived with to inform all the rest of the party that you're okay despite the fact you're fighting some person who is very strong. Meanwhile, you fight the person. When you kick this person's Sith Lord a**, the rest of the party shows up only to find that they were too late to help you bring down the boss more easily. The ending I don’t really care about. The endings are usually stupid. No action. I hate lack of action. I leave the ending to my plot up to you kotor fans. if Revan became the boss and was redeemed, no "redemption of Revan". was k1 ending already and was still bad

Posted: Mon Jun 26, 2006 6:22 pm
by Darth Valrith
ugh sorry about multiple posts. internet being gay tonight. thought i wasnt posting cuz maybe i put too much in at once, and i made a few changes to text. again, sry :( :( :(

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 4:34 am
by FighterTundra
[QUOTE=obrad]Who said Bao-Dur Dies?[/QUOTE]

it depends on how you end the game, you end the game LS, boa-dur survives, you end DS, bao-dur goes down with the ebon hawk.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:18 pm
by obrad
[QUOTE=FighterTundra]it depends on how you end the game, you end the game LS, boa-dur survives, you end DS, bao-dur goes down with the ebon hawk.[/QUOTE]

Who said he was inside? If Exile, Mira, Remote and GO-TO droped out, why not him as well? The fact that we didn't see him doesn't mean he isn't out cold on some rock.

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:20 pm
by obrad
Bao-Dur aside, here is one of my ideas for the main plot:

You start as a child that just found out he/she was Force sensitive. You can choose where to go: a rebuilt Jedi academy on Dantooine, or a reestablished Sith academy on Koribban. Once you choose and get there you are put to various tests to see if you are worthy of training. There should be a history test where game would find out how you ended previous two parts. You finish your training as a young man and are given a task of finding Revan. If you are a Jedi you should help him/her against the True Sith, and if you're Sith you should lure him to the dark side. You would find Exile somewhere and either convince him to help you in search of Revan, or compete with him/her to find him first. When you find Revan you have to fight him and make some pauses to convince him to whatever you want him to do (something like Revan-Bastila fight on the Star Forge). Oh, I almost forgot, you went in search of Revan because Mandalorian War II is on the prowl. Canderous Ordo has gathered the scatered clans and they are treatening the Republic once again. So, everyone can redeem themselves by finding peacefull solution to the conflict.

Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:05 am
by Bada-Bing-Boom
Not bad. Not bad at all. the only problem is how will you know what Revan and the Exile looked like? And Canderous was helping the republic in the last two wasn't he? (if you were LS) But i guess that doesn't surprise me since no matter how much influence you have on him he always stays firmly DS in both games. But other than that it was pretty good. Just get the details down and you got a great story.