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Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:23 am
by pattern
Currently Level 49 @ 2099 DPS, same weapon as below but 160% attackspeed and some other minor changes.

Screenshot from when I was Level 41 with 1640 DPS

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 7:20 am
by damus
Secret area?

deadsenator, please give more details on the secret area? Where it is, how to get to it.



Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:34 pm
by Siberys
damus wrote:deadsenator, please give more details on the secret area? Where it is, how to get to it.


There are youtube videos for this, posted in this forum even.

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 2:52 am
by Dylan_Dop
warden (hunting / defence) lvl.59

I've finished the game and expansion on legendary, and farming right now.
with bow (I play ONLY with bow) I deal 2100 dps and that's not bad at all, I think. Perhaps it's nothing comparing to 5k, but thats without "call of the hunt" activated... and with "study pray" I think my warden is serious ass-kicker. I don't even have tracker set yet, just torso... And that makes me maaaad like hell! Does any of you guys know easier way to get tracker set except farming Typhoon ('cause I've done it like 200 times, and I'm not happy with what I'm getting).

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 4:13 pm
by skacc
My damage

Hi all!
So i am playing a Diviner (Spirit + Dream). I am level 49 now. My DPS is 14.000. My Avarage damage is 9.000. and it will go heigher. Both of my masteries have auras which are weakens the enemys, so the damage they get is much heigher then 9K / hit.
The key is the Dreadful of Reckless Power, which is the best sword in the game. (you can not find it on GameBanshee).
Major attributes of the sword:
> 750 - 850 dmg
> + 37% dmg
> around 180 bleeding dmg over 3 sec
> around 180 cold dmg
> around 450 frostburn dmg over 6 sec
> + some attack speed

And with every other items i go for + X% dmg, +X% Total dmg, + attack speed. My skills are also focused for theese.

The other imoprtant item for my build is the Hallowed Seal of Finesse. It is a green ring which gives - 100% from ALL requiments. U can wear it on lvl 15. So i only need to pump STR, for the heigher meele damage.

The only other thing i am taking care of is the resist.
For health i use items which make X% of attack damage converted to health. So if u hit someone your health goes up like crazy if u have height damage.

Hope i could help...

Posted: Tue May 29, 2007 5:09 pm
by PheonixFire
Hey Skacc can u show a screenshot of the sword cause I really wanna see what it looks like.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 9:22 am
by skacc
Sword and Ring

So the Sword (Dreadful of Reckless Power) and the ring (Hallowed Seal of Finesse):
Click on the attached file

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:42 am
by Erathia
I do believe both of those items are hacked and/or non-legit, as in you can not find them from regular monster drops. Can anyone confirm/deny this?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 11:07 am
by Siberys
Either that or it's one of those things you can unlock in Titan Quest Immortal Throne.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:05 pm
by k1suk3
i think that item not legal. No offense
but that item seem unbeatable
+100 % exp
-100 req
the sword totaly not logical

if u are a warfare type wat happen when u use 2 kind of that sword ??
the damage ..... i think crit about 20 k

wat the purpose playing titan quest anymore
its no fun at all

i'm curious about 5k dps. My batle mage best damage ever is 4432 its plus warfare shrine though.

which is the real damage average or dps?
which better average or dps?

what about attack speed ?
from my experience, weapon with huge damage its very slow,

my char lv 56, iam using 2 thunder bolt
attack speed 154, average 1100 ++, dps 1600++ with onslaught
crit about 3000 ++
although my armor 2000++ i'm still find problem with archer because my pierce resist 6 with onslaught. iam not having problem with the other resist

advise ?

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 12:26 pm
by Siberys

Please don't double post, there's an edit function if you wish to add more to your post.

Also, please don't use any profanities or acronyms that translate into profanities as per the forum rules. Thank you.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:12 pm
by k1suk3
ups my bad. sory
i also double post in "need help with batlemage thread"
my internet connection very slow

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:20 pm
by skacc
Sword and Ring

I have done some research about the sword and the ring.
About the sword, some people say it is not legal, some say it is, but they dont wanna tell how did they get it. Diablo 2 LoD had items which only could be dropped by Über monsters, but you had to unlock them first, and people dont like to tell how to do that.
I hate cheating, coz that just kills the game, so i hope it is not hacked, coz my whole bulid is based on that sword, and i made a very hard trade for that.

About the ring: everybody who has it say that they traded for it (just like me). If i would make a hacked ring like that, i would make it even stronger. It is a common ring except for the -100% req and the +100% exp. It gives only + fire dmg, and 1 skill. If someone hacked it, why he did not boost the other attributes also?

I have seen many hacked items in TQ, but they were much stronger then theese two, that's why i think / hope these two are legal.

So the ring again:
Titan Quest News, Trailers, Screenshots, Previews, Reviews, Guides -- Titan Quest: Immortal Throne Vault

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 1:46 pm
by Siberys
@Skacc, please don't double post either. Not two posts above I had mentioned this to another member, and you're not an exception to this rule either.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:18 pm
by PheonixFire
hey skacc i dont know why but ur so called dreadfull of reckless power seems a lot like the legendary sword pagos.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 3:58 pm
by Siberys
PheonixFire wrote:hey skacc i dont know why but ur so called dreadfull of reckless power seems a lot like the legendary sword pagos.
Similar, but definitely some key differences as well.

For one, Pagos has no bleeding damage or penalty to health regeneration. Pagos also has a 10% bonus to armor, Dreadful doesn't have that.

Posted: Wed May 30, 2007 4:20 pm
by skacc
Sword and Ring

They say both items are hacked. too bad...
VN Boards - Dreadful of Reckless Power: Legal or not?

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 3:26 pm
by PheonixFire
skacc if their hacked that means that u knew all along

Posted: Thu May 31, 2007 8:58 pm
by Siberys
PheonixFire wrote:skacc if their hacked that means that u knew all along
Yep, agreed. You couldn't have found that item in Vanilla Titan Quest or IT, so you had to have downloaded it from somewhere, thus making it a hack of the original game.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2007 7:44 am
by skacc
Sword and Ring

As i said, i traded them. Online multiplayer
Anyway,I dont have them anymore, so my avarage dmg is a bit more then 2,8K, and my DPS is 6,1K