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Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 6:52 pm
by TheCrazdPariah
Sithlord1989 wrote:Absolutly I have looked at them,first off the jedi stormed the star forge and it was a major battle so that doesnt count plus malak sent three sith at a time which if you remember was often met with three opponents,because anybody dumb enough to walk around alone on kashyk,korriban,or tatooine ought not be playing the game.Remember when bastila took revan from the ship she was with 2-3 other jedi.
Dude i guess you have a semi valid point. However bastila and the jedi had to fight their through many dark jedi and soldiers. I harldly think that reven would run the entire ship with only a couple of guys. And as far as the star forge was concerned, he was sending an army of guys at reven. Malak could care less about the surrounding jedi, he was sending droids and soldiers to try and slow down reven. Too lazy to look for any other battles between jedi and sith right now.
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:20 am
by Altmer1989
TheCrazdPariah wrote:Dude i guess you have a semi valid point. However bastila and the jedi had to fight their through many dark jedi and soldiers. I harldly think that reven would run the entire ship with only a couple of guys. And as far as the star forge was concerned, he was sending an army of guys at reven. Malak could care less about the surrounding jedi, he was sending droids and soldiers to try and slow down reven. Too lazy to look for any other battles between jedi and sith right now.
Look we could go back and forth on this till the end of time and it wouldtn solve anything so lets just drop it,okay
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 8:53 am
by BlueSky
Sithlord1989 wrote:Look we could go back and forth on this till the end of time and it wouldtn solve anything so lets just drop it,okay
Good Decision guys...
Maybe I should propose a debate award ....
Good points both sides, well written, and no flaming....
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 9:08 am
by TheCrazdPariah
Hope to argue with you again soon
Yeah as much fun this was, im running out of arguements. So thanks for being such a worthy adversary.
Pm any time if you want to continue this or just to talk about anything else. Until then, see ya.
Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 3:15 am
by Ciglana
Learn a bit about Star Wars history
I don't want to me hated by this community or something but I wanted to say something...
I am a big Star Wars fan and as one,I tried to learn some things that happened before the films.
Star Wars history is really big...I mean,KOTOR series are about the Jedi Civil War and stuff,which happened cca. 3000 years BBY(Before Battle of Yavin).
What my point is,some guy here said that KOTOR III should explain what happened before the Phantom Menace!That's imposible,Phantom Menace happened roughly 50 years BBY,so guys...there's a great Star Wars site,Star Wars wiki actually,called Wookiepedia.Go there and learn something about the Star Wars history.
Thank you
Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 6:44 am
by bigredpanda
Ciglana wrote:I don't want to me hated by this community or something but I wanted to say something...
I am a big Star Wars fan and as one,I tried to learn some things that happened before the films.
Star Wars history is really big...I mean,KOTOR series are about the Jedi Civil War and stuff,which happened cca. 3000 years BBY(Before Battle of Yavin).
What my point is,some guy here said that KOTOR III should explain what happened before the Phantom Menace!That's imposible,Phantom Menace happened roughly 50 years BBY,so guys...there's a great Star Wars site,Star Wars wiki actually,called Wookiepedia.Go there and learn something about the Star Wars history.
Thank you
Hello Ciglana, welcome to the forum.
I'm not sure there was much agreement from the forum in general with whoever linked KOTOR to the films. There are certain themes which are similar, but dates and storywise they're quite distinct.
Wookiepedia is often used around here - either for information on possible places K3 might be set, races, force forms etc. Or the age old battle over whether or not there can rightfully be a "canonical" version of KOTOR, and more importantly whether this should impact the storyline of the third game (i.e. whether the game should presume anything about how the previous games ended, which K2 didn't presume of K1).
Posted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 8:25 pm
by The joker200
I personally would lov to have revan back as a PC but he/she must at least come back as a non-PC. If He/She does not come in the game at all, I will be tempted not to buy it.
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:22 am
by Skinnedflesh
Im good
Darth StosH wrote:Which one would you rather have KOTOR 3 based upon
lots of fans would love to have Revan return
but what about that claim of Kreia saying they have not even come close to seeing what the "True Sith" can do
that would finish the story of the mysterious "True Sith" that many of us want answered
which would you want for Kotor 3???
Well most of you probably don't read the captions when the game loads, but there are answers there. Its states that the True Sith were an actual race of beings but they vanished or died or something like that Ill find it and tell you guys.
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:27 am
by Lex.mkr
If they vanished, why did Revan leave known space to fight them?
Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:17 pm
by playa8624
Im sure that it will be both. The true sith attack and your character, Revan and the Exile (Who I dont like as much as Revan) are the republics last hope. Oh, and it wont be the republic fighting, it will be the Madilorians that save the republic.
Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 7:11 pm
by Darth Caratan
i would have to say true sith, but obviously revan will still have a huge roll in the game even though his naem isnt in the title
Posted: Mon Jul 07, 2008 1:14 pm
by greatone107
True Sith or Return of Revan
I would like to see both but if they have to choose one I would choose the True Sith. I want to see what is in the Unknown Regions. I would also want to see Darth Revan and the Jedi Exile as your main charathers and you can control both to create an new gaming experience different than Kotor 1 and 2.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 12:53 am
by Volant
the universe must expand
I think it's quite obvious to star wars fans everywhere that what makes the saga extra-ordinary is how it broadens our mind beyond what we see and know. Galaxies full of unique alien races, "forces" that bind them, sophisticated technology, and powerful, ancient belief systems are what intrigue and captivate us. It's the mystery of the star wars universe that is so compelling, and for Kotor 3 to focus solely on Revan's return would be a letdown.
I for one have always been interested in the true sith since they were alluded to in the movies, and now the game is bringing us close to discovering them.
Kotor 1 was great because everything was new, we were bombarded with new characters and plots and the game had its mystical elements with the fallen Rakatan empire, the star forge, Bastila being hot..
Kotor 2 was too similar to Kotor 1, i think thats why it kinda dragged on, until the end when all of a sudden they opened up a world of new possibilities. Kotor became interesting again and i must say i can't wait until the third installment. you know its coming, theres wayyy too much money to be had by the producers.
they do have to fix a few things though. better characters, better fighting action (like Yoda flipping and kicking ass in the new movies). I wouldn't mind if they cut down the party size to 5 or so, too many stupid characters that i never use.
basically just give us something new and bigger in scope so i can try to wrap my mind around it and get warm fuzzies dammit.
Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2008 7:30 am
by Darth Valthri
Skinnedflesh wrote:Well most of you probably don't read the captions when the game loads, but there are answers there. Its states that the True Sith were an actual race of beings but they vanished or died or something like that Ill find it and tell you guys.
i read the captions every single time, and i honestly don't recall seeing that fact. but a question on my mind is this: why would Revan have left to the Unknown Regions to battle them if there was nothing to battle? if there were no more True Sith at all, Revan wouldn't have had to leave, and we could have had him in K2 as more than a vision in Ludo Kressh's tomb. so the True Sith are there
Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:16 pm
by Slevinss
I'm pretty sure it would not be the return of Revan,He may be mentioned but nothing more then that.But i don't know what to i know is it would be a dream come true to play it! But i am hoping it is about the true sith to answer the question.
Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 5:14 pm
by ape master
fist of all i want say that this happens for some 3.800 years betwean ep I an kotor. and that after death and disspears of Revan there whos formed a other sith organization named new sith empire .. and after that there formed a sith organization named bortherhood of darkness under control of lord kaan and lord bane whos under him and also a creator of oder of the sith lord that darth sidous and vader, tyranus are in so .. there a lot wat happens betwean whos story just wonna say this
Sith triumvirate - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
New Sith Empire - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Brotherhood of Darkness - Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:57 am
by Master Lank
Knowledge is a Weapon
Firstly, somebody said that the "true sith" would not let their lightsaber skills slip, but the "true sith" didn't have lightsabers (gasp) they used a sharp metal disc shooter which they guided the discs with the force. thought id let ya know mate.
And I think in Kotor 3, you should play AS Revan in a war with the true sith, also characters such as the exile, canderous/mandalore, HK-47 and Bastila should aid Revan in the war.
this topic has interested me greatly........=P
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:42 pm
by Darth Malignus
I´ll go for the True Sith in Kotor 3, and then the return of Revan in Kotor 4.
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 6:36 pm
by Darth Valthri
Darth Malignus wrote:I´ll go for the True Sith in Kotor 3, and then the return of Revan in Kotor 4.
good luck with a 4th
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:22 pm
by Darth Malignus
Darth Valthri wrote:good luck with a 4th
With 6 Star Wars movies, I´m mildly optimistic about a possible Kotor 4. Who knows, right?