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The Kings Inheritance (Campaign Info + Character Thread)

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Post by Froggie »

Yey *leaps under the door in action movie style just in time to get my hat*

Or I'll just start to make a character... =)
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Post by Siberys »

Ur-Quan wrote:Is the Pathfinder Advanced Guide permitted, I would like to make an Inquisitor character, or at least make a paladin able to fall sometime later.
While I don't have many of the books, I do believe Inquisitor is on the SRD Link I've provided, so yes.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
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Post by Siberys »

Alrighty, so when you're characters are done and I've proofread them, feel free to just jump right into the game.

Everything that's been said to the "Party," Ur-quan and froggie know. Since there hasn't been much character interaction as of yet, you can assume you were simply there during that meeting, and your dream sequence thereafter was simply "Normal" compared to the others.

You all do know each other and have worked with each other for a couple of months now, regardless of your beliefs versus there's. It's up to you, all of the players, whether you decide that you have a friendship with other characters, have a mutual goal/interest in mind, or are simply finding the other characters useful to you, but either way, just keep in mind that while any alignment is fine, please don't make a player killer.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
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Post by Ur-Quan »

Here he goes, my character, ready to roll. I'll introduce him into the story somehow, just out of time now.

Code: Select all

The Kings Inheritance

Name: Vierro Volnik
Alignment: Lawful Good
Class: Paladin 2
Race: Half-Orc

Speed: 30 ft
Darkvision 60 ft
+2 Intimidate
Orc Ferocity

Strength(+2 race) 18 +4
Dexterity 10 +0
Constitution 13 +1
Intelligence 8 -1
Wisdom 7 -2
Charisma 17 +3

Extremely Fashionable
+1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate
Intimidate Class Skill

+2 Intimidate

Intimidate: 2(ranks)+3(class skill)+2(Brute)+1(Extr. Fash.)+3(Cha)+2(Race) = 13

Fort: +3+1+3=7
Reflex: +3=3
Will: +3-2+3=4

BAB: +2

HP: 19

Armor Class: 18 = 10+0+8+0


AC bonus: +8
Check Penalty: –7
Speed: 20 ft
Weight: 50 lbs

Masterwork Greatsword
Attack: +2(bab)+4(str)+1(WF)
Damage: 2d6+6(Str*1.5)	
Critical: 19–20/x2
Weight: 8 lbs


Hooded Wolfskin Cloak

	Scroll Case
		4x Cure Light Wounds
		2x Lesser Restoration
	Tent and Bedroll
	10x Rations
	20 ft Silk Rope

Adventurer's Sash
	Scroll of Cure Light Wounds

Deity: Iomedae
Righteous Valor, Judgement, Rule, Justice

Weapon Focus(Greatsword) +1 to attack with greatsword.

Paladin Class Features:

Detect Evil
Paladin can detect evil as a move action learning if one target is evil.

Smite Evil
1 use daily
+3 to atk
+2 to dmg
+3 to AC vs the target

Divine Grace
Charisma on saves

Lay On Hands 
1+3 =4 uses daily 
1d6 heal

	Vierro was a young orc who was raised in the slums of the civilized
world, with other half races. He was raised up as a child of the streets, often
being bully and bullying others. He intimately knew it was wrong, but he
couldn't change the cards he was given. With age, he fought to shed off
crime from his shoulders, and tried to escape the clutches of numerable
gangs that wanted him for his strength and intimidating presence. 
	Being unable to just run off, he sought the first chance to release
himself. Coming with his full age he withnessed the power of Iomedae's
warriors cleaning the scum of the streets, peddlers, robbers, and others. He
was working as a guard of a tavern then, and was instantly in love with the
sight of righteous fury, destruction and justice.
	He followed the paladins to their resting place and stripped to
nothing, showing humility. Without anything but his loincloth he approached,
on his knees, asking for a chance to right his wrongs made with the
oppresion of the society.
	The paladins saw humbleness of spirit in him, the simple half-orc boy,
and took him to their church. There he was trained as a paladin, and after his
training went out into the world, as a righteous judge, justice incarnate.
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Post by Siberys »

Looks good.

I take it you decided against inquisitor?
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Ur-Quan »

I decided for some righteous fury with intimidating power of holiness :D .
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Post by Siberys »

So...yeah, I know I said we're full up but I made an exception for one more player, an old friend who used to game with me all the time on the forums who's long overdue for a return.

This will be the last player though.

And Froggie, I still need your character sheet.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
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Post by Magrus »

Name: Magrus
Class: Ranger 1/ Wizard 1 Favored Class
Race: Elf
ECL: 2
Alignment: Chaotic Good

HP: 16 (11+4+1 Favored Class)
AC: 16 (10+3 Dex +3 Armor) [20 w/ Shield Active]
Touch: 13 (10+3 Dex)
Flat-Footed: 13 (10+3 Armor)
Init: +3

BAB: 1
Melee: +3 1d10+3 18-20x2 Slashing
Ranged: +5 1d8+2 x3 110 Range (Broad head 1d10 100 range, Damage is 1d10 or 2d8 with Broad head with Gravity Bow active, +1 damage within 30 ft)

Fort: +3 (2+0+1 Con)
Ref: +5 (2+0+3 Dex)
Will: +2 (0+2+0 Wis)

Strength 14
Dexterity 16 (14+2)
Constitution 12 (14-2 Race)
Intelligence 16 (14+2 Race)
Wisdom 10
Charisma 10

Skills: Ranger Wizard Trained Bonus

Climb: +5 (1+3+2 Str-1 APC)
Handle Animal: +4 (1+3)
Knowledge- Arcana: +7(1+3+3 Int)
Knowledge- Dungeoneering: +7(1+3+3 Int)
Knowledge- Geography: +7 (1+3+3 Int)
Knowledge- Nature: +7 (1+3+3 Int)
Perception: +6 (1+3+2 Elf) [+2 Within contact of Nhi)
Ride: +6 (1+3+3 Dex-1 APC)
Spellcraft: +7/+9(1+3+3 Int) +2 For Identifying Magic Items
Stealth: +6 (1+3+3 Dex-1 APC)
Survival: +4 (1+3)
Swim: +5 (1+3+2 Str-1 APC)

Languages: Common and Elven, Draconic, Goblin, Orc

1: Point Blank Shot
Scribe Scroll

Favored Enemy: Orcs (+2 Damage, Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival checks)
Track: +1 to Track checks with Survival Skill
Wild Empathy: 1d20+1 check as Diplomacy with wild animals

Abjuration Specialist:
Enchantment and Necromancy Banned Schools
Resistance (Ex): You gain resistance 5 to an energy type of your choice, chosen when you prepare spells. This resistance can be changed each day. At 11th level, this resistance increases to 10. At 20th level, this resistance changes to immunity to the chosen energy type. [Fire Resist 5 current]
Protective Ward (Su): As a standard action, you can create a 10-foot-radius field of protective magic centered on you that lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Intelligence modifier. All allies in this area (including you) receive a +1 deflection bonus to their Armor Class. This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Hedge Magician: 5% off Magic Item Creation Costs
Magical Knack: +2 CL Wizard up to HD.

CL 2 (1 for Slots and Spells Known) Wizard
0: Read Magic, Detect Magic, Message
1: Gravity Bowx2, Shield

Spell book: Abjuration
0: All except Banned
1: Gravity Bow (1d10 or 2d8 damage with arrows for 2 minutes, 15% Fail), Expeditious Retreat (Base Speed 60 for 2 min, 15% Fail), Shield (+4 Shield AC, 2 min, 15% Fail), True Strike (+20 Insight to Attack next round for 1 attack, V/F only), Feather Fall (V only), Burning Hands (2d4, 15 ft cone, Ref Half, SR, 15%)

Gold: 125 GP, 9 SP, 5 CP

Studded Leather Armor: +3 AC, Max Dec +5, Skill Check -1, 15% Spell Fail, 30 Ft Move, 20 lbs (25 GP)
Composite (+2) Longbow (MWK): +1 Attack, +2 Damage, 1d8x3, 110 range, 3lbs, (600 gp)
Elven Curve Blade: 1d10, 18-20x2, 7 lbs, Slashing, (80 gp)
2 Spring loaded Wrist Sheathes and 2 daggers: 12 gp

20 Durable, 1 gp
40 Broad Head (1d10, 100 ft range), 30 sp
20 Armor Piercing (+1 Attack vs Armored or N. Armored opponents), 20 gp

Scrolls Crafted:
Gravity Bow x5 (CL 2, SL 1, -5% discount included; 112.5 gp overall)
True Strike x5 (CL 1, SL 1, -5% discount included; 56.5 gp overall)

Spell Component Pouches x4= 20 gp
Adventurer's Sash (20 gp, 3lbs) [2 Potions of CLW in pouches)
Backpack (2 gp, 2lbs)
Adventuring Supplies (25 gp)

Nhi (Owl Familiar)
HP: 7
AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +2 Size+1 Natural Armor)
Touch: 15
Flat-Footed: 13
Init: 3

Speed 10 ft., fly 60 ft. (average)
BAB: 1
Melee: +3 1d4-2

Fort: +2
Ref: +5
Will: +4

Strength 6
Dexterity 17
Constitution 11
Intelligence 6
Wisdom 15
Charisma 6

Fly +7, Perception +10, Stealth +15

Special: Alertness, improved evasion, share spells, empathic link


Magrus happens to have been one of the few apprentices of an ancient elf who studies an ancient craft. The elf's name was Ballendriel Moonbow, and he was a great archer, and wizard, in his time. Now, he schools young elves with the drive to succeed. However, Magrus let his temper get the best of him in his youth, and after an outburst the set old Moonbow into a raging fit himself, Magrus changed his name, leaving home and his training behind.

Now, without the name given to him by birth, or grooming, the young elf is wandering, looking for work. Having found it with a caravan, run by all creatures, a goblin, the elf is learning to curb his natural arrogance that seems to come with being an elf. He has learned to control his temper, after his outburst which led to his running away form his home and master. Yet, occasionally, he lets his emotions get the better of him, being young and a wild soul.

Secretly, Magrus harbors a desire to build legends of his glory, learning the trade his master did, only on his own. To do so outside of the elven homeland, without training, and to return before the old one passes would be one of glory, and prevent him from coming home on bended knee. So, he has bent his ingrained behaviors based on his elven culture, to mingle with other folk, and to explore the world. A world filled with danger, enemies, and, most of all orcs. Orcs being the bane of his existence, having been thoroughly educated by old Moonbow on their destructive history, and violent existence. Magrus hopes to be able to bring ruin onto at least one tribe of orcs, to prove his worth to his former master, as well. He has trained for the day he ran into a raiding party. To be able to track down, and slowly mow through their ranks like an avenging angel. Perhaps one day, in the future.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Ur-Quan »

I don't agree with that OOC comment. If someone has a deficiency in intelligence and wisdom then he doesn't need to speak like a redneck. Charisma is the main social attribute, and charismatic people can speak properly, fluidly and they don't need intelligence or wisdom. If it was an issue that needed solving with wisdom or intelligence, then my character would be bedazzled, but considering speaking, charisma is all you need for proper talking.

Edit: Your post is giving the example in reverse. If you have high mental abilities but low charisma, THEN you can't express your thoughts.
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Post by Magrus »

Ur-Quan wrote:I don't agree with that OOC comment. If someone has a deficiency in intelligence and wisdom then he doesn't need to speak like a redneck. Charisma is the main social attribute, and charismatic people can speak properly, fluidly and they don't need intelligence or wisdom. If it was an issue that needed solving with wisdom or intelligence, then my character would be bedazzled, but considering speaking, charisma is all you need for proper talking.

Edit: Your post is giving the example in reverse. If you have high mental abilities but low charisma, THEN you can't express your thoughts.
Hey there, I've DM'd many games in the past, even though I'm just hopping in here. However, the way I've always gone about it is this for dealing with your attributes.

Int 8: Below Average intelligence, statistically.
Wis 7: Below Average Wisdom.
Cha 17: Exceptionally Charismatic.

This means, you're that dumb blond that doesn't understand words with more than 6 letters, don't know when to be quiet, or what topics to avoid. However, you're so charming, people tend to find you cute, instead of offensive.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Post by Siberys »

I don't agree with that OOC comment. If someone has a deficiency in intelligence and wisdom then he doesn't need to speak like a redneck.
Speaking like a redneck doesn't mean he has to speak improper. I know plenty of really dumb rednecks that have can speak in a coherent manner, they just don't speak with the same resolve and composure you have.

Take your phrase-
"Good thing you are doing fair work, instead of being in random brawls."

And reword it to-
"Good thing you're working for people instead of fightin' them."

Now, the second phrase doesn't sound "Stupid" at all. Or redneck, or blond or dumb. It sounds more colloquial and common than the very formal composure of the first. It doesn't even show that you are unintelligent, and it means the exact same thing.

The point is, colloquial is better for your character. Intelligence is where you know words, wisdom is where you can think of them on the fly, and charisma is where you can think of what words you want to use for your beliefs. You know your beliefs and what you intend to say, but it may not always come off formal or 'proper' sounding. I'm not saying you have to play to any stereotypes like redneck or orcs, but below 10 of any score -is- a deficiency in some manner.

Some examples of things you could use-

~Absent minded
~limited cognizance and empathy (you take things far more literally than usual and can't really read people)

Etc Etc.

If your intelligence and wisdom were a little bit higher, like a 10 and 9, I probably wouldn't have any problems with your "Formal" wording. But with an 8 and a 7, your character may be able to articulate exactly what point he wants to get across but definitely not in such a formal manner, not without a prepared speech.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Ur-Quan »

My character is a PALADIN with charisma of 17, that's like saying a stupid priest should stutter or change phrases while speaking mass. Paladins are taught to speak officially, because they ARE the best of their God. And you can't ask me to show deficiencies in the first post, where I said a single phrase. My paladin, who is a charismatic speaker by education of his order, as well as his own wishes, will still speak properly, the other character flaws will need to unfold with time, that you don't have to worry.

Edit: Well to put a stop to any problem, I will describe how my character lacks in intelligence and wisdom, to hell with gradual character development.

Vierro is a literally understanding person. He doesn't judge internally, with his feelings, but judges how he is taught. He isn't a good judge, but will stay one, because he is stubborn, another trait of someone stronger than wiser. He doesn't really get sarcasm, or irony, and many jokes will fall on him, even causing him to become a threat if not apologized for. Speaker by nature, intimidating one at that, he will mostly go on with his threats if his intimidating looks fail. He will be literal, and if receiving orders from someone he will follow them to the letter. He's someone who gets everything literally.
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Post by Siberys »

And just because you are taught something doesn't mean you automatically remember it, especially with intelligence and wisdom score that low.

I have no doubt with preperation that your character could be a great public speaker if he had notes. However, an impromptu message like that with such formality, is something that can't happen all the time.

Your class is irrelevant to your speech patterns by the way. Your beliefs may have been taught to you but your ability to convey them to another person is entirely your own characters issue.

"Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons."
"Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition."
"Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and appearance."

Ability Scores - Pathfinder_OGC

Charisma is an important factor for determining how one speaks, but it is not the ONLY factor. All three scores are relevant to each other, common sense and reasoning is just as much a part of speaking as personality is.

I'm sorry but this is how you designed your character. You may have set beliefs, you may uphold them, you may lead other people to those beliefs, and you may be a clean and friendly orc as opposed to many other stereotypes, but your ability to convey a thought is in fact limited, you are well below average in intelligence and wisdom.

If you had a really low strength, would you expect me to let you do well in a construction job or a competition based on strength (like arm wrestling, or lifting weights or something). Or how about your intelligence being high enough that you know exactly how to pick damn near any lock but your dexterity being so low that you fidget so much you simply can't pick it, should I just let the low dexterity slide?

I'm sorry but Articulation is part of all three scores, not just charisma.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Ur-Quan »

Well I'm not going to play anymore. The game's just dull, sorry.

I'll give you a few comments:

- The game you're trying to DM is going to become pretty much dull if the whole thing is going to go as planned. That's popularly called "Railroading" and is considered a bad sign. You need to plan some stuff in advance, but not like this. If I wanted to be a jerk. I would have just executed Keb on my watch, where would your campaign end then?

- You're depending too much on the "core" story. We were in a town full of orcs, and all that happened was cleaning chicken heads and a tavern fight I won in a single hit.

- You are underestimating PCs. My paladin there could kill Keb, and the other 2-3 players alone, it would be a piece of cake, even without smite. Yet in the game, you expect me to put down my head, and act as intended. Most people play to be a hero, not some hireling redshirt.

- You didn't even start the campaign, and already are making heavy winging brakes. You cannot see if he is evil because he is evil and he isn't evil. Sword acting for itself, getting unscratched by a greatsword strike, and running from hands. I think that sword alone could kill half the continent in hands that can wield it, and know how to do it. You are braking progress in everything except the main story, and that's blocking the people. Main reason of me stopping playing.

These were some comments you should consider if you want to make your campaign a successful one. You can heed them if you want, or don't, it is just a honest opinion, from a player who is pretty experienced in pnp games.
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Post by Siberys »

- The game you're trying to DM is going to become pretty much dull if the whole thing is going to go as planned. That's popularly called "Railroading" and is considered a bad sign. You need to plan some stuff in advance, but not like this. If I wanted to be a jerk. I would have just executed Keb on my watch, where would your campaign end then?
Oh I dunno, you would have the treasure map? You're talking about a hypothetical. I gave you a departure point and even told you this is a heavy combat based game, i.e. a dungeon crawl. Keb was your employer, he wanted you to go to dungeon, it was that simple. The whole point of the game was to spark some livelihood into this forum and to test out Pathfinder for the first time (for me). So yes, it would have been an arrogant, dick move to do that.
- You're depending too much on the "core" story. We were in a town full of orcs, and all that happened was cleaning chicken heads and a tavern fight I won in a single hit.
You didn't win. You barely knicked him. He had over 150 hit points and you did a grand total of 6 because of DR and the sword acting on it's own to protect it's master.
- You are underestimating PCs. My paladin there could kill Keb, and the other 2-3 players alone, it would be a piece of cake, even without smite. Yet in the game, you expect me to put down my head, and act as intended.
NO one asked you to be an obedient little puppy and where you got that idea is beyond me.

Furthermore, I directly stated I really didn't want any character killers in my game and I expected your characters to cooperate, so what do you make? You make a character killer. In a predominately neutral to evil graverobbing adventure, you make a frigging paladin. Was that my fault? No, that's your own damn fault.

I'll tell you what it is though. It's a big middle finger to my game, and even made more apparent by the fact that you couldn't roleplay your character right. Simple point, you have too low an intelligence and wisdom to talk as sophisticated as you did, and you seemed to miss the point that coherency and sophistication are two SEPARATE things.

And now you come to my game, argue with me about that, leave my game before it starts, and criticize the whole thing when I laid it out for -everyone- that it was going to be a dungeon crawl and they shouldn't expect heavy roleplaying elements. You pissed me off dude, you really did, but I wanted to bite my tongue just to see if it was a bit of friction that would pass and eventually the game would get going and your character and you as a player would be just fine.
You cannot see if he is evil because he is evil and he isn't evil.
So I'm assuming you think I DM rule zero'd all this. Disguising alignment is easy, and that's exactly what I did.

Undetectable Alignment - Pathfinder_OGC

Do you know why I did that? It was because the Mystic Theurge Orc I had was an integral part of the game, and he heard you tell one of your own party members "I detect no evil on you." He's not an idiot, so he cast the spell on himself, his friend, and the damn sword just to throw someone like you off.

Hmm, I wonder what that's called. I think it's called plot device.

Sword acting for itself
An intelligent sword thinking and acting for itself, that's such a weird concept. Oh wait, it's just the opposite, it actually makes sense.

The sword was a plot device, the Theurge Orc was a plot device, the Barbarian orc was a plot device, I wasn't breaking anything, you were simply unwilling to deal with the stuff I threw at you and that's not my damn fault.
These were some comments you should consider if you want to make your campaign a successful one. You can heed them if you want, or don't, it is just a honest opinion, from a player who is pretty experienced in pnp games.
Thank you but you've already proven to me you don't know what you're talking about, I've been DMing for 8 years now. Doesn't mean I'm great at it but at least I know what I'm doing.
Listen up maggots, Mr. Popo's 'bout to teach you the pecking order.
It goes you, the dirt, the worms inside of the dirt, Popo's stool, Kami, then Popo.
~Mr. Popo, Dragonball Z Abridged
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Post by Ur-Quan »

Siberys wrote: NO one asked you to be an obedient little puppy and where you got that idea is beyond me.

I directly stated I really didn't want any character killers in my game and I expected your characters to cooperate

If you wanted to throw **** at me for being a paladin, you could have just said: Paladin doesn't fit the scheme, he will not fit and you shouldn't play him. That would save me a lot of nerves, save you a lot of plotting against the paladin, and maybe I would still play, and MAYBE have fun.

You obviously have no idea about making games free, no bad, it's your way of doing DMing, being a railroad. Some people prefer that, while most don't. I'm done with trying, you miss the point.
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Post by malinzaro »

Maybe I should not comment much on this subject because this is my first attempt to pnp, but I have to agree with the DM.

From the start you were bend to destroy the campaign for reasons I don't understand. It's like you had something to prove.

Your character simply has no point really. You knew what we will do this campaign, yet you decided for a paladin which obviously has little interest in looting artifacts out of a dungeon. And to continue, I for once don't like min-maxers. Might be fun in a CRPG, but they have no place here (I admit to prefer that for the sake of not wasting time for artifacts that actually do the same thing). I am sorry to say but your intelligence and wisdom were way too low to actually represent a human being, maybe a gnoll.

The way you roleplayed the paladin was also a bit strange. Actually it had nothing to do with a paladin if you ask me. You were more like a crazy barbarian in a quest to destroy everything and everyone including himself. Everyone should have a little common-sense, especially a paladin (who's wisdom score should be at least decent imo), but yet you were just detecting evil left and right with your hand on the sword. That's plain dull and boring.

The only mistake the DM did was allowing your subpar with the civilized races ability scores (especially when you pretend to be a paladin!) and actually playing a class which had no place in the campaign.

I am glad this has finally settled because it was starting to annoy me.
Nordak Rockhoof - HP:10/23, AC17/T10/F17, Init.:+0/20ft., Save:F7/R0/W2, Att.:+4(1+4STR-1PA)
Westan Krest - HP:10/10, AC15/T12/F13, Init.:+2/20ft., Save:F4/R2/W2, Att.:+2(1+2STR-1PA)
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Post by blank »

are we still gonna continue with the campaign? shame to know out of game about the orc and all.. mind i ask though why didint he pick up his sword before he left? or why did he leave in the first place, its seems we were werent really a threat
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The Kings Inheritance- Esterimas Deed
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Post by Magrus »

are we still gonna continue with the campaign? shame to know out of game about the orc and all.. mind i ask though why didint he pick up his sword before he left? or why did he leave in the first place, its seems we were werent really a threat
I have suggested bringing the campaign to another site, and perhaps, a higher level as the DM planned on a higher level but lack of a player base with sufficient experience has limited his desires for this game. I am DM'ing there, and have an overabundance of players wanting into my game there. The decision is up to Myth, and the group if he leaves it up to everyone I believe.

As far as the orc/ NPC leaving....when you have a troublesome player that could lead the whole group to a violent death in attempting to support your suicidal party member that believes he is superior to the others, removing the targets of that character is the simplest way to move the game along. I offered to kill the pally off to move the game along via IM, but was declined the opportunity by the DM. Hence, orc's went away, and we are all moving to a new place to camp, sans the psychotic fallen pally.
"You can do whatever you want to me."
"Oh, so I can crate you and hide you in the warehouse at the end of Raiders?"
"So funny, kiss me funny boy!" / *Sprays mace* " I know, I know, bad for the ozone"
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Location: Israel,Petah Tiqwa

Post by blank »

so are we staying here or moving to a different site?
When the past - Kolgar Bracklerbreaker

The Kings Inheritance- Esterimas Deed