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Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 11:14 am
by Siberys
Thank you for your suggestions, but I am afraid I cannot fully grasp them. Swordsage and elemental warrior both look closer to a fighter to me. Actually they don't get any spells whatsoever unless you count their special abilities as such. Plus the elemental warrior is a prestige class and I am not sure how this will work in the long run. Of course they are very durable and this might be their biggest bonus.
Ok, I apologize. Elemental warrior isn't a class (I was kind of tired when posting this, 2AM and stuff), I just meant that you could use all the elemental based maneuvers and become an elemental warrior with swordsage.

Anyway, no they aren't spells, but they're close to them in my book. Just me though.

IIRC, Elemental Warrior, the actual PrC is in Planar Handbook. Not that great.

If you're willing to try and go for it though, I could recommend a few great prestige classes specifically for warrior/mage combos.

Daggerspell mage, Rage Mage, Spellsword, and Enlightened fist come to mind.

EDIT: How do you all feel about a second priest like character? We have one cleric as it is, and my roommate is wanting to be a healer herself potentially. It's not set in stone but I just thought I'd run that by you all.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 2:16 pm
by Annette
Siberys wrote: If you're willing to try and go for it though, I could recommend a few great prestige classes specifically for warrior/mage combos.

Daggerspell mage, Rage Mage, Spellsword, and Enlightened fist come to mind.
Don't forget Abjurant Champion. They can be pretty damn effective. Spellswords are beautiful too, especially since they get the duskblade's Channel Spell ability. It's hard to go wrong with gishes, really.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:10 pm
by Siberys
Ok, so my roommates character is now set in stone.

Dream Dwarf (Races of Stone) Druid with a Divine Oracle (Complete Divine) build. Tressym (forgotten realms campaign setting) as an animal companion. Sandstorm actually recommended tressym as a wasteland based animal companion.

Note to DM: Don't worry about continuity errors. Tressyms may be exclusively located in forgotten realms for stat purposes, but they are a real world mythological creature and not entirely exclusive to the campaign setting.

Helping her with her sheet now.

EDIT: Just a note about Tressym's to the DM again. There stats are almost identical to the cat from the regular MM, however the feats didn't exactly work in 3rd like they do in 3.5. the 3rd edition tressym has Weapon finesse (claw, bite) counting as two feats and the house cat has weapon finesse and stealthy as it's two feats. Since weapon finesse encompasses all dexterity usable weapons, I just changed the feats to the house cats one.

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 3:36 pm
by Moogleman
I don't mind your room mate being a divine healer Siberys, should give me more oppourtunities to batter some beaties :)
I'll be posting a final character sheet soon(if theres no mistakes).

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 5:09 pm
by Annette
I'm fine with the tressym animal companion, as long as it meets the HD requirement for your room mates caster level (which is one, obviously.) I'm not using any particular campaign setting, so I pretty much allow anything. I trust you'll help her with the build? Assuming she needs it, that is.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:32 am
by malinzaro
Great suggestions everyone. Since I am quite new I need a bit of time to digest all the information I just got.

Still, considering we have basically 1 cleric, 1 sorcerer and 1 druid in the party it might be wise to choose something that could hold the front albeit for buying enough time to either out run or finish off the enemies. Also I don't see any trap/open lock abilities which might be needed in some ancient pyramids.

Siberys: I believe you will cover the CHA skills needed for the leader?

Annette: If I go for multiclassing (prestige etc.) there is any DM requirements regarding getting plausible background stories to explain a flavor build?

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 12:01 pm
by Siberys
Yeah, I've built my character to be the area-of-effect damager of the group as well as an eloquent speaker with high numbers in all three talking skills.

Unlike my other characters however, this one isn't an isolationist, so you won't have to worry about me being uncooperative to the party in any way. My character actually likes sophistry.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:49 pm
by MistSonata
Hello everyone! I thought I'd pop on to introduce myself. I'm Siberys' roommate. (You can call me Ellie, I suppose) She's still helping me with my character at the moment. :P

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 1:52 pm
by Annette
malinzaro: If you're character is starting as a multiclass character (do they even have apprentice-level cahracters in 3.5?), then you need something in your backstory covering how that happened. If you want to take levels in a new class mid-game, then all you need to do is find a trainer. Same for PrCs.

MistSonata: Good to meet you, and welcome aboard! If you need any help (though I doubt you will, Siberys seems quite competent), feel free to ask me.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:30 pm
by Siberys
Another quick rule question for the DM.

Divine Oracle is a class built to where virtually any spellcaster can take it. It requires knowledge religion and the ability to cast divination spells (so all of the major and minor spellcasters can qualify as it's not specifically a divine class).

Problem is, the first ability they get is the Oracle Domain. In the descriptor, it says the character gains access to the oracle domain including it's associated ability as well as all the spells for their domain spells per day.

Now, Druids don't get domain spells per day, the only class that does is a cleric. So, does this effectively give the druid domain spells per day (Like the clerics X+1 spells per day), or should it just add the spells associated with the domain to the druid spells list?

@MistSonata- Welcome! Glad to see you aboard too (alright enough with the formal introduction, I'm less than 7 feet away from you :P ).

Depending on Annete's answer to my query, I'll explain to you how domain spells work and whatnot.

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 2:54 pm
by Annette
It's definitely vague, but I'm pretty sure that it's the former. That makes more sense, at least. Adding to the spell list itself seems to be a bit of a stretch.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:21 am
by Moogleman
Welcome MistSonata! Glad to have you along for the ride. This is my first experience with dnd aswell so It's good to know I won't be the only noob :)

Annette: Can we get any more info on Karnakiid or the mission? I want my bio to lead upto arriving in Karnakiid. Also I remember mention of somekind of desert supplement, what was it's name and is there anywhere on the net I can find it? Or maybe a pdf somewhere?

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:19 am
by malinzaro
Hello Ellie! Nice to get you in our adventuring team.

Moogle: The name you are looking for is Sandstorm - Mastering the Perils of Fire and Sand.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 7:34 am
by Annette
Moogleman: Yes, you're thinking of Sandstorm. Possibly legal pdf download here (hey, 3.5 is extinct. It's practically public domain... right?) D&D 3.5 - Sandstorm.pdf

As for more info, I suppose it's about time I supplied something. Here's a brief history of Karnakiid.


Archaic Period (First Arcane Empire): -200-0
About 200 years before the fall of the Locasthian Empire*, a barbarain warlord by the name of Karna had a dream. In it, he was warned by a celestial being that magic was never meant for mortal hands, and that he was chosen to lead a rebellion against the mages of Locasthia. Leaping on this opportunity to bring down the hated empire (and more than a little pleased that the gods were on his side), Karna and his daughter Allori united the Five Northern tribes without much difficulty and led a massive assault on the city of Loc. The battle lasted three years, but in the end the magic of the Locasthians won out; the barbarians were butchered, and peace was restored.

Karna and his family survived the slaughter, though. Now on the run from every tribe who had lost men in the battle, he fled to the west into the Wasteland, the one area of the Known World that wasn't controlled by Locasthians. The gods had not abandoned him, and he survived the journey through the Wastes to reach a never-before seen sight: an enormous lake, laying in the middle of a desert! Karna and his family, along with his personal bodyguard, established a settlement by the lake, which gradually drew the attention of the local asherati tribes. Soon enough, the town of Karnakiid was established as a key stopping point in the Wasteland for potential traders.

By this point, Karnakiid was still no more than a single town, but it grew rapidly over the next few decades. Karna's bloodline was stong, and his descendants took care not to provoke the Locasthian Empire. However, their refusal to accept magic eventually caused yet another war...

Monarchy: 0-530

It was inevitable that the Locasthians eventually realized Karnakiid's potential, so without warning they sent an army of 500,000 warriors to conquer the town. However, Karnakiid's leader, Karna's great-grandson Thurlik, was visited in his dreams by the same Celestial being Karna was, two hundred years ago. It warned him of this, giving him ample time to lead his people away from the town. They were taken in by the asherati, who respected the humans dedication to establish a town to deep into hostile land. When the Locasthians found Karnakiid abandoned, they were ambushed by the asherati, who killed their guide and retreated. Unable to find the way out of the ever changing Wasteland, the 500,000 Locasthians died weeks later.

Seeing his chance, Thurlik persuaded the asherati to help him overthrow the mages in return for power in his new government. Gradually, enough tribes agreed, and Thurlik led a second assault on Loc. Weakened by the loss of its finest troops, Loc fell within a month.

For almost 500 years, Karnakiid ruled in its stead, forbidding magic of any kind in its domain. Karna's descendants ruled well, but after several generations of "keeping the blood pure", the mad king Thyur was born.

A masochist and a sociopath, Thyur killed his own children to prevent them from "taking his royal right" from him. After he was assassinated in 530 by unknown forces, the bloodline of Karna ended.

Intermediate Period: 530-550

After Thyur fell, the people of Karnakiid (which know encompassed the majority of the wastes, as well as the eastern land once held by the Locasthians) were quick to elect a new leader. They chose poorly, however, and the next king of Karnakiid immediately sent out armies to conquer foreign lands. This backfired, and foreign legions from Tormany soon arrived and look the Locasthian land for themselves. Fortunately, they were unable to find a guide to lead them through the Wastes, so the western kingdom was safe.

The leader was eventually replaced in 550 by Arlenna, a brilliant and charismatic woman who promised to focus on expanding Karnakiid's trade empire. What she failed to mention during the election was that she was a sorceress.

Second Arcane Empire: 550-Present (783)

Arlenna did as she promised, and trade was soon reestablished in the east with Tormany. Her magic was not revealed for several years, when the elves invaded.

To that point, few Karnakans had traveled east through the desert, though they knew about the elven kingdom that resided there. But in 558, an ambitious young elf convinced his people to "take back" their land (a rumor that the Karnakans had conquered the Wastes from the elves had gained popularity since Thyur's day.) The elves began to systematically eliminate Karnakan cities with frightening speed and it was not until Arlenna herself led an army comprised of Karnakans, Tormans, and asherati that they were finally driven back. During the battle, Arlenna revealed her powers to the world by opening a gate to the Hells directly behind the elven formation. In the ensuing chaos, the elves were slaughtered to a man while the Karnakan fatalities numbered in the double-digits.

After such a resounding victory, the Karnakans could not keep up their mage-phobia, and Arlenna stayed in power for another 40 years before her death. Since then, Kings of Karnakiid have been allowed the use of magic, and Tormans actually encourage arcane study.

Karnakkid has not grown since then, despite several more psychotic leaders. Recently, however, a new Queen has taken the throne from her insane father, who made a habit of consuming a virgin priestess each new moon in an attempt to achieve eternal youth. After killing him, the new Queen (also named Arlenna) was elected in his place and has promised to restore Karnakid to its former glory. What this means for the rest of the world is unknown...

*Locasthian Empire: In the Old Days, the Known World was ruled by the Priests of Locasthia, Goddess of Pestilence and Magic. This was long before studies had revealed a difference between divine and arcane magic, so period was known as the First Arcane Empire.

I know it's not especially good, but I'm sick and can't write very well today. Trust me when I say I'm usually leagues better than this. Anyway, if anyone can recommend a decent program to make a map of this world, it would be much appreciated. Otherwise, you'll have to deal with my utter lack of artistic ability, and you do not want that!

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 2:49 pm
by Siberys
The history of your world is very back-and-forth in terms of whether it is or isn't okay to use magic and from the looks of it, at this junction in the time-line magic is okay in Karnakiid. You might want to add a few addendum's about it being outlawed again just to be sure.

Other than that, looks good so far. Can't wait to start.

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 4:08 pm
by Annette
Nope, magic is outlawed for all non-kings since Arlenna I in Karnakiid. It's legal in Tormany. Third paragraph in "Second Arcane Empire".

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 9:49 pm
by Siberys
From the looks of it, we have everything covered except a scout/trapfinder like character.

Asking the DM, do you think that'll be a big issue? I.e. are you catering the adventure around us, or are we catering around you?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 12:34 am
by malinzaro
Siberys hit the nail in the head. It is important to know that otherwise I am going to make a duskblade.

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:01 am
by Annette
I have no problem catering for you. While I won't remove all the traps, I'll reduce their number to a more reasonable one.

So, it looks like the party is (almost) all ready. Like I said way back at the beginning of this thread, I can't really devote the time necessary to DM until the school year ends, which is in about one month. Still, we could always start in the mean time, and pick up the pace once I'm free. What say you?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 3:05 pm
by Siberys
If you do that, I'd recommend doing only skill challenges and dialog for the time being.

Combat takes a lot of effort on a forum, what with keeping track of initiative, drawing maps, and picking all the information up on a whim once it's your turn like two or three days later.

Just remember though, if you do start the game and use only skill challenges for the time being, Skill challenges warrant XP just the same as a regular encounter. (by skill challenges, I don't mean haggling with a shopkeeper or climbing up a building or anything, I mean an actual encounter like sneaking into a building, stealing gold, and sneaking out or convincing people around town to start an uprising or researching information on a location or dungeon or something).