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Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 11:19 am
by Nightmare
Its up to the individual guilds now to decide rank names. High Thief stays for now. To me it doesn't say "noble", it says "power".

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 1:41 pm
by Xandax
An idea on advancement:

We could say that to advance to a higher rank, one needs to challenge a person of a higher rank to his position. This challenge could be settled in a duel(preferably non-lethal IMO).
I’ve some ideas for rules for such a duel also.

1. One can only challenge one rank up.
2. Even though the duel should be non-lethal it is always up to the challenger to provide a possibility for resurrecting a slain part. (This will help against early challenges because it needs a scroll of resurrect of a druid/cleric of sufficient level willing to do it)
3. Each member can only challenge once every 14 day (Real Time)
4. If a member has been challenged by another – that member can’t be challenged before after 14 days by anybody (Real Time) but can challenge a higher ranking member.
(this will help the guild-wing leaders from being challenged all the time)
5. Help in a challenge will immediately cause the interfering part and the part for which he interferes to loose their ranks and be demoted to the lowest rank, and will be unable to challenge another for 30 days (Real Time)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:04 pm
by mikeheitz
Hey Xandax,

I kinda like that idea, even if it means someone is gonna whupp up on me!!!

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:07 pm
by Nippy
What happens if the challenger dies?

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:16 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Nippy:
<STRONG>What happens if the challenger dies?</STRONG>
That is why he shall provide the means of resurection - to be used on a slain part (either part that dies)

BTW Have the people decided on the rank-buisness?

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:22 pm
by Georgi
Sounds good, but I think as a fighter-mage I would have an unfair advantage in a one-on-one with a pure mage, don't you think? :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:31 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Georgi:
<STRONG>Sounds good, but I think as a fighter-mage I would have an unfair advantage in a one-on-one with a pure mage, don't you think? :D </STRONG>
Yeah - you are right. Maybe we could make some additional rules for such a duel - hmm, I'll return when I think of something. :)

EDIT: well in your case, we could restrict the weaponry you could use, because you are lower in spell-level (most likely :) ) this would even the score. But I can't think of concrete rules other than it would be something the Council of Five could take into consideration each time a mulit. challenges?

We also need to figure out these multiclasses - wich wing they should be a part of.
If we just say it is up to each to decide or something??

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:44 pm
by mikeheitz
Not sure how we would handle multi's aggressively seeking my throne... hmmmm... How about, like in most RPG's, they have to battle through 5,000 bad guys just to get to me!!! :D :D I LIKE THAT IDEA!!!

Seriously, I'm not sure how we could make a multi vs. pure class a fair fight. If we restrict both char's spells in the case of a F/M battling a pure Mage, then the F/M still has an edge in HP's. And I'm sure the mage's weapon choices are going to pale in comparison to a F/M even if we try to restrict it. hmmmmm... quite a dilemma....

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:47 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by mikeheitz:
<STRONG>Not sure how we would handle multi's aggressively seeking my throne... hmmmm... How about, like in most RPG's, they have to battle through 5,000 bad guys just to get to me!!! :D :D I LIKE THAT IDEA!!!

Seriously, I'm not sure how we could make a multi vs. pure class a fair fight. If we restrict both char's spells in the case of a F/M battling a pure Mage, then the F/M still has an edge in HP's. And I'm sure the mage's weapon choices are going to pale in comparison to a F/M even if we try to restrict it. hmmmmm... quite a dilemma....</STRONG>
The answer would seem to be... I'm gonna RULE the mage wing!!! Yeah!!! :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:54 pm
by Meerlight
Multiclasses are way more balanced in 3rd edition rules. The F/M may be a better fighter but the mage will have WAY more spells and better ones.....

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:57 pm
by Xandax
My thoughts excatly.
I still say that if we take the weapons from the F/M, that would even up the score a bit.
But you are right about the HP issue - maybe we could hit the F/M untill his HP drops to half :D :D :D

No really - I haven't any constructive ideas for this yet - I'd just thought the idea to fight for a rank would be cool :)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 2:59 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Xandax:
<STRONG>But you are right about the HP issue - maybe we could hit the F/M untill his HP drops to half :D :D :D </STRONG>

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 3:02 pm
by Aegis
The challenge thing could work, but I think it provides to many variables to work the way we want it to. How about doing something else, like instead of challenging a higher up, they have to challenge someone of equal rank from another wing, that wya it's more fair and all. Just a thought.

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 3:05 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Aegis:
<STRONG>The challenge thing could work, but I think it provides to many variables to work the way we want it to. How about doing something else, like instead of challenging a higher up, they have to challenge someone of equal rank from another wing, that wya it's more fair and all. Just a thought.</STRONG>

But the whole point is advancement in your wing - if you challenge another wing - there is not postition you could take.
It's a fight for that specific position.
A first rank - challenges a second rank for his position, if the first rank wins, he takes the second rank and the second rank demotes to firs rank.

(Hmm - lotta ranks - did you get my meaning? :D )

EDIT: A lower ranked person can also have higher stats/lvl than the higher ranking person.

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Xandax ]

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 3:07 pm
by Meerlight
Maybe multiclassed characters shouldn't be able to be the leader of a wing because they may be considered "tainted" with other classes in them..... or not :D ;) :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 3:13 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by Meerlight:
<STRONG>Maybe multiclassed characters shouldn't be able to be the leader of a wing because they may be considered "tainted" with other classes in them..... or not :D ;) :D </STRONG>

I think you'll be slapped silly for that :D :D :D (but worth a thought :D )

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 3:33 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Meerlight:
<STRONG>Maybe multiclassed characters shouldn't be able to be the leader of a wing because they may be considered "tainted" with other classes in them..... or not :D ;) :D </STRONG>
*casts Power Word: Silence: Meerlight*

Damn, I knew I shouldn't have said anything... ;) I find this remark highly classist, and I insist that we have a guild charter forbidding persecution of this nature :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 4:04 pm
by Weasel
The Fighter/thief will be the class. :D

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 4:14 pm
by Xandax
I'll ask the question again, because I got no answer (I think :D )

Have people found a way to divide ranks???

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2001 4:25 pm
by NeKr0mAnCeR
the tought of elections evry month crosed my mind (example: wing leader has 5 votes, 1 rank below has 4, blah blah so on)

but the chalenge thingy sounds better