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Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 11:29 am
by Bloodstalker
Fights back wave of disco induced nausea :( ;)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 10:50 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Re: Okay, I'll take this heat this time...
Originally posted by Maharlika
Quit farting on me you foul creature! :D Especially when the shine-thrower's going. :eek: Image

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 11:14 pm
by Maharlika
Me foul?...
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Quit farting on me you foul creature! :D Especially when the shine-thrower's going. :eek: Image got me confused for somebody/something... :p

...hey, Odie clean up this mess you made... :mad:

...on second thought, let me help you too clean up the shine! :D

(few nanosecs later...)

*hic!* are der ennee morr werr dees keym fram? *hic!* :o

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 11:17 pm
by Maharlika
NOW. I understand...
Originally posted by KidD01
Wrong Commie ! Image

Now feel the DISCO FROG OF SYM !! :D :D
<EDIT>I'm outta here ! A friend just called invite me to see "Blade 2" :) WAS the frog who was asking the question... :p :rolleyes:

Hey, KidD00769... Blade 2 rocks! :cool: I love those fighting scenes. :)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 11:26 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
You *hic* know where to *hic* come, matey...*hic*
*Staggers out the door towards the Rolling Thunder (TM), singing the Doors "Alabama Song" as he goes*

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 11:35 pm
by Maharlika
The actions of Maharlika...

*staggers and pathetically does a Jackson Jig while following Ode* :D

*...also sings John Denver's "Country Roads" :D

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 1:39 am
by Maharlika
Welcome aboard Chanak...
Originally posted by Chanak

Chicken Adobo? Could I have some lumpia on the side, too? My, you seem to know my weaknesses, now don't you? Hmmm...

Are you sure you shouldn't be the direktor, Herr Maharlika? ;)

First things first. I want the file you have on me destroyed. Pronto!

Ah, to return to the islands. What a pleasure, indeed. Ok, here's what I want:

1. An all-expenses paid tour of every island in the Philippines. Especially Luzon, which is where I lived. :)

2. A lifetime supply of San Miguel. Mag Beer Muna Tayo! :D

3. My very own, authentically decorated - down to the centavos in the ashtray - Jeepney. :D

4. Negrito stuff - you know, blowguns, knives, that sort of thing. ;)

That's it for now. I'm your man. Image

Oh. So what's my title? (gotta have something to put in my sig, besides Ambrose Bierce quotes) :D
... be strong, be proud. COMMunicate.

Consider your requests done. On top of that, I'll personally see to it that no stupid Abu Sayyaf gets near you by a hundred kilometers!

Check out the first page of this thread to see your designated position and title.

BTW, you liked lumpia? Wow! Love those Filipino springrolls too. My mom would cook them just so that her kids could get to eat veggies without being forced. :D

What other Filipino dishes do you recall liking? Do you know calderetta? Goat meat with special tomato sauce and spices?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 2:12 am
by CM
As the logistic offcier, I would like to know would you want to travel first class or private jet? How many women serving you? :D And when you get the philipines, which car do you want to drive? Do want cash on hand each island or a lump some? Would you like the weapons brand new or used and tested in the heat of battle. If you want them brand new and then tested infront of you that can be arranged as well. Anything more just ask. Oh yeah Nokia has a deal with us, that all we COMMS get a free Communicator! :D

I like my title. I like I like! :D

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 2:26 am
by Maharlika
Sorry about that, Chanak...
Originally posted by CM
As the logistic offcier, I would like to know would you want to travel first class or private jet? How many women serving you? :D And when you get the philipines, which car do you want to drive? Do want cash on hand each island or a lump some? Would you like the weapons brand new or used and tested in the heat of battle. If you want them brand new and then tested infront of you that can be arranged as well. Anything more just ask. Oh yeah Nokia has a deal with us, that all we COMMS get a free Communicator! :D

I like my title. I like I like! :D
...I forgot that Fas has other stuff as well... :cool:

Onwards, COMM!!!

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 2:39 am
by Nippy
Good to see that my COMMrades are initiating new members into the fold. :) I welcome you Chanak. You are now one with COMM. :) Recieve your equipment from Fas and Maharlika and then you can begin your path to COMM enligtenment... :)

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 2:49 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Odd, I didn't think he'd said he was joining yet. Is this the "pro-life" method of conscription, "it doesn't matter what you think I'll decide for you and it's for your own good" type of thing? :D

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 8:10 pm
by Chanak
I, naturally, am immune to all sales pitches and of course have not joined any faction. Just seeing what I can squeeze out of Maharlika.Image

*Ahem* I would like to say, that at this point, while I, ah, have found Mr. Maharlika's offer to be mildly interesting, I have not at this time decided to join his faction.

I would also like to add that you can disregard any statements I may have made that might be possibly construed to mean that I may have decided to join said faction...this would include, but is not limited to, statements I may have made under duress, particularly statements I may have made the previous evening. :D

Hi @Ode! Image

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2002 10:40 pm
by Chanak
BTW, you liked lumpia? Wow! Love those Filipino springrolls too. My mom would cook them just so that her kids could get to eat veggies without being forced.

Like is not strong enough of a word. I loved it! :D

I am somewhat consoled, however. A friend of mine from Guam knows how to make lumpia, and we're going to get together with another friend who lived at Clark AB after I did. We are going to eat some lumpia, along with some Guamanian dishes she knows how to prepare. She is, by the way, an excellent cook. :D We are also probably going to drink fine cordials, as well - too bad we won't have any San Miguel. :( mega-sadness.
What other Filipino dishes do you recall liking? Do you know calderetta? Goat meat with special tomato sauce and spices?

I never had it. However, as I am a lover of all Oriental, Malaysian, and Polynesian food, I would of course be honored one day to try it. :D

I tell you what, though. If you PM or post the recipe for me, my friend would be glad to cook it. In fact, she might already know how. I'll have to ask her. :D
Consider your requests done. On top of that, I'll personally see to it that no stupid Abu Sayyaf gets near you by a hundred kilometers

If he comes bearing San Miguel, Maharlika, I would expect you to allow him through. That's a risk I'm willing to take. :cool: :D I'm a black belt in several forms of beer drinking, you know. I can take him!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:07 am
by Weasel
Re-posting to keep it above the spam.
Originally posted by Maharlika
the Palanquendi are back with a vengeance!

We, the ones who speak far and wide have been preparing for our exalted comeback.

Obsidian has sounded the Holy Bugle, we have heeded the call.

Inspired by the Great Weasel who founded COMM, our brethren of the Holy Order haven't been amiss in their mission...

... though much in the background these past months we have finally decided to make our presence felt again.

The Mighty Weasel has for now taken another sabbatical (leave) for purposes that will eventually lead us to the ultimate goal. With that, we would need a new leader to guide us during the absence of He-who-once-crashed-the-boards-to-rid-of-spam.

I humbly introduce to everyone our resident leader ---- Lord Marshal Nippy. Image

Hail, to the new chief!

Roll call:

CM: Brother Stalker and Logistics Officer
der Moench: Brother Monk, Master of the Brew
EMINEM: Brother Herald and The Holy Negotiator (prior to the use of agressive negotiation)
Obsidian: Brother Striker, Field Commander (for agressive negotiations)
Maharlika: Brother Scribe, Keeper of the Holy Scripts.
Morlock: Brother Magus, Lead Wizard of COMMnic Magi
Chanak: Brother SpyMaster, Herr Direktor, C.I.A. (COMM Intelligence Agency)

As for the others, we are more than willing to have you join us... Image

Onwards, brethren!

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:21 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
While you're all here and not doing anything useful anyway could one of you COMMies reduce this image so it'll fit as an avatar?

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:32 am
by Weasel
Here is one.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:33 am
by Weasel
Here is another.

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:40 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Ta Weasel. :)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 2:56 am
by Weasel
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
Ta Weasel. :)
No problem...(even though you asked a COMM to do it..and I'm no COMM) :D

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2002 3:01 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
You're a former COMM, and will doubtless be a COMM again someday. That's close enough for me. :)