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Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 3:49 am
by Mr Sleep
Re: The worst thing about spam...
Originally posted by Chanak
The worst thing about spam - besides it's rather pasty manufactured texture and vague trace of flavoring - is the disgustingly green jelly-like substance it's entombed in.
It's called Gelatine and is made from boiled up cow you are right to be in disgust :D

I am a mod unless i have been diposed in the last 24hrs ;)

@Georgi, where is thantor when you need a thread, eh? ;)

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 10:09 am
by der Moench
Originally posted by Chanak
...COMM - a mysterious faction that I know little to nothing about. I have noted that their leader, Weasel, hints at fermenting plots to seize control of everything. Is it so sinister, though? I really like some of the members of COMM alot, like Maharlika, who I've spent some posts reminiscing with...
Is Weasel sinister? Weasel is Weasel. Nothing more may or need be said.

But Comm is the way to go. You have had entertaining discussions with Maharlika because that is the power of Comm. We do not Spam, we do not Lurk, we do not discuss *shudder* bunnies, we do not get the munchies. We use this wonderful forum of Gamebanshee for the enlightenment and edification of all, through discourse and camraderie.

You seem an articulate and intelligent young man. I would suggest that Comm is for you. :)

Peace. :cool:

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 10:26 am
by Kameleon
Re: Re: SYM Factions
Originally posted by der Moench
We do not Spam, we do not Lurk, we do not discuss *shudder* bunnies, we do not get the munchies. We use this wonderful forum of Gamebanshee for the enlightenment and edification of all, through discourse and camraderie.
Ah, but with SLURR you can have all that, and the huge Tardis-like interior of a perfectly normal truck, the Rolling Thunder, where you can drink to your heart's content without the possibility of hangover (unless you want it :) ), smoke on the famous 4-person hookah Ole, and generally have a really good time whilst discussing all sorts of fascinating stuff. Hang out with us, there's no need to commit yourself or "join", just have fun.

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 10:31 am
by Tamerlane
Ahhh I see another unfortunate soul has seen himself become the centre of the 'propaganda' war between the factions

*Puts flame suit on and disappears* :p

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 10:38 am
by Maharlika
Reinforcements coming your way, COMMrade!

Chanak, pare, just what COMMrade der Moench has stated, you got the qualities to be an excellent COMMrade.

But take note though that we do not force anyone to join us. Forcing people to join our ranks would be detrimental to the organization... ;)

As for liquid concoctions, der Moench is our resident Master of the Brew. Pure and genuine germanic brew made in his kloister.

Such a brew is rarely for public consumption though when der Moench is in a good mood he'd offer you his masterpieces.

@Tammy: My fellow COMMrades are busy right now and there is not much need to overexpose ourselves. Nevertheless, here we are now and our Brother Monk was even the one who responded first. (consider this an honor ;) since he is almost always in his kloister as most monks do)
Originally posted by Ode to a Grasshopper
@Brink-We're almost out of positions, so keep the recruiting to a minimum until we can create some more.

Somehow I have vivid grissly visions of this statement. :D

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 11:56 am
by Chanak
Deutche Bier

As for liquid concoctions, der Moench is our resident Master of the Brew. Pure and genuine germanic brew made in his kloister.

My my. :) In the past, I have sampled the gleaming gems of the German brewmeisters...I have lived in Germany previously, once in Stuttgart, and later in Kaiserslautern. My partaking of these wondrous concotions developed a taste for excellent beer that has never abandoned me. My knowledge of the German language - which once was passable - may have faded with time and neglect (I regret that :( ), but my taste buds have never forgotten the exquisite experience of being bathed in the suds of a masterfully brewed German beer.

Ah, I am being wooed. My resistance begins to crumble. :D

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 12:19 pm
by dragon wench
when it comes to sampling fine beverages....resistance is futile ;)

And welcome to the lunacy of SYM. I wouldn't worry too much about the factions......just be...... ;)
In addition to being a founding member of the DF I tend to contribute both spam and comm to the forum, it just depends on my mood.... :)

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 12:31 pm
by der Moench
@Chanak: I am glad to see that you have the sensibility to recognize the ONLY beers when you taste them. :) Don't even consider what those Rolling Thunder boys try to pass off as an alcoholic beverage. Remain true to Paulaner, Spaten, Erdinger, Weihestephaner, et al, and you cannot but have a more fullfilling life experience. ;)

I must say, having skipped around the board and read some of your posts, you are already a Comm whether you recognize it or not. All it takes is meaningful and considerate discussion of any topic - and you have more than proved yourself capable.

Welcome. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 3:29 pm
by Obsidian
Ladies and Gentlemen, Weasels and moderators. The sun rises slightly from it's position beneath the horizon, casting an eirie glow across the boards of SYM.
Our COMM is marching on!!

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 3:55 pm
by Chanak
@dragon wench:

Yes...much like fine food thoughtfully prepared, a balanced beverage cries out for sampling. It keeps crying out, until you have consumed it all...and then, just as you think there is nothing left, you begin to hear the wailing of another...and then another. :D

Thanks for the welcome. I find my padded room quite accomodating. I like to tap on the wall randomly, hopefully irritating the occupant in the room next to mine. ;)

I like your factional outlook. I agree with you. In this forum, it appears that I've pretty much been a COMM (ok, I admit it). On the BG2/ToB forum, however, I switch randomly from COMM to something else entirely. In the Morrowind forum, I am a pitiful beggar, SPOILED rotten, ahahahahah! :D

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:11 pm
by dragon wench
@Chanak..... Indeed :D It reminds me of the slogan on one of my favourite Tshirts, Life is too short to drink bad wine .....

lol! Did you know that upon reaching 1000 posts you are also presented with one of those nice shirts with the overly long sleeves that tie at the back? :D

I say, create a faction against the factions! :D Actually, I have to admit, given my tendency to lately hang out in the DF Tavern in the evenings my rate of spam has increased alarmingly. :eek:

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:14 pm
by Aegis
Alright, as the current reigning leader of the Spam, I must say something.

Spam is good.

:D :p

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:17 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Aegis
Alright, as the current reigning leader of the Spam, I must say something.

Spam is good.

:D :p
Who crowned you then? :D :p There are at least two I know of with a higher SPD ;) but I agree anyway :D

@DW - LMAO!! :D and with the 5k comes the lobotomy :eek:

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:21 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Yshania

Who crowned you then? :D :p There are at least two I know of with a higher SPD ;) but I agree anyway :D

@DW - LMAO!! :D and with the 5k comes the lobotomy :eek:
It was appointed when Weasel stepped down to lead COMM, and Sleepy became a respectable person... :D

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:25 pm
by dragon wench
Originally posted by Yshania
@DW - LMAO!! :D and with the 5k comes the lobotomy :eek: that explains it...... :p ;)

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:28 pm
by der Moench
Oh the humanity!
Originally posted by Aegis
Alright, as the current reigning leader of the Spam, I must say something.

Spam is good.

:D :p
*Smacks Aegis up-side the head with a fish*

I couldn't help myself, Aegis. :( I just broke my personal rule of never discussing politics (in fable's thread), and I'm not feeling myself. :o

@Chanak: I am glad to see you understand your options, and have chosen wisely. Join me the The Old Banshee for a Paulaner. :)

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:51 pm
by Chanak
Froot Loops and Mr. Sleep

@dragon wench:
lol! Did you know that upon reaching 1000 posts you are also presented with one of those nice shirts with the overly long sleeves that tie at the back?

:eek: !!!!

Well, I know that at 50 posts, they officially committed me.

At 1,000 posts, you are given a company shirt. :)

At 5,000, you are relieved of any future headaches. :D

So, what happens at 10,000? What'll happen to Mr. Sleep??? :confused:

Will he be given a bowl of Froot Loops?


It appears that I have been selected by forces beyond my understanding. I don't quite understand that. ***sigh***

BTW: what kind of fish did you use for the head smacking? Red Slapper? I prefer using eels, myself. It's like getting smacked by a wet towel. :D

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:52 pm
by Yshania
Re: Froot Loops and Mr. Sleep
Originally posted by Chanak
@dragon wench:

:eek: !!!!

Well, I know that at 50 posts, they officially committed me.

At 1,000 posts, you are given a company shirt. :)

At 5,000, you are relieved of any future headaches. :D

So, what happens at 10,000? What'll happen to Mr. Sleep??? :confused:

Will he be given a bowl of Froot Loops?
LMAO!! if they can be fed intravenously! :D :D

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 4:54 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by dragon wench that explains it...... :p ;)
erm...duh... :rolleyes: ;) yep!! I guess! :) explains?


Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2002 5:05 pm
by dragon wench
Re: Re: Froot Loops and Mr. Sleep
Originally posted by Yshania

LMAO!! if they can be fed intravenously! :D :D
Well, most institutions have blenders these days don't they? :D