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Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 9:53 am
by Nightmare
WC2 Elves: "Even the Eldar get tired of waiting!"
WC2 Orges: "This way! No, that way!"
*dons anti-flame armour yet again*
Bah! All you Starcraft lovers...
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 9:57 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Whilst I liked Warcraft 2 (I so have to get a copy of that game) better, I still liked Starcraft, and Starcraft was IMO a better-designed game.
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 10:02 am
by Nightmare
As I said, the only thing I really hate about Starcraft (and this is huge for me) is the ability to only select 12 units at a time.
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 1:01 pm
by Dakkon
Hehe ya i dont like 12 units also, but i got the game today and its amazing.........if anyone wants to do stuff in multi with me, my acct name is DrizztDoUrden, peace.
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 2:18 pm
by Aegis
Originally posted by Gaxx_Firkraag
As I said, the only thing I really hate about Starcraft (and this is huge for me) is the ability to only select 12 units at a time.
But the limit of 9 is better in WC2?
And about SC being a better designed game, well, thats because they worked out most of the problems with WC2, used it as a basis. Thus they used a sure fire design, improved it, and made it a hit. I personally think SC is the best RTS on the market. Nothing comes close (especially not any of the C&C titles. Sick of the Tank rush of those)
Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2002 8:05 pm
by Dakkon
Well played game for like forever, and im giving it a rating of 98, what do u guys think?
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:04 pm
by Nightmare
Meh, well, once I played C&C, I got used to the fact that you can select as many units as you want. Starcraft didn't have that. Alright, I'll admit, Starcraft is a great RTS. Just not the best.
That belongs to the original Red Alert.
Tank rushes for life!
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 5:18 pm
by VoodooDali
Nice to see there are some other RTS fans out there...Starcraft is a great game--I love those gooey plant aliens... Never played Warcraft though, maybe I'll check it out.
Also--surprised none of you have mentioned AoE--IMO the best of the RTS games. I really liked the single-player campaigns. However in multiplayer, I get squashed by powergamers immediately.
Another RTS that's fun because it's sorta different is Earth 2150.
Posted: Fri Jul 12, 2002 11:47 pm
by Alienbob
AoE1 and 2 are great games. But i like fiction a lot better than non-fiction so i didnt find the stroylines very interesting. that and the fact that the gameplay is extremely fast and winning in multiplayer all came down to who could click the mouse the fastest. and all the races get pretty much the same units. unlike in starcraft or warcraft 3 where each race is completley different from the next.
Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2002 4:21 am
by Tamerlane
Aaah, the AoE series. The campaigns were amazing and for once also informative.