This armor...and the Doomblade...would not instantly affect the wearer/wielder. It would take time. Slowly a struggle for dominance would emerge, one that would manifest in homicidal rages, coming out at just the right the heat of battle. The Doomblade is a blade of evil, conferring upon the wielder powers similar to that of a Holy Avenger...spell resistance, and upon command, the blade can cause a Cloak of Fear to surround it's bearer...
The blade can cast the spell Doom, the opposite of Bless. In addition, when drawn, the sword surrounds the wielder with a Magic Circle of Protection Against Good.
As Avenger, Thalimon's sword, sheds brilliant light, the Doomblade will, upon command, create a globe of magical darkness in a 10' radius around the wielder.
The wearer of the Demon Knight armor is granted darkvision, and the ability to see through magical darkness. The armor also will regenerate the wounds of the wearer. There are some other powers...the helm, for instance. But I can go into this at another time, yes?