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Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 5:58 pm
by Solar Con
My gripe...
First time biggest complaint is having to do repetitive tasks that don't have to be. For instance, when you shopping somewhere, you can pick as many items from the buy list as you want, and the same for the sell list...why not have the same format for taking and leaving items in a container? If you open a container, you HAVE to take everything or nothing; and if you leave something, you can only leave one item at a time, watch the container close, re-open it, switch back to the give list, find the item, leave 1 quantity, and start all over again. That's tedious, and it would have easy to use the same interface as when buying/selling (except maybe have a "Get All" button).
The other thing like that is when your crew makes you things...why not have the answer to your request be, "I have xx amount to spare", "I have enough parts to make xx", etc.
Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 6:03 pm
by Applebrown
Welcome to our forums
To the first, I totally agree... noticed that (who didn't?) my first time attempting to put in more than one item into a container.
To the second, I don't mind. It was done for realism sake. Who besides those who are wanting to exploit it for some reason will actually need more than they give (which is usually 11)?
Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 11:57 pm
by Calydon
hmm, well the only thing that's bugged me since I started was Trask repeatedly reminding me how to open the footlocker when all I wanted to do was look around for a while...
yeah, yeah, Trask! I'll be right there...
Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:26 am
by -=Miz@k=-
The only gripe I have is with the swoop racing. Through out the
game you can see a number of times refrences to buying upgrade
parts for your swoop bike. The ability to upgrade your swoop bike
was probably something Bioware wanted in the game but it just
didnt make it to the final cut. I loved to race the swoop bikes and
upgrading your bike would have been awesome!!!
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:50 am
by Cluckie
I've been following this post, and I agree with some aspects - first time I've posted about anything relevent to the game.
I just finished the PC version, so naturally I can't complain about the X-box issues, with the PC version I found load times decent 10-15 secs, but I guess that depends on your computer
I really didn't find the game too easy, I found it pretty relative, I mean, 3 Jedi vs. a Squad of Sith Troopers, should easily win in about 30 secs. Accoridng to movies and other resources, that's how it works.
I suppose the Dark Jedi's could have been beefed a bit - to make fighting them a little more interesting. But generally, the battles were consistant with other Star Wars occurances.
I'm agree with the lack of retreat, especially, when 2 of your characters try to rush a Rancor
Damn forgetting about Solo Mode.
I have a similar beef with alot of SW games involving Light vs. Dark situations - make a different plot line, I just wish it wasn't the same path, with the same characters. Maybe make some Sith characters who would join your party if you went dark. But you'd have to kill if you were light. Or places you'd need to go as DS, but wouldn't if you were LS, and vice versa. A dark jedi - walking into a Republic Embassy, would be shot at, but welcomed in a Sith embassy
Also, I've noticed a tread where Light characters seem really overagressive
They really like to rush and hack people to bits.
With the Levi mission, I wish you could run into your other party members as they had thier own seperate quest. Even a situations where all members are in fight, but you only control 3 would be nice. This way you'd be forced to keep your characters equipped with good gear, and weapons
And you couldn't just stripe them naked when they arn't in use.
More Jedi battles, on a greater scale. There's suppose to be a fair junk of Jedi around - but I ran into maybe 6 across 4 main planets, excluding Star Forge and Dan. Plenty of Dark Jedi though
Make the Ciniematic battles more hyped. I would have figured you would sense someone like Darth Bandon, before you actually ran into him. Even something like, turning to another party member and saying "Did you feel that?", just makes it a little more enjoyable when you confront him.
I know this seems a little more over the top, but maybe some day when I design a game, it'll have all these elements in it
Stupid small quests, Personally, I think completeing a quest, should give you something which makes achieving your final objective easier. But not like, "Do this -then I'll help you." Garbage.
For example, if you need to get into a Sith base, you could arrive on the planet and go through the front door, fighting against higher odds - but complete a few quests on the side, learn of a backdoor - or get a code breaker - so you can take a short cut rather then having to go through the security corrdior - or perhaps a code to disable certain turrets. Stuff like that.
I'm glad there's a KOTOR2, yay! Hopefully some of these issues would be addressed.
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 6:17 pm
by ariumpa
Crappy things I found:
1. Medpacks become ABSOLUTELY obsolete after a very short time. force heal is the alternative.
2.Being disorientated after a dialogue cutscene
3. A short english sentence that takes 10 years for an alien to say
4. Not being able to be an "official" sith from the sith academy
5. The fact that you have to use a lighsaber/melee weapon to do decent damage.
6. The lack of playable character classes. ie. I wish you werent FORCED to become a Jedi, i think some options like becoming a bounty hunter etc etc would have been nice.
7. Stupid battles that are time wasting ie. The battle just before the final fight with darth Malak.
this game is good but it could have been WAY better. hopefully KOTOR II will improve (drastically)
Posted: Mon Dec 01, 2003 7:43 pm
by Applebrown
"Crappy things I found:
1. Medpacks become ABSOLUTELY obsolete after a very short time. force heal is the alternative."
Unless you play a dark side character, in which drain life is necessary, and you don't have that. I'm kind of glad they became nearly obsolete... as it was a pain to micro-manage that aspect after awhile.
"5. The fact that you have to use a lighsaber/melee weapon to do decent damage."
In the PC version, they have new ranged weapons that do VERY nice damage later in the game, if you can afford them. That doesn't say much for the Xbox version.... though Cassus Fett's pistol fully upgraded is pretty nice.
I agree with some of your other beefs, especially the disorientation and alien languages (selkath especially) that take forever to finish
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:31 pm
by Kamwei
Those damned fish!
Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:07 pm
by WlknWtr
I agree that this game is rather easy because I have never played an rpg like this and rarely play rpg's as it is but I am doing quite well on my own. However it is very entertaining and addicting. I like it despite the fact that it is pretty easy.
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2003 5:12 pm
by fraction1977
That's what really bugged me in the game (I just finished the PC version so maybe they correct a lot of XBox bugs!) The fact that there's no way you can know the time of the year or how much time it took to beat the game really annoyed me. The worst is when you get a quest related NPC telling you to come back next morning or that you got to hurry or stuff is going to happen, but how am I suppose to know when next morning is? As for the hurry thing, you can took all the time you want, even in very hostile environment you can wait for your guys to regenerate their force powers before going on with the game! Plus the fact that you have to come and go throughout the galaxie many times still you always find everybody at the same place and it's always the same time of day. Heck what those 3 guys beside the sandcrawler still doing there, it's been 20 hours in gameplay time that I finished the sand people quest!
Anyway, quick question, how much time do you think has pass between the start and the end of the game, I'm looking for about 90 days, you?
Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2003 2:48 pm
by WlknWtr
There has to be more time elasped then just 90 days in the game because you spend weeks at the Jedi base alone training and though I have not reached the sith training I assume it is similar and also you spend quite some time on taris and quite a few nights there. I would think it would be longer than just three months, maybe six months or so would be more acurate. This just seems logical to me because I am not even a third through and it seems two or three months have passed in the game already. Well that is my opinion but I found the same thing annoying about in game time, I wish it was more like Shenmue in that since, that you actually have passing time.
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 6:36 am
by shawn skywalker
I registered to reply here. I also love the game. However here are things I don't like that I hope are changed in future versions:
1. Pazaak. This would be a much greater game if it was random who gets the first card. Because you always get it, the computer has the advantage because you are usually first to go over 20. Even with a perfectly stacked deck +/- cards, I could only win 15-25% of the time forcing me to cheat by saving/reloading the game. If you don't cheat, you can't make money on this game. Also, the Pazaak sounds effects get annoying fast.
2. Ebon Hawk Gunners. Annoying, not fun.
3. Limited NPC skins. It's really odd that everyone looks the same. How about getting rid of some less important voice dialogues and adding more character skins.
4. I wish there were more things to kill, more experience to be gained, more levels, etc. I couldn't believe it when my character was maxed out at level 20. That was a bummer.
5. Even after version 1.03 there are some buggy quirks. I lost a double sided saber from my inventory when I changed weapons, then when I changed to another saber suddenly I had 4 double sided light sabers with upgrades. Sure, I was happy but felt like cheating, so I restarted my last saved game. A few other times the games crashed a while after the last time I saved, which was really aggravating.
6. I have a decent computer: P4 3 Ghz, 512 RAM and an ATI 9200 Video card with 64 unshared memory. Not great but should handle the game much better than it does. Even with half the graphics settings turned down or off, many of the battle seens are still choppy. Even my friend who has a 9600 ATI card and 1024 MB RAM said he experienced choppiness as well.
7. As with most RPGs, way too many useless items. Maybe I would need them more though if I played on the harder setting rather than normal but I only used 10% of everything I found.
8. Most weapons looked the same to me, with the better version simply a different color. I wished there were some cool effects added to the weapons appearance after upgrading.
Anyway, I could go on, but everything else would be more petty. I'm just glad Bioware made the game as they now have a great basis and a lot of experience and feedback for the next version. I can't wait.
Posted: Wed Mar 31, 2004 1:56 pm
by HiRo11er
The one thing that took me a little while to get used to was actual combat. While I am a sucker for a good rpg, I'm also fairly used to controlling my character in combat. I would have preferred to use the d-pad to scroll left and right in the menus, and used the triggers for attack (right trigger for right arm, left trigger for left arm f. ex.) It would make me seem more of a part of combat kind of...
Or maybe right trigger = attack, left trigger = equipped force power?
For the record, this is me trying hard to find something i don't like about the game. Besides that I think it's good. Graphics are great, character interaction i think is good, but they could also have had more choices in the character creation process, such as more than just 3 classes...
But I digress...
Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2004 11:53 am
Originally posted by Léah
okay... this may sound stupid, but I wish there was a retreat option in the game.
Totally agree I hate it when I want to pull everyone back so then I can just pound them with force powers and guns, but when I try to go back and then I switch to another NPC and run back my main guy runs back to the fighting its so lame. lol. So my solution is to have force wave on hand as soon as possible because then you can blow all your enemys back.
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:01 pm
by Lord Nyax
Things I hate
I agree with anyone that wants to kill every Selkath talking creature in the universe. After hearing that stupid fish tell me when I entered and exited the city 20 times, I wanted to kill it as much or more than the bad guys and Darth Malak.
I also hated the chronology of it, just like another person here. I mean, after going from a lowly soldier or smuggler to a jedi powerful enough to defeat Darth Malak, you'd think that at least some idiots near a broken sand crawler would move!
I don't know if anyone else noticed or cared, but it isn't possible that Malak can be Darth Malak. Darth Bane became a sith lord 1000 years before the Battle of Yavin, at which point he made up the Darth part before everyones' names. This game takes place 3000 years before that happened!!!!!
I hope that at some point, they remove the EXP cap and add new classes or even races. It would be so cool to be a wookie jedi, or maybe a verpine with awesome repair skill. I can only barely restrain myself until KOTOR II.
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 8:31 pm
that sounds cool to be able to choose an alien instead of just having to be a human. Like choose your class and then your race that would be pretty awesome, but I wouldn't mind that much if they didn't do that. And I totally agree with you about the selkath bugging me to death everytime I leave cameras. Plus they take forever to talk when they say it so when it pauses and they say it it takes forever. Pretty much Manaan is my least favorite planet I didn't think it was that interesting and it was relatively easy.
Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 9:39 pm
by Lethal
kashyyyk and taris were worst...
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 3:05 am
by Noober
I hope that at some point, they remove the EXP cap
Actually there aren't even epic levels rules for Star Wars d20 (which is what the game is based on), however there are alot of other far more intresting classes that they could have added (Sith Lord for one).
As for what I hated most, the abaolute bugginess (on PC) until the patch came out (though there are still lots of bugs).
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 4:00 pm
Originally posted by Lethal
kashyyyk and taris were worst...
True about taris, but I didn't mind Kashyyyk because it was so simple that I got through it really fast.
Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2004 9:47 pm
by fable
Let's stay focused on the thread's theme, folks. You want to do a thread called "things we like about KotoR?" I think it's been done before, but feel welcome to start one up. This thread is about things we don't like in the game. Thanks.