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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:51 am
by fable
Are you being physically hit? If so, that's a problem. But skeletons have very low intelligence, and if a mindflayer uses its intelligence lowering attack, one shot is usually sufficient to destroy a skeleton.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:02 am
by Promil
I'll say: keep ur sorcerer summon mordekeinen swords..2 at the time+1 invisible stalker, your cleric should also summon skeletons after swords dissappears...this method guarants succes. illithides will use int drain on resistant creatures...and after that skeletons will blow them in few seconds.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:04 am
by fable
Skeletons aren't resistant to mental attacks.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 12:41 pm
by Promil
U r wrong, maybe patched skeletons are not immune to int drain..but I assure u they are immune to stun <psionic stun is really bad...I hate it>...invisible stalkers can be stunned...but skeletons dont <same as mordekeinen swords> ...or just baldurdash withou TDD is "anti-summon fix" :)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:41 pm
by Nimiety
Mind flayers can't see invisible. Everywhere (virtually) you can find flayers usually have a room and a hallway separated by a door. The easiest (mildly cheesy) way to take care of them is to send a mage with the staff of the magi to open the door, go invisible, and stand in the middle of the doorway. This stops the flayers from getting out and touching any NPC. Position another character far enough away from the invisible guard, and another ranged fighter far enough from the first two so they won't cross-infect each other in case of the mind blasts. Then, sit back and wail away. You can easily take out a room full of flayers without taking a single point of damage.

I've made it through both the underground and the mind flayer lair several times this way perfectly safely.

Did I say mildly cheesy? It may be gouda-ish. :)

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 4:45 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Promil]U r wrong, maybe patched skeletons are not immune to int drain..but I assure u they are immune to stun <psionic stun is really bad...I hate it>...invisible stalkers can be stunned...but skeletons dont <same as mordekeinen swords> ...or just baldurdash withou TDD is "anti-summon fix" :) [/QUOTE]

Who's playing an unpatched BG2, these days? A skeleton can be killed instantly by the illithid--all it requires is one shot of their intelligence draining attack. And that's what I was referring to, above. But you're right about the invisible stalker. Let one run through the illithid while they're sufficiently distracted, and the results are foregone.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 2:45 am
by Promil
about invisible mage at doors blocking illithides: it is exploitation of game engine...that is why i dont referre this. Also invisibiility have time restrictions so clean up all room need more time (only those illithides will fight which had seen opponent <ur partry members> others would normally walk in other side of room/corridor). Also u can use a snares to kill them, Also u can drink a potion of psionic immunity, also u can get a mind flayer familiar (hehehe, neckles of command or whatever )...
illithides whispers: "hmmm, strange, some force dont let me go through the doors to kill those human brainless creatures !! well, let us dispell it :) oh...human mage named Edwin..hahaha....lots of food I think :P ...yummy <after few seconds> WHAT!! no brain? wah, and I thought that wizard have some INT :( (((((( "....something funny here :) <plz dont del it :P >