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Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 1:21 pm
by JavaDave
female hutt

Ok, there was a female hutt in Phantom Menace. Whenever they were swoop raceing you get a shot of 2 hutts next to each other and one is obviously female. Well, somewhat obviously.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 4:25 pm
by UrchSr
[QUOTE=Jack Dell]PS: The Selkath can talk and they have gills. :p [/QUOTE]
I don't know if you could call that "talking"... "Communicating through sound" fits better I think. The Selkath had the least dialog in the game (sans sand people and wookies). It sounded like annoying slurring stuck in a loop...over and over. The other races at least had some kind of language.

Posted: Wed Oct 27, 2004 7:13 pm
by masteralef
The Han Solo trilogy does give some pointers on Hutts. It's probably not canon in the RPG world, but here go some answers:

Hutts can be both male and female. All in one, that is. Essentially, a Hutt chooses to reproduce, becomes female, and stays that way for a few years to give birth to and nurse the Huttling. After a few years, it can finally leave the pouch permanently, and the Hutt recedes to male (default mode is male).

Keep in mind that Hutts mature extremely slowly. IIRC, Jabba is upwards of 600 years old in RotJ. They go through growth spurts on occasion, and can double in size within a few years. To add to the headache, they can do this even as mature adults. The "age of sentience" (presumably age of adulthood) for Hutts is 100 years old.

As you may have seen in Episode 1 (or even A New Hope's special edition), Jabba was much smaller. Presumably, he had such a growth spurt.

Hutts on occasion enter into physical combat. In this case, they are extremely dangerous- picture a several ton worm thrashing about. The younger ones are quite muscular (and regularly move w/o the aide of a hoversled), but the older ones are much heavier- hence the bonus to strength. The bonus in constitution comes in hardiness- Hutts are notoriously difficult to poison, and a blaster shot, or even several, won't kill them, because their hide is so thick and strong (obviously, Leia caught Jabba at a weak moment). Otherwise, the only recorded Hutticides that I'm aware of are Durga killing Jiliac (ritualistic Hutt combat), and Jiliac's poisoning of Aruk, Durga's father (through extremely expensive means).