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Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:55 am
by VoBo
[QUOTE=Fiberfar]You say that a cleric with 18 dex is strange? how come. I it is role playing as well when you take the 18 dex as a priest instead of giving him 8 dex and 40 wisdom

I guess they solved the problem with races by putting the "sub-race" choice in the menu. It would be to much to involve every race in the Forgotten Realms setting IMO. I think that if you want to play a drow, you colour your skin blue/black, your hair white and make a fitting description (also add the evil alignment if you find it needed).[/QUOTE]

I think the reason they added the 3 class cap is that the game isn't supposed to get out of hand. I mean, without the cap I would have gone for a monk/sorc/RDD/WM just to get max attacks and the highest AB and Strength possible.[/QUOTE]

I see some of your points, even though I do not agree with you. :p

Comon, a priest with 18 dex? A priest is a spellcaster, using mail, and isn't supposed to be the most agile hero there is. If he was a priest of mask it would be ok, but more often than not you do not play as a priest of mask, atleast I do not. Having a priest with 18 in dex would lose some of the points of having a priest. Priest are not agile heroes, they are supportive and supposed to be the one healing. In the NWN stats system they have "sort of" changed this problem by letting you use some points only, as a priest I would prior the wisdom and not the dex. But hey, that's only me :rolleyes:

Drows: You can choose to be an elf and give yourself a a sub-race called drow, but in the NPCs' eyes you would still be an elf. A drow is evil and you can't play the game as evil, in the end you still save the world for the greater good... Drows also have many racial treats that usuall elfs doesn't have and if I want to play a drow I want to play a drow, not an elf looking like a drow.

And the problem with more classes than 3, well, why not? Maybe they shuld restrict some classes, as example you cannot play paladin/sorc or priest/monk. Maybe monks, paladins and sorcerors shuld be the class you start with, and you can't choose them when leveling up?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 8:59 am
by VoBo
[QUOTE=Jaypee]I'm tired of the Forgotten Realms, at least the Sword Coast area. Is there any possibility for any other setting? At least for official expansion modules?[/QUOTE]

I agree with being tired of the swordcoast area. Every player who has played BG I, BG II and NWN know everything about the area. Playing somewhere else in Forgottenrealms, and im not talking about Underdark :) , would be nice. This would grant, atleast me, a feeling of exploring something new, which I think did BG I so very popular.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 5:33 pm
by Soulforged
I've been always in disent with the point buying system. But i cannot deny it capacity for balance. Instead i like very much the system used on Morrowind for example (in fact i like almost everysingle aspect of The Elder Scrolls, you can insult me if you want for posting this on this forum i don't care). Altough as i already said this will be never heard so... I will ask too (plus the things said above) for mounts, and for all the things that everybody said about the roleplaying. I think that the game in PNP is pretty much balanced as it's, i don't care what anyone says about the 3 cap class, there's no excuse for that. You are limited in feats, in spells and above all in level, i don't see any reason why you would have to add another limitation. And there is a difference between limits and limitations. The limits are OK but when they cross certain playability line then they turn into an anoying limitation. They have to see all over again in this aspect, to what limit the system may have limits. I think that the freedom can't be limited in various aspects: the race choice, the classes, the multicassling and the interaction with other players or NPC, wich may as well simulate the new Radiant AI.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:13 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=Soulforged](in fact i like almost everysingle aspect of The Elder Scrolls, you can insult me if you want for posting this on this forum i don't care). [/QUOTE]
No, they can't, b/c insulting others are against the Forum Rules ;)

Mounts, excellent idea! Never thought of that, not even as I see them everywhere in WoW. It's kind of lame for a hero to walk everywhere...

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 11:03 am
by VoBo
[QUOTE=Brynn]Mounts, excellent idea! Never thought of that, not even as I see them everywhere in WoW. It's kind of lame for a hero to walk everywhere...[/QUOTE]

Suppose you get mounts, will it be like in World of Warcraft where you only can travel with them? You can't really charge into a cave with your horse and the areas you are in are often small and you often do quests in them. Can you have a mount and quest at the same time?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 5:26 pm
by Soulforged
Yes i think that the mount has been a bit of an issue this times, but i also think that the d20 system (again not my favourite) is just perfect to be the first ruleset to implement the mounts of all kind with all it's power, i really don't think that there's an excuse to exclude the mounts from any RPG, all that excuses are reviewable and in its majority arbitrarie. For example, and recoursing again to The Elder Scrolls, is already known that there will be horses at least, but they will be only transport and will not serve for fighting or charging. The answer is (poor as i see it) that it will make things unbalanced because you could do some guerrilla-like tactic, hit and run and over and over again. But you can apply penalties and specially on an aiming and realizing system like the one of that siries, you can also make your enemies use some kind of ranged weapon. For god sake!!! There is no excuse even Baldur's Gate had enemies with at least two kind of weapons that they switch as a simple ID told them (ej. sword when close, bow when separated). To me it will really suck having mounts and not be able to even charge.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 6:32 pm
by Elias De vere
I think if she is still alive, they should bring back Aribeth, because she had such an awesome back story, and she went bad, and she was quite good looking. Also they should actually have a good happy ending that rounds off all plot holes, unlike Kotor 2!!!

Posted: Fri May 20, 2005 6:45 am
by Fiberfar
[QUOTE=Elias De vere]I think if she is still alive, they should bring back Aribeth, because she had such an awesome back story, and she went bad, and she was quite good looking. Also they should actually have a good happy ending that rounds off all plot holes, unlike Kotor 2!!![/QUOTE]

If you didn't remember she helped you as a ghost in HotU. Bringing her back again would be a litte to easy.

Posted: Sun May 22, 2005 2:18 am
by Crossfire
have everything that you do in one chapter afect the next. and make it so there were more conversation selection's. here a example like if you could save fenthick aribeth wouldn't join maugrim.

Posted: Mon May 23, 2005 12:19 am
by Brynn
[QUOTE=VoBo]Suppose you get mounts, will it be like in World of Warcraft where you only can travel with them? You can't really charge into a cave with your horse and the areas you are in are often small and you often do quests in them. Can you have a mount and quest at the same time?[/QUOTE]
You can simply get off, can't you...?

Posted: Fri May 27, 2005 3:35 pm
by VoBo
Ofcourse you could simply get off, but then again the mounts would serve as "fast travel junk" and won't make any differens in the game. If they have mounts the game MUST HAVE a system where you can fight from mounts or charge, etc.

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:29 pm
by Jinjer
I'd like to have more freedom in the story. For example at the battle at the drow town in Ch2 HotU, You should be able to jump all the **** about beating up all sorts of allies of the Valsharess and just jump into the battle with all enemy allies. It would be much more challenging.

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:17 am
by Xiryith
They should add a way to create your own monsters in the toolset. when you can use only models and apply some minor changes to it it can become boring....

I agree with the people who want more options for cothing and haircut and such. It helps making the character more like you want it to be.
More portraits would be nice too, I found that sometimes there wasn't enough choice.

And if in character creation you could spend a few more points on attributes that would be fine.

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2005 11:15 am
by Endugu
long post ahead...

OK, this is going to sound more like a rant I guess, but here are my points for change:

- Different Setting
Forgotten Realms is so overused, its getting really, really old. But I guess its due to licensing reasons, that we will be stuck with the realms forever. Granted, from a marketing perspective its quite smart to use the probably best known D&D setting. He, I wonder how many players think "D&D game = Forgotten Realms game"..?
I also agree with ArcticWolf's(?) posting: No more save-the-world-plots, please.
In a setting where seemingly everyone and their grandmother has a couple of class levels under their belt or has tea with the gods, its becoming hard to believe that only my character can do something about the Big Bad Evil Guy (BBEG).
At least, make the story subtle.

- Graphics
Im not so much talking about an improvement in the graphics quality (they're still fine to me), but rather a change of style. Id like to see some characters, items (esp. inventory graphics) and (magical) effects that are not so...comic-like. While its not as bad as World Of Warcraft, I prefered the more "realistic" look of the BG and IWD series.
Oh, and please have different body types (height and mass) this time around. It is really annoying, that you can never play the old-frail-wizard-type or the lean-thief-type but instead have always to play bodybuilder-like characters. At least as far as human male models are concerned. We dont even want to talk about gnomes...

- Prestige Classes
Like been said earlier, Id prefer getting rid of the 3-class-per-char-limit instead of using prestige classes at all (Icewind Dale 2 didnt get "out of Hand", neither). A level cap at level 10 would in my opinion actually more fun than even more epic stuff, because Im a fan of low-level adventuring. See also "no forgotten realms" and "subtle" above.

- Editor
While the editor wasnt totally bad and people did some impressive works with it, it would be great to see an editor, that is a) more user friendly (i.e. so that you dont have to rely on third-party programms to e.g. import models, textures, sounds) and b) lets you actually change things. Im talking about changing things like Id like short swords to deal 1d4 insted of 1d6 damage. Or the evels on my perstistant world to have a CON bonus and a STR malus. Basically, more options.
Of course, people will say, this just leads to cheating by creating uberpowerfull races or items, but I think this is a case where, like in PnP, the DM (in this case the server) should have the last saying. Morrowind's editor is something Id like to see, cause it lets you change many, many aspects of the game. Granted, its singleplayer only, so there are no PvPers complaining about unbalanced this and unfair that, but Ill galdly take more freedom in my singelplayer- / multiplayer-with-players-I-know-and-trust-supposedly-roleplaying-game than having to worry about unfair players (those will always find a way, anyway).
Finally, Id like the editor to not have pre-build rooms or at least some "blank" rooms with the option to change light effects, furniture etc, so that not every "bath room" looks 90% like every other.
Having the option to actually raise or flatten the landscape would really be great and I dont mean having staris and cliffs in one or two tile setting. This would make the game less predictable and give the community much more to work with. E.g. not everytime your characters would enter a "forest tileset" area, youd immediatly know that there will be no rise and fall of the forest floor.

- Races
I think it would be a nice touch if the developers would give dwarves, gnomes, halfnlings etc a movement penalyt, like they get in the PnP rules, though probably most players wont see it that way...
That said, I still think the "core" races are enough. No need to introduce subraces in my opinion, though I wouldnt be objected to it, either (at least not untill theyll use dozens of elf sucraces. :D )

- Plot, Gameplay etc
Make the story and the gameplay so that you have different paths to solve something for different classes instead of watering down the "solution" so that everyone can use the same.
What I mean by this, have actual locks that can only be picked open but not bashed or fireball'ed. Give the non-lockpicking classes another option to get past that door, instead of having some class abilites become totally useless (e.g. rogue), becuase evryone can do anything.
Or make it so that e.g. in the official campaing, 1/3 of the quests can be solved by warrior classes, 1/3 only by roguish classes and 1/3 by spellcasters, while still having the same plot. Somehow like Baldur's Gate 2's Stronghold quests, but more affecting the whole game instead of a side quest and most be focused on the actual class. So that frex, a lockpicking char (be ot rogue, fighter, cleric or whatnot) can pick a lock to the canalisation and get some stuff done there, while only a spellcaster can walk to a portal to another are etc.
Not only would this in my opinion be nice for multiplayer parties cause theyd acutally have to rely on a team to "unlock" all quests/locations/story elements, it would also be motivating to play through the singleplayer game more than once.

I know theyre using a version of the Aurora engine, but it would be nice if theyd actually make a 3d-game this time, whith z-axis and according abilities for the chars (jumping, climbing).

Finally, put a for details into this game. Dont make the player characters kill everything without effort. Trollish vulnerability towards fire, vampires that need to be staked, lichs with phylacteries and silver weapons against werewolves are there to provide some challenge and diversity for the player, not to be ignored by the developers (like in the NWN orignal campaign).

Some not-really-serious litte nitpicking: Let the game feature some goblins who can actually speak normally instead of their "me good, me not hurt you"-babbling.
Someone said, they should have the same intelligence scores as humans, you know..? :)

Edit: Something I forgot:


Why is it that since the days of Baldur's Gate (or even the Gold Box Series IIRC), the characters are stuck with the same old weapons?
Is seems always that the developers only know of the longsword, shortsword, bow, dagger, mace, club etc.
Ok, granted, Neverwinter Nights introduced some of those (in my opinion silly) doubleweapons and things like the kukri, two-handed axe and scythe.
Id like to see them continue this and make some other, previously not often used weapons like javelins, lances, two-handed clubs, mauls, picks, tridents and different polearms (ranseur, guisarme).
Its not like they have to come up with stats for those (or worry about balancing); theyre already provided in the D&D 3.5 rules in the SRD, so its "only" new graphics and implentation of the waepons into the game.

I think this would add another note of variety to the game. :)

On a different note: I posted this here instead of the official forums because I already have an account here and dont think anyone would listen to mine(or others) extraordinary wishes. :)
But why not feel free to post a link in the official boards to this threat?

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2005 11:32 pm
1. i think they should have more races to choose from

2. They should make the more common creatures a wee bit stronger becuase my character just slaughters entire armies of guys and the more powerful creatures like dragons i didnt think were much of a challenge either.

3. The map, story, and quests should be WAY more open. All the nwn games have you go in a straight line that u run back and forth between. Id like to see some morrowind elder scrolls 3 type of freedom.

4. Make magic users more powerful because the melee fighters i think are way to overpowered (my character that kills everthing).

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2005 1:46 am
by Ravager
Maybe setting it in Eberron would be good.

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:01 am
by Talamascah28
Many of you have so many great ideas, and some of you don't. But that's a matter of opinions and experiences. But I have some ideas besides what you have mentioned.

Changing armour & weapon appearances is a great idea. But I could also use the ablility to change ones helmets appearance, i.e. if you have found a cool magical helmet, but doesn't like the appearance of it, then you should be able to alter it, like ones armour and weapon.
I would also like to that you could change the colours of the armours and helmets, so they be more alike in colour. I know that it is possible in HotU, but I would place that under the changing armour menu.

I would also like to more culture oriented weapons, armours & helmets
. Like eastern (japaneese) armours to go with the already choosable katanas and such. Or maybe arabic. And with the weapons too, like a scimitar formed greatsword (Remember the sword wielding arab in Indiana Jones)

More variations in faces, beards and hair. And with optional tatoos/percings on every face choices. And perhaps beards in more intricate braids and such.
Maybe also with certain physical handicaps, like missing ears, scars and eyeplatches. I know there is on allready with an eyepatch.

I would also like to choose a certain accent to your characters voice, like perhaps arabic or japaneese accents to their english voices. Or perhaps Elvish or orcish accents. But I don't want them to speak the language.

How about creating your own sidekick/henchman to have along. With the ability to control his/hers/its inventory and weapons like in SoU. So if you have found a proper magical item/weapon, you can equip him/her/it with it.

Make belts, boots, bracers, gauntles cloacks and such visible, so when you change to a more powerful magical item of such, then you can see the change, perhaps alter colour and shape to them.

In SoU I experienced that if you raid some graves, that you suffer a hit in alignment. That made me come with a following suggestion. As a cleric or a paladin praising a certain deity, you should be able to repent certain misdemeanour acts against the diety in exchange of regaining alignments, so that you don't lose the ability to raise in levels as Paladin/Cleric. But you should also be able to curse the deity for personal reasons, which suffers alignment. But ultimately, you should be able to denounce the deity, at the cost of alignment and XP-points, where as you can instead adobt another, should you find the new god more fitting. But then you won't receive the special abilities untill you raises a certain amount of levels. I.e. as a paladin of Tyr, who turns evil and instead wants to praise a more sinister deity.
Finally, you should be able to honour your deity in exchange for certain small gifts, like recovering certain abilities, instead of resting them back, or perhaps healing oneself from certain ailments.
All of the above should aff course cost some gold.

That some of my ideas. Comments is off course allowed.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 8:05 am
by Dreez
Something that angered me abit when playing NwN was the way Bioware had
made the paladin and the mage and in which direction you could evolve them.
The paladin is a soulwarrior that lives by his sword & shield, yet, bioware had
basically NO special skills for the paladins which made them superior in the use
of their shields. They also become stronger in mind and body with every good
deed they do, hence their mind should become less & less receptable to mindaltering
magic & attacks.

The we have the mages, the reason why i quit NwN and threw away my CDs.
Bioware completely fubar the class of the mage, no matter which type
of mage you built, you always ended up throwing the same spells.
I remember this because i made a long post about this issue on the Bioware forums
that the ways of the mages were way to open.

I have always loved the Evil nectromancers, and in NwN, you could chose to become
one, but where were the necromancerspells !?. My necromancer ended up casting the
same spells as a friend of mine which had a gnome illusionist.... FUBAR.

So my suggewstion to NwN2 is this. Make better ways of developing your character
as the game goes on and you advance in level. And make ALOT MORE spells, i dont
want to buy NwN2, build a necomancer or paladin, and find out that they are no
diffrent from any other class.

Like in Diablo-II, the paladins had auras which could greatly help both him and
his allies. The necromancer could in the end, raise his own army of death.

Ohh, and in the name of the holy D&D, Orcs are suppose to be vicious beats, not
like those poor bastards in NwN1, so make them that.

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:28 am
by Fiberfar
So my suggewstion to NwN2 is this. Make better ways of developing your character
as the game goes on and you advance in level. And make ALOT MORE spells, i dont
want to buy NwN2, build a necomancer or paladin, and find out that they are no
diffrent from any other class.

Like in Diablo-II, the paladins had auras which could greatly help both him and
his allies. The necromancer could in the end, raise his own army of death.

Ohh, and in the name of the holy D&D, Orcs are suppose to be vicious beats, not
like those poor bastards in NwN1, so make them that.[/QUOTE]

The developers had to follow a certain pattern, because they were creating from the D&D and Forgotten Realms setting. If you thought your spells was the same, try to have a specialist wizard who can't focus in the spells you used in your other character.

Orcs might be vicious beasts, but they still have 1d8+1 (5) hp :D

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:27 am
by Dew
I agree with most of the posts on here. I personally like the monk class however, and I think it needs revamped from a RP view. If a monk is meant to be unarmed which i think it is then why make it more favorable to use a kama which has additional enchantments. If you are going to do that the make a bracer slot and maybe two glove slots for a monks weapons. Or even wielding a set of brass knuckles. Not to mention that kamas arent the first weapon i think of for monk. I would have gone with a quarterstaff first, but I heard they are adding more weapons to a monk anyway...