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Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:31 am
by Caranthe
I've played both...

.. but I find the game/story is really keyed towards light side. As a LS character I could get by hardly ever getting DS points, as a DS character it's much harder to avoid LS points.

Also, I can relate to a lot of comments on how the DS choices make you feel, which I guess is a compliment to the game's creators - if you can get that kind of emotional response from a game you must be doing something right!

Although I have to say, use of the various DS powers (Force Storm!) is a lot flashier than for the LS ones.

All in all, Light Side FTW!


Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 7:22 pm
by Darth Spawn
Burgos wrote:You are all fools.

How stupid are you??????????????? I mean come on each of these (light, dark, and nuetral) are completely unrelated and completely different. It is impossible to be light or dark when you say that you do as you please in the game. I mean c'mon!!!!! Do you even know the difference between the three?????? Since most of you probably don't I'll have to tell you:

Dark: The "darkside" is of exponentially limitless cruelty and even more impossible to predict. This is hinted from every Star Wars book, comic, movie, ect. What makes the "darkside" even dark is the type of jedi it seems to attract. If not for this the "darkside" would not be dark. If you still do not understand this you mindless idiots then i will speak candidly... Your "darkside" does not make someone cruel; it merely encourages no restraints on your being meaning no self control and emotional indefference.

Light: Since I'm getting tired I will stop giving a complete answer so that I can finish sooner. The "lightside" is just the opposite of the in properly named "darkside". What this means you idiots is that while the "darkside" encourages no moral restraints the "lightside" encourages extreme self control . Also just like the "darkside" the "lightside" attracts a certain type of jedi; this normally being the "Oooh I'm gonna save you and alow you to continue down the path of self-destruction".

Nuetral: Alright unlike the other improperly named "sides" of the force the "nuetral" side is correctly named. If you dont understand why then your probably mentally challenged (a.k.a retarded). The reason why the "nuetral" side is correct is that is neither the "dark" or "light" sides of the force. Now then this part is for those of you who cannot understand what this means. Nuetral masters of the force are unbound by moral beliefs and are not going down the path of self-destruction.

Now then to clear something up Jedi's are not force weilders that follow the "light" so to speak. They are in fact force weilders and only force weilders. Jedi that follow the "dark" are not Sith either. They are'nt because the Sith is a belief not a class of Jedi.
you have thought about this a lot havent u but you do raise a good point darkside merely is a path of no morals and no self control leading to there own falling while athe light is a pathetic excuse to biggot there own self-centred ways by thinking everyone needs there help when all they are doing is causing more damage

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 4:36 pm
by Alcina
I tend to play DS because it gives more XP (and I'm an XP freak. One day I'm going to manage level 32 without any cheats or day. Then my life will be complete)

Seriously, though Mira is a waste of space. Hanharr is a really powerful minion (perhaps the best if you give him decent blades!) and has in his gift 4500XP when you get enough XP with him (even more if you get it with Kreia bonus). Mira XP to give and no useful talents either.

In addition it's much quicker and easier to be basically DS, because Force Powers kill quicker than lightsabers.

I don't play exclusively DS, though; I do LS things if it will get me INF with my party (I pride myself on getting the INF-based reward from every party member, every time) or if it will give me more XP.

The thing is, I don't really agree with the game's definition of DS. The game seems to think that DS means 'mindless cruelty and violence'. That isn't in keeping with Sith treachings as they seem to be in the films at all. I may be on a bit of a soapbox here, as I am a Sith realist in real life, but it seems to me that the Dark Side is about doing what benefits you most . This is rarely random violence., which is usually counterproductive. Consider Palpatine in the prequels; a Sith knows the value of being nice to people or saying what they want to hear when it will get the Sith in question what he wants.

As I understand the Dark Side, it's much more DS to pretend a Lightside opinion to a Lightside party member than to be pointlessly violent (violence when you get something out of it is a different matter entirely, of course).

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 6:50 am
by Darth_Ruin
Dark Side

As Darth_Ruin there is no complication when it comes to answering this question.

'Once more the Sith will Rule the Galaxy!' - Darth Sidious

Chris (Darth_Ruin)

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:46 am
by probo
I really tend towards neutral alignments in all rpgs, but with a little hint of goodness. Howerver, I dont know if this actually means that my character is indeed neutral or good, because my characters are always extremely selfish and greedy, this may or may not be a result of it just being a game, and you know that the game revolves around your character specificly!

I enjoy finding loopholes in the games as to obtain lightside points and still keep the reward when possible. Many such situations arises in these types of games, for example in KOTOR1 when you killed the mandalorian boss on dantoiine and you speak to the questgiver.

Such actions speak of utter selfishness and scroogeish moneymongering, this cannot possibly be a part of some lightside. Oh, but it gets better! You know there are several different substantial bonuses in the game when you get a lightside mastery or a darkside mastery, these are the 'substantial permanent bonus thingie' that are well sought after in these games! So when you are aware of the fact that there are mastery bonuses when you reach total evil or total good in the force alignment this will heavily alter the actions of your hero, right? Because no matter if you might get 500 credits here or a little nice quest reward there or kill some innocent guy for 500 credits there - this substantial permanent bonus blows all of this other crap right out of the water.

But to repeatedly ignore what your gut instinct tells you and chose to play either extremely good/evil just for bonuses perhaps reveal an even darker side(or just more stupid) where you FORFEIT important rpg elements in order to achieve more power in a game which is so easy that you could have beaten it on difficult with a blindfold and without the mastery bonus.

So what do I like to play? Well, it all dates back to 2003 or something like that, when I played KOTOR1 for the first time and I was unaware of any dark/light mastery. I played a guardian/soldier guy, obviously, and he was quite neutral to be honest, I did exactly what I felt like. When I could keep money for myself without doing anything evil - I would. The result was that I got my alignment to about 60-70% light by the end. That was thoroughly awesome, since then all my characters has been extremes, I just cant forfeit the mastery bonus.... Because I like to powergame, bleh!

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 10:37 am
by bigredpanda
Burgos wrote: Nuetral: Alright unlike the other improperly named "sides" of the force the "nuetral" side is correctly named. If you dont understand why then your probably mentally challenged (a.k.a retarded). The reason why the "nuetral" side is correct is that is neither the "dark" or "light" sides of the force.
Talking about other people being "mentally challenged" when you can't spell "neutral"... probably just me, but I did find that amusing.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:15 am
by Yodamaniac
Dark side all the way. The multiple attacks that darkside has are unbeatable. Lightning, death field, insanity. I guess you could use those powers on the light side, but, man, I have my guy configured to where I'm only using force powers to fight and I never lose half of my force points. With all the regen and stuff. Dark side is awesome.

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 11:22 am
by Drunkside
Yeah, thats so fun to just spam storm and never lose all your fp;s... But i prefer the light side. :D

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:26 pm
by Darth turd
dude if you stick to the dark side and be as most evil as you can through the game kreia at the end is nothing but a little bug on your nose you simply flick it and it dies hahaha

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 6:30 pm
by redyouth
I chose neutral

because in real life there is no pinnacle of good and right in a metaphysical sense like the lightside or absolute darkness like the darkside. But there are things that are in the interests of different groups of people and objectively are in the interests of the vast majority of people, I side with that.


Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 12:12 pm
by Darth Mason
For me it has to be Dark.

AS much fun as it is to play LS and i do play LS the first time through the games, there's nothing like being able to be completely evil and do things that u cud never do in real life in the game.

I just genreally think that playing through DS is a lot more fun whereas if you play as LS you get a greater sense of accomplishment :D

Posted: Wed Oct 17, 2007 9:19 am
by LittleGizka
Darth turd wrote:dude if you stick to the dark side and be as most evil as you can through the game kreia at the end is nothing but a little bug on your nose you simply flick it and it dies hahaha
Not quite. A dark Sith Lord would probably have a hard time actually hitting Kreia because she would simply resist it.
And do not post spoilers like that simply in the middle of a forum.
A light Side Jedi Master could probably hit Kreia much easier because they get a +6 bonus to Wisdom while Sith Lords get an extra 100 force points.
I played as Dark Side ONCE and then noticed that all the dark side characters suck.
HK and Mandalore are pretty cool and if you can get an Evil Visas you might be ok (sometimes I find Visas utterly annoying though.) but the light side gets Atton, Bao Dur, Handmaiden (or Disciple if you're a girl) Mira, T3 and Visas as well. And all of those people are awesome.
T3 Bao Dur is better than Mandalore because he can become a Jedi, Good Visas cancels out Evil Visas, I've never EVER played Goto because he sucks. Mira's better than Hanharr because she's funny, you can turn her into a jedi and isn't an idiot who hunts and enslaves people.
However.....HK.....HK can take on Bao Dur and Disciple because he's just SOOO funny but he still isn't really as good in combat as Atton, because even while wearing a full suit of sweet armor (which HK cannot do.) Atton can heal. Add the fact that Atton is a guy you can play Pazaak with (a good way to pass the time while regenerating Force Points).
Oh, you might say that Atton can get influence from you being evil do you?
Well he can from you being good and Evil Atton looks horribly creepy.

On that subject, every normal character (cept for Bao Dur) just look CREEPY if they're evil. Especially you.
And don't you feel bad after you just kill a guy who's searched all over for his wife?
Alright I do understand if you get a few laughs force persuading people to jump into a bottomless pit, or kill the annoying guy in Telos who's like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?" all snobily.
And I do understand why you'd kill the annoying guy in the Military Base who if you tell him to follow won't follow you unless you try for 20 minutes and even then he stops after 5 steps.
But doesn't it feel better helping people?
It feels equally good (and funny even) to kill some jerks mugging some poor guy

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 12:07 pm
by dcinroc
I prefer LS. It fits more with my conscience and natural inclinations...although I support The Exile's decision to go to war and always argue for that belief. IMO, one of the best dialogues is the argument with Atris over the choice to fight the Mandalorians. I never pick a dialogue option just cuz it'll give me LS points...but since the game is skewed in that direction, maxing out LS points is easy. My geneeral concept of The Exile as a LS character is one who embraces the ethical commitments while rejecting the Jedi Order. My Exile does not apologize for aiding the Republic against the Mandalorians and certainly doesn't beg for his lightsaber to be returned! :p

I have played through as DS, but mostly avoided the senseless cruelty, concentrating instead on my charcter concept, as a Sith Lord seeking power and mastery over others. IF a dialogue choice seemed to further that goal, then I chose it. Otherwise, I picked what seemed the most logical in the situation. For example, I didn't murder the snob in the Telos apartments, simply because it seemed unwise to take an action that would call attention to myself (even though, as a player, I know it won't). It took longer to max out my DS points, and for much of the game, I wasn't maxed at all, but I had more fun with the DS that way. For these reasons, my DS character had little to do on Nar Shadda, since he simply had no interest in the refugees...either to help or hurt...they were insignificant. Though he gladly took the extra income from the slavers (or the dancing giral on Telos), since that helped to further his ultimate goals by providing much needed cash.

I similarly treat my companions with a mixture of trust/mistrust, honor/contempt.

The Force simply's what your do with it and how you approach it that makes you Light or Dark.

BTW, my LS Jedi Master was just as lethal as my Sith Lord when it came to flinging the force powers around...just cost a little more in force points.

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 4:40 pm
by Red_X
Light side, its to hard for me to be evil

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 5:34 pm
by prof. Moriarty
It's a bit... silly... I know, but I can't help but feel that I'm loosing when I try to play as an evil character. But then again, when I follow the ways of goodnes, light and open palms I get even greater satisfaction so I guess it's worth it. :angel:

Another odd thing is that I have NO problem playing evil in Pen&Paper or LARP. :devil:

Deus Vult!

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 8:22 pm
by SaberDragon
Somni wrote:Do not underestimate my Knowledge you fool! I come in peace and in
helping manner but you humiliate me as if I was a lost people. But it doesn't
matter what you say about me. Surely you and others are not foolish enough to understand the real meanings to what Somni wrote. But you and others are blind, they cannot see the truth. They see but they are blind. They hear but they are deaf because they cannot understand. Do not speak unless you know what you say is true. Half-truths, lies, guesses. Those are but lies! If this is the type of information you have half-truths, lies, guesses then you yourself is a liar. Don't come up to Somni with such stupidity...For he knows knowledge...
The Knowledgable Somni should learn some grammar...

Anyways, I like to alternate LS or DS. One character is LS, the next is DS, the next is LS, the next...

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 12:15 am
by v1k1ng
well, its not in my nature to be a bad guy so i always play as LS. once i played as DS just to see how that works and its pretty funny but LS is still my sight.

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:09 am
by Virosity
Join the Darkside..we have cookies..

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:16 am
by Loki[D.d.G]
Neutral is probably the trickiest path to maintain, and could yield rewards if done correctly. Think LS/DS fusion force powers. Though both might be more expensive to cast than if you were of a specific alignment, it still allows for better enjoyment of the game imho. Too bad about the LS/DS mastery bonuses tho

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:45 am
by SupaCat
I've tried each side (dark and light, don't really care about neutral) and my vote goes to light side. Something about the dark side seems so stupid. I really can't explain. Maybe it's because I can't relate to a character that wants everybody to suffer and/or die. I won't deny it's alot of fun, but it gets boring after a while. Plus, with light side, everyone likes me :D (except the evil guys, I guess)