Ok the Democracts: The most powerful group in terms of economic power but with no grass roots power are the SYMIAN who have come back to SYMISTAN after the collapse of the Soviet Union. They have money due to living in the west and have come back to form their own party and basically forge the country they want. They have money, power and connections in the west. They are described as puppet leaders by some and heros by others. Some are pandering to more US influence in the area and some wish to follow a EU model.
The second are the political dissidents who were imprisioned during communist rule. These men and women are extremely popular but suffer from alot of liabilities like the lack of money, political training and backing from the west.They want a democractic country and each differs on the form of government.
The third are the former communists and military men who sided with the West in their years of services. These were spys, double agents, informers and the like at the highest level of power and position. This would where i would personally place Vicusn in his very odd desire of a character
The fourth and last group are the youth. Radically democractic with no experience. They want instance change without a look at the consequences. I leave this open for others to look at.
I have editted the power percentages so that it requires 3 political powers to form a government and not just two.
The Dems - 28% power nationally
The Coms - 28% power nationally
The Muslims - 21% power nationally
The crazies - 21% power
Independents - 2% which i control as NPCs.
The way this works you still need 3 parties without or with the independents. The independents will always be in opposition to ensure that 3 parties form the government.
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran
"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill