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Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 8:52 am
by Kel
Opening and closing was a surprise

I grabbed a couple of screenshots that I liked from the opening sequence and
I was grabbing a few from the closing when I got one that was a bit of a
surprise. That screenshot turned out to be hidden in shadow and barely
visible and is the second screenshot attached. I could see something was
there and wanted to find out what it was. I used Photoshop's Equalize
function and the result is screenshot three.

The last screenshot is just a shot of my character in the Demon Realm on top
of a rock that I found I could just run up. I did alot of fighting from up there
and will post pictures of it as soon as I finish up any processing if needed.

I am posting one more that I is in reference to a possibly paranoid
characteristic of my character or he could be just impatient with me. I am
curious if anyone noticed the same tendency in their character where they
are constantly looking back over their shoulder. Then again maybe he had ....
ex-wives looking for him.



Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 6:16 pm
by Kel
Thanks has been a fun post!

Hey thoon, thanks for the response.

I have had fun with it and I hope those that viewed the posts enjoyed them
as much as the members who posted their screenshots.

I still have about six more that I will post and this next part is for oldcodgergamer6.

Hey, my Kel has been head over heels about "floozy' since he first saw her.
I will have to agree with you that she does have nice cheeks! I happen to
like younger women as they keep me in!

I am not saying there is anything wrong with older women just to be clear on that point.



Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:16 am
by Mellez
omg it still wont work, kel do u have a messanger, i will send u the pics and u put them up? :confused: :confused: they wont work for me!

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 3:30 am
by BadMutha
[QUOTE=badbee]here an picture taken of our shy hero and his chasing groupies, who seem to be extraordinary well equipped in every way by the looks of...[/QUOTE]

Sorry about my stupidity but WHAT THE HECK are those flying blue girlies !?!?!?
U summoned ´em with what ????

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 4:56 am
by Kel
flying blue girlies

Hi BadMutha,

There are two types of flying blue girlies that I can remember and they are both Celestial magic spells.

1) Blessed Spirit : Calls forth a Blessed Spirit that will heal the caster and his allies.

2) Divine Intervention : Summons a Battle Spirit that will fight alongside the caster.

The ones in the picture were #2 and they can reach enemies that are out of reach of any of your weapons.

Blessed Spirit comes in handy fighting Moonbeasts.



Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:51 am
by Mellez
hey! thanks to kel but now i got my pics working.
here they are. lol i think they are ok. but sorry about the names. 1st one is drake, 2nd is skills and 3rd is invent.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:53 am
by Mellez
if they appear small, just zoom up on them. i think u just gotta put ur mouse over it and click the arrows. :confused: :D :confused:

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 2:05 am
by Kel
Drake Riding....Has your character done it?

Hi Mellez,

Nice job in getting them posted. The Drake Riding picture is the best on this thread and possibly this forum. I don't think anybody else ever thought of trying it.

You might want to also post your characters stats and inventory pics on the following thread: "Post Your Char. Stats with a Picture" so everybody will be able to see your character. This URL will take you to that thread:


Good Gaming!



Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 10:49 pm
by zippyriver
never underestimate stupidity

Yeah, ok. So he's a low level dude (level 8) with slightly crumpled armor. But he did eventually win the day. The tko shot was the final blow although my guy got a bit tanned in the process because the drake got off one last shot.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:14 pm
by Leona
Why kill them yourself?

It was a bad day in Hell. I had just been killed. It was not good. I was about to resurrect myself, when all of a sudden, the bad guys started attacking each other! I knew that if I cam back, I would destroy this beautiful ballet of baddness, so I waited. Sure enough, one of them killed the other. Bad news, I didn't get the experience points from the kill. Good news, one less baddie to worry about!!!!

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2007 8:41 pm
by kathycf
Resurrecting a thread...

I wanted to start a screenshot thread, but searched and found this one. It would be great if people could share some of their screens. These are some screenshot utilities that were recommended to me since Dungeon Lords is not really set up for ingame screenshots. They look like pretty good programs, and I use the Howie's funware one. You can attach images to your post, but it is also pretty easy to use a free image host. GB has disabled img code, but you can still post img code and it works like a link to your image. (or you could also post a direct link to your picture.) :)

FRAPS show fps, record video game movies, screen capture software Fraps

Howie's Funware Screen Savers Howie's quick screen capture

Hyperionics - the best screen capture software - Free download HyperSnap

Uploading your images to a free image host tutorial. Posting Images | Siegetheday.Org

So on with the screenies! :D

Oh no, who is who? How will I ever tell the difference?

Blast nova

Climbing on things is fun

So is dancing

Riding firedrakes is the most fun though

Chased by bees ... not so fun

Silly Moonbeasts

Staroxia; what is up with her?

Stop me if you have heard this one before

The KIng and we don't mean Elvis

Silly troll

I think Grunmeir must be having one heck of a sale...they're fighting to get in.

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:45 am
by Kel
Outstanding Post by kathycf!!!

Hi cathycf,

Congratulations on having the best and most imaginative posts on this thread and the links to screenshot programs are helpful. They are a good addition to the few screenshot programs that I have used.

My favorite screenshot program is still Galt's Screen Capture as you can capture a whole series of shots of your character in action just by holding down the assigned key. That includes the screens in-between screenshots which makes for some amusing pics. The program also has the ability to capture only a region on the screen. I have fraps and use it mainly to check my frames per second. I have never tried capturing a video with it.

My favorite screenshot of yours that you posted are the following in no order:

1) Climbing on things is fun (I spent a whole lot of time before entering the
sewers up on top gaining levels on the left side....lots of beasties.
2) So is dancing (sexiest character I have seen....nice moves)
3) Silly Moonbeasts (the most unique method of dealing with Moonbeasts)
4) Stop me if you have heard this one before (sexy character makes my
Kel's heart race)
5) The KIng and we don't mean Elvis (long live the King...Elvis of course)

Thanks for an excellent post and I will try out some of your links.


Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2007 3:02 pm
by kathycf
Hi Kel and thank you for the compliments. I had a lot of fun reading through this thread when I found it, I thought some of the screenshots were downright hilarious. I am a total screenie addict, I have tons of them. :)

The dancing one was totally unexpected, I was having her do ninjutsu and kept clicking away. That particular one came out really well. The sexy clothes ... :o ;) Well, let's just say I have been having lots of fun making my own armor. (except that chain pro-fire, that was made by another forum member, POISON.) The "King" is my boyfriend being very silly, he insisted on riding that throne. (we play multiplayer pretty often).

I would love to see more of your screens. I hope some of the other members post some too. (hint hint, c'mon it isn't hard) :p I will have to check out that Galt one.

We can sing if we want to

Come in dearie, I don't get to many visitors out here....I wonder why that could be???

I should probably build a house....

Spiders and worms, oh my!

Beware the dreaded LAWN FISH!

These are some old screens from when I had the 1.3 version of DL

Climbing on things is fun until somebody gets hurt...


Let's get this ball rolling, ok?

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 7:15 am
by Kel
Glad to see Members are still enjoying this thread!!!

Hi kathycf, another nice post.

I have been done playing Dungeon Lords for quite some time now but I like to check back and see what new screenshots people have put up. I still have the screenshots I posted here as I enjoy the idea of adding shots for others to enjoy. I think it also made the game a little more enjoyable especially when others started posting their own screenshots.

My own favorite is "BREAKING NEWS: DL Reporter killed on the job!" and number two is "Attachment size limits - Cheap Room Rates" which are both found on page one of the thread. My favorite I enoyed the most because I actually made up a story to go along with it considering all the problems we were having with the game at that time. I was hoping others might get the idea and also make up some small story to go along with their screenshots. I guess I was trying to nudge their creative side no matter how silly. The whole idea of the thread was just to have fun!

I get notified whenever anyone posts so I can enjoy their screenshots as I enjoyed yours and many others.

I wish the site bosses would sticky it so that it stays up front where more people will see it. I would hope that it might encourage them to join in the fun.

Keep it up screenie!!


Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 11:37 am
by Iceman1963
Poor confused little guy

I had some fun with the new skins that Kathy has posted here :laugh:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 1:18 pm
by kathycf
View at your own risk...

Thanks, Kel and Iceman.

I am stunned and shocked, Iceman. :p Truly, who would subject a dwarf to such indignity?! ... /sleep.jpg

Oh, ooops. I guess I would. :devil:

When Iceman showed me what he had done with the sexy platemail I made I felt I had to make a more "earthy" version for the dwarf. I think what happened is Dwarfguy was doing a dungeon crawl in the tomb of souls and was attacked by a battalion of Succubi. They trashed his armor, and he needed some protection, fast. The only items he could find were a thong and a sexy top. Being a soldier first, he knew he needed armor and this was the best he could soon as he can he will, of course, run straight to Fargrove and the Fighter's Guild to buy more manly armor

If they don't laugh him out of there first...

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 2:16 pm
by Iceman1963

I just don't know.. but something about that hairy ass gives me nightmares...ROFLMAO:laugh:

Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 3:02 pm
by kathycf
Iceman1963 wrote:I just don't know.. but something about that hairy ass gives me nightmares...ROFLMAO:laugh:
Just for the record, the person Dwarfguy is threatening in my previous post's screenshot is YOU, Iceman. :eek: :p :laugh:

Seriously, don't anybody freak out. This is just a privately distributed armor set, and isn't going to be part of any sort of release I make. I needed a good laugh, and I must say...I got it! :)

Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 2:12 am
by Kel
ROFLMAO cheeky little devils!

Iceman1963 and cathycf, good posts :eek: :laugh: :rolleyes: :laugh: .

Iceman1963, that was the funniest screenshot yet. I didn't even have time to question what I was seeing because I was laughing so hard.

cathycf, that was a nice comeback and you do good designs girl from looking at your screens.

I could hear Khelgar when I frist saw Ice's screen: 'pointy eared tree-hugging pests' as he stood there red faced and looking for a fight.

I don't think we should go any farther cathycf or we might get bleeped. I think that armor would look much better on a human, elf or tiefling female.

I often use avatars that I have found on the web in games that allow you to use your own. The really good ones are of females and were done by someone with some talent. I have a blonde female rogue that would leave any normal man with his eyes bulging as her armor is slighty revealing with a deep cut front. He would never know that his pocket was just picked. I also have a very nice one of a female cleric though it is just a headshot. I do have a couple of good avatars of males for the roles of paladin, fighter, magic user, ranger and rogue that I use.

Some people have a lot of talent and their work is most of the time appreciated. I am looking the word talent up in the dictionary because I don't think it applies to me :) ...


Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 3:35 pm
by P0IS0N
Here are mine:
[url=""]opening a can of tuna[/url]
[url=""]different can, same story[/url]
[url=""]Fire & Ice[/url]
[url=""]You will not pass![/url]

and last, but not least, a wallpaper I did back in the days when I played a male urgoth, and a friend of mine had a human male:
[url=""]the Dungeon Lords[/url]
Yeah, he doesn't look that cocky now :D