Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 5:24 pm
Ok, the conclusion of my enquires are that it's always best to cut as distal as possible, even if you have a rusty knife, even if it means cutting through bone, even if you get a worse immunoresponse later, even if...anything. The reason for this is that the major problem you are going to face, is the bleeding. It is easier to stop the bleeding the more distal you get. Thus, I stay with my cutting at the elbow.
the surgeon said the same I talked about. He said that proximal cutting would lead to less bleeding and from his experience less chance of infecting, but also, that far underweighs the fact that he has nothing to work with.
Did you just call us lazy? *slap* Week should do a workathon and see how long you last aginast me, the only one in the forum who has slept only 24 hours in the last week before this.I am at a university (or do you mean go back to uni as a student?) and I work more than any of the so called researchers in the industry But I seldom do 100 hours/week. It happened often some years ago, not it happens only was at least 2 months since last time (but that was fun!)
I work at a university, but I do research there (and fill in for classes for a forgetful professor). I am also now going back as a student. I am just finishing up my final course... for yet another degree, which will finally allow me to do some types of research Ive wanted to do since I was a kid.
Although I am sick of staring at my Bio Engineering book. Ive taken the course multiple times... but NO, its a preresiquite.
Last time I pulled over a hundred hours a week was... last week. And the weeks before for 9 months. As with all people in research, I am overworked and underpaid for what I do. (hence, Uni).At least this week will be slow until they send in my next batch of cancerous brain cells from the newest series of patients.
I should of gone into neuroscience... it sounds so easy... ah, my Gel is finished...
*Note* My keyboard has decided to be mean and channel the spirit of whoever was the worst flamer here, it has decided that apostrophes and auto spell checks are unimportant. Also all the keys tend to change values. I blame all spelling errors on the devil possessed keyboard*