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Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:03 am
by HellBlazer
Well here is what has worked for far....
Try leaving things at the blades HQ in cloud ruler temple. I went there to get some blade armor (dont ask) and left abunch of my old armor and weapons in the basement and weeks later it was there.Also i murdered a bunch of bandits and vampires in remote areas in the hills and mountains and weeks later there gear was still in the same spot they dropped it.
Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 11:31 am
by Amran_X_Kaiser
Jauffre's Chest is a good place to store it and you can pick up a little something extra.
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:34 pm
by buknekkid
Possible Storage
In I believe its Skingrads castle courtyard there is a well that acts as a storage container. NOTE Ihave not tested it so items may disappear. It's just an idea for someone to try. I always just sold everythign right away and now i have a house and 60 000 gold.
Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:43 pm
by fable
[QUOTE=Amran_X_Kaiser]Jauffre's Chest is a good place to store it and you can pick up a little something extra.[/QUOTE]
Tried it almost first thing after I got the game. I thought to myself, "If any place is bound to keep its goods, it's this chest." A few days later I returned, and everything I'd stored in it was gone.
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 7:17 am
by Uthwe
Did you say the sanctuary of the dark brotherhood in Laiyawin? Please tell me you meant that?
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:05 am
by Mr.Waesel
For Christ sake, people. Any cell that is not one of your houses will refresh eventually and all your equipment will disappear. It does not matter if you're putting it in wells or chests behind Jauffre, it will all be gone. Just shell out the $2000 for the IC shack. You can get it in the Merchant's District.
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 8:22 am
by Amran_X_Kaiser
In that case I'm going to run and get my items out of that chest
Posted: Tue May 16, 2006 9:02 am
by fable
[QUOTE=Mr.Waesel]For Christ sake, people.
Any cell that is not one of your houses will refresh eventually and all your equipment will disappear. It does
not matter if you're putting it in wells or chests behind Jauffre, it will all be gone. Just shell out the $2000 for the IC shack. You can get it in the Merchant's District.[/QUOTE]
Yes, but this thread was started right after the game came out, and we knew next to nothing about the rules of the environment. I don't know why people are still posting to it, but there's no need to get hot at a topic that had a good purpose for a while.
Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:11 am
by silverdragon72
...maybe the whole discussion is completly outdated meanwhile, just stumbled about this thread by accident...
...but sacks / bags never respawn!
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:05 pm
by Audiomaster4565
i am going to throw this out there about something wit the morrowind houses.. etc .. one thing hated about Morrowind is you could only drop a certain no# of stuff on the ground in a house or any where for that matter on of the over flowing loot bags could appear on the ground any where and you wouldn't be able to drop any thing and expect it to stay there instead you would have to find the bag were ever the game put it... why??? becuase (over flowing loot bags can a infinite amount of space) and becuase i have the X-box Version I can't delete them with a console command...why becuase X-box's aren't able to do that. so that i what i think of one of the topics on the envoirnment
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:08 pm
by gamelinx
Storage for items
I remember in Morrowind that if I wanted a place to store my items, I would kill the owner of a house and store my things in that house. In Oblivion, though, your items will disappear if its not your house. If you put your items in a cave, it will randomly replace the items with treasure. You might want to explore a bit and get some money so you can store your stuff, since dropping items in the world disappear too. You could download a mod for the game so you get a house right off the bat(this would not be cheating because you get the house after a quest is finished). I go to to get mods for oblivion and morrowind.
Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:48 pm
by galraen
Just to point out that silverdragon72 hit the nail on the head. Sacks of grain (the ones that initially hold five of either wheat/rice/corn etc.) never respawn and are safe places to put items in. There's one (at least) in each mages guild, and it's not by coincidence, don't use any in the Bruma mages guild of course.
Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:42 pm
by silverdragon72
galraen wrote:Just to point out that silverdragon72 hit the nail on the head. Sacks of grain (the ones that initially hold five of either wheat/rice/corn etc.) never respawn and are safe places to put items in. There's one (at least) in each mages guild, and it's not by coincidence, don't use any in the Bruma mages guild of course.
:speech: don't tell me, that this was not well known?!
btw. I personally prefer the four sacks in the IC market destrict, directly in front of Jenines shop...-...quite a handy place...
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:03 pm
by LeoStarDragon1
Mods & Theory About Vanishing Items! (Spoiler?)
fable wrote:Tried it almost first thing after I got the game. I thought to myself, "If any place is bound to keep its goods, it's this chest." A few days later I returned, and everything I'd stored in it was gone.
Hello, Forum People!
#00: Hey, Fable! Did you feel like going to Jauffre and asking him who he gave your stuff to?
Or go to the Blades and say,
"Okay, Brothers and Sisters! Ha! Ha! Funny! Pick on the new member, I get it! Now, where's my stuff that you took and hid from me? :laugh:
#01: Now, jokes aside. Okay, acknowledge the cell resetting. That explains the behind the scenes of it. But what about the in scenes, or in story, explanation of it? I've met this Khajiit male, or rather, my characters have, who is a prankster, whose sole purpose for being created, seems to be to explain a few in game features. (I've never killed him to see if the problem eventually goes away though, and I don't intend to do so.) I don't mean M'aiq the Liar either! Anyway, if you catch up to him, he laughs and says,
No, I didn't do anything! Who me? Or words to that affect. But if you like each other enough, he will eventually confess to what he does. What he does as pranks, is to remove people's items from other places, and then to hide them in barrels just outside their homes! He says,
"People think the items are stolen, but they aren't! They are still there, they just don't know! Guards seem to not ever catch him at it either. As the Player Character, you seem to be the only one that ever does. So to me, this explains how certain items that shouldn't be in barrels, end up there, story wise. It also suggests to me, barrels would be safe for storage, as he never mentions taking things out of barrels. However, I soon thought about beggars, and they would probably be looting barrels, and crates, et al, just to stay alive. So that too, in story, would explain why your stored items disapear. Also, if you can take things out and put things in, what's stopping others from doing the same, regardless of their social status?
#02: Mods that help with storage. The "World Chest" one is great! You buy it from Calindel. It then magically appears in each regular, non-mod, house that you buy. You can also buy summoning scrolls, to summon it when away from home, to put in items, or take out items. The mod author made it, because he was not satisfied with, "The Bag of Holding", "The Bag of Light", or "The Purse of Wonders".
I use the bags now, as I had to stop using the "World Chest" when it began to conflict with later mods though.
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:30 pm
by Solcius
Ive always just thrown things to the ground. tht is, of course till i got the money for the skingrad house. i recall a time when i dropped various weaponry at level 5, then rememberd where i dropped them at lvl 50, still there.....
Uthwe wrote:Did you say the sanctuary of the dark brotherhood in Laiyawin? Please tell me you meant that?
False, though there may be one there that you cant acess, the dark brotherhood is in chedinhall
Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 10:26 pm
by LeoStarDragon1
DB Mod!
There's a mod that adds a secret lair to the DB in the Skingrad Manor, where the secret door is by the Servant's Quarters. It looks the same as the regular one once you enter that secret door. However, it has an emergency exit that leads to your own private stables, where two members are on guard duty. It was fun at first, but then I didn't like it when people violated my character's privacy by tresspassing through the mansion! I had another mod that added a private caverns and tunnel system to connect all of the player's homes in the game, and one that gave the beggars underground lairs, so that they didn't sleep exposed to the weather. But the big glitch with all three mods and their tunnel systems, was that regular NPC's could detect them and use them for shortcuts too, rather than use their regular routes!
That was so annoying, so I discontinued using those mods! But you may want to see if the modder has since patched that problem with the DB mod.
Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 9:43 pm
by Solcius
ill have to check those out. ill prob just kill anyone inside the tunnels so viola, nobody in the tunnels
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:23 am
by LeoStarDragon1
Solcius wrote:ill have to check those out. ill prob just kill anyone inside the tunnels so viola, nobody in the tunnels
Hi, Solcius! Well, the bodies do pile up making it difficult to pass if you aren't careful about which section!
The tunnels as I recall, were made using the type that has the niche in the walls, where bodies are placed though anyway!
Would you like for me to look in my files, for them, or do you want to Google for them?
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:42 pm
by Solcius
oh no i found them myself and these mods are quite useful! plus the bodies do make a nice, slightly warm , floor covering after you drag them around :laugh: thx for mentoning this mod it has been very helpful so far.
Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:46 pm
by LeoStarDragon1
Solcius wrote:oh no i found them myself and these mods are quite useful! plus the bodies do make a nice, slightly warm , floor covering after you drag them around :laugh: thx for mentoning this mod it has been very helpful so far.
Oh, you are quite welcome, Solcius! I hope that they work out better for you than they did for me. Hey, have you noticed that when you turn someone into your doormat and/or area rug, that when you have guests over they tend to stare at it a lot? If you go into third person, so will your character! :mischief: