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Post by Lestat »

[QUOTE=Aztaroth]I can not sleep on airplanes. Any other vehicle I fall asleep in VERY quickly, but on a plane I just get very, very tired. [/QUOTE]Hah, as soon as it moves, I can't sleep in it, or I must be extremely tired and/or drunk. Intercontinental flights are torture as are long distance trips by bus or train.
It's strange because I can sleep on almost any surface and in many circumstances, but light and moving vehicles... no.
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Post by Aztaroth »

Heh :p

Also, I cannot oversleep. This, however, means that if I have something to do at 10 in the morning, I wake up at 9:59. This includes stuff like school. It's quite annoying to wake up and realize I have one minute to get to school... which is about 20 minutes of walking away :mad:
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Post by Chimaera182 »

Well, apparently I can't keep a vow to stay off alcohol. I can't stop drinking. :rolleyes: :laugh:

I'm not saying I'm an alcoholic who needs help because he can't stop drinking; I'm just saying that I enjoy a good cocktail every now and again and won't quit merely because I spent an entire day spilling my intestines out through my mouth. Wow, that's just graphic and vulgar. :D
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Post by Damuna_Nova »

I can't breathe fire out of my mouth.

I know it's sad, but I can't.

I can't teleport either. :(
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Post by Fiberfar »

I cannot stand listening to Trance music :D
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Post by werebeargoddess »

[QUOTE=Aztaroth]An odd thing: I can clasp my hands together behind my back by reaching over my shoulder with my right hand, and under with my left. But vice versa is not possibible.[/QUOTE]

Same with me.

I also can't sleep for more than an half an hour on planes. Actually, until recently, I couldn't sleep at all on planes.
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Post by Chanak »

One thing I seem to be unable to do these days: remain awake for long whilst sitting in front of a TV. :o

Another thing I can't seem to pull off successfully anymore: read a book whilst lying in bed and remain conscious long enough to finish one lousy chapter. :o This is in stark contrast to the days when I would devour 1,000 page books in a few nights, feverishly reading until sunrise. My inability has lead to some rude awakenings. These days, I tend to avoid reading large hardcover books in the prone position since I have been startled awake by a big book plopping directly on my face. :eek:

Another side-effect: drooling on a book. Man, I hate that. :mad:

My biggest can't do, however, is in reality a huge plus: I can't remember the last time I forgot something. :)
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Post by Phreddie »

[QUOTE=Chanak]I can't remember the last time I forgot something. :) [/QUOTE]
I can: You forgot my Birthday *Sniffle*

I cant seem to have a working computer in my hands for more than a year, my record is five days before a computer crashed beyond repair. I can only wish myself better luck next time. :(
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Post by JonIrenicus »

[QUOTE=shana]I've discovered another lack of talent!! I apparently cannot eat at buffets! The reasons are similar to Chim's drinking problem! :( [/QUOTE]

You mean you keep eating until you throw up? Then keep eating? :confused:
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Post by Chanak »

@Phreddie: Happy belated birthday! I would have loved to offer that at the appropriate time....however, considering that I haven't had a computer for most of the past 5 months and an internet connection of my own, I wasn't able to be around on GB. I was there in spirit, though. At least, I *remember* being there in spirit. ;)
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Post by shana »

[QUOTE=JonIrenicus]You mean you keep eating until you throw up? Then keep eating? :confused: [/QUOTE]

Well, I don't keep eating. Its just that buffets cause me to eat until "I've gotten my money's worth" and then I feel very, very sick! :( No more buffets for me, EVER!!!!!!!
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Post by Xandax »

I can't seem to win millions in the lotteries. I try to improve myself in that aspect, but I just always seem to end up loosing.
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Post by TonyMontana1638 »

I can't sleep in a room at night that has a door that isn't locked. This is very weird, I know, and my girlfriend teases me about it ceaselessly, but if I sleep in a room that doesn't have a lock or whatever I will not sleep. At all. I will stay up all night or will just leave and walk around until it becomes light out, at which point in time I will go back to that room and collapse. I have seen enough horror movies to know what happens to people who sleep in rooms with unlocked doors. Please, feel free to make fun of me.
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Post by Denethorn »

I can't make scrambled eggs. Which really annoys me; one of the most nutritious foods around, and tastiest when done properly I can't do. I just get rubbery crap :mad:

I can't whistle properly. I can't do kick ups with a football (a soccer ball :rolleyes: )
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Post by Fiona »

Cook it really really slowly :)
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Post by The Balance »

[QUOTE=TonyMontana1638]I can't sleep in a room at night that has a door that isn't locked. This is very weird, I know, and my girlfriend teases me about it ceaselessly, but if I sleep in a room that doesn't have a lock or whatever I will not sleep. At all. I will stay up all night or will just leave and walk around until it becomes light out, at which point in time I will go back to that room and collapse. I have seen enough horror movies to know what happens to people who sleep in rooms with unlocked doors. Please, feel free to make fun of me.[/QUOTE]
I understand, Tony ! *nods*

It is the same for me !! What a shame! :(

...even if i haven't seen so much horror films ! :rolleyes: :laugh:
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The Balance
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Post by dragon wench »

I can't play tennis. I can manage badminton, ping pong, and even squash. But for some strange reason the ability to hit a tennis ball with a racket completely eludes me :o

I can't sleep in a room that isn't at least close to pitch dark.
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Post by Tower_Master »

I can't remember my password to get onto SYM, apparently. The horror. :rolleyes:

In reality? Couldn't swim until my last year of high school. D'oh. Or, sleep in a room that's not frigid!

DW - I'd make some joke about shuttlecocks and fuzzy tennis balls, but it eludes me, so I'll just leave it up to you imagine your own vaguely shocking innuendo! ;)
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Post by dragon wench »

@TM, Who? Moi? :angel: :p :D

On a slightly more serious note, what I find interesting is that a lot of people can't sleep in particular conditions. Seems like we often require very specific circumstances in order to nod off to dreamland. Maybe some vestigial survival instinct from the time when we could easily end up as the entrée course at a sabre tooth tiger buffet? :D
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Post by Denethorn »

I can sleep anywhere, at most temperatures. Too cold is what will stop me sleeping. Spent last night in an armchair, sort of stretched over each arm. Alcohol makes one's environment so much more comfortable.

Genuinely I'm quite lucky with sleep. As long as I'm tired then location or conditions don't matter. The only thing I find is, if its a strange location (such as on holiday or a friend's armchair) I do wake up very early, regardless of how much sleep I've had.
"I fart in your general direction! Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"
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