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Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:38 am
by Nerevar Reborn
Ohh the pressure i confess!
I steal pillows and fill the screen with white fluffy goodness!
But my real passion is arrows. I have exactly 666 daedric arrows and 250 glass and ebony arrows layed out individually on the floors of 2 different house and 250 iron arrows on the floor of the streets of caldera.
Posted: Sat Jan 06, 2007 4:23 pm
by Damn Snakes!
I have a complete set of every type of armor in the basic game... so, I pick out a matching set... and go off exploring... depending on my mood, I am in full daedric armor, or perhaps full ice armor... or just nice clothes and a bow and arrows... sometimes I wear cheap stuff and run through daedric shrines looking for dremora... depends...
Posted: Mon Feb 12, 2007 6:03 pm
by Damn Snakes!
on my latest run through, I am collecting candles and lanterns... I have a large collection of candles of various hues... and a bunch of bug lamps (my favorites!)
I go walking around with a candelabra... just looks cool... :laugh:
Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 8:54 pm
by d-mac
Oh, all this talk about collecting clothes, books and other crap! It's driving me mad! I collect artifacts of all kinds; weapons, armor, robes, rings, etc. Since I don't have my Telvanni tower yet, I don't decorate my home. Come to think of it, I have no real home. I just stored all my crap on Raleen Hlaalu's corpse in Balmora, and cast Mark next to him.
Anyway, I don't usually steal stuff, but I have made some exceptions. Of course being in Thieves Guild and House Telvanni, I follow a code of being able to rightfully keep whatever I take. Even though I am filthy stinkin' rich, I still steal gold whenever it is presented, like when I kill people or when people leave it in a secluded space. I'm no pickpocket; I am a Jedi/Hitman.
Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 10:34 pm
by Rurokenrox91
fable wrote:Yes, I confess! My character has been collecting books, but lately she has repeatedly broken the law to do so. She tries to grab a tome when no one is looking (and stealthy she is, too), but if caught, will Recall to another location. Then it's a short jump to a Thieves Guild branch (where she's a Captain), a relatively small fine, considering how much she's making, and the book's hers. The notion of people with money using it to get away with whatever they want doesn't phase her in the slightest. Ordinarily respectful if not terribly serious about the law, she becomes obsessive when it comes to possessing books.
So do you possess any characters who compulsively collect something, and if so, what? And what do you do when that collectible turns up in somebody else's hands? (Note, this thread isn't for discussing random kill-and-grabs. It's only for characters that collect.)
Ever since I read this I have found myself stealing any books I can possibly find (although I keep remaking my character so I end up having to recollect them all (just can't find a knack for what i wanna play.
Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2007 11:46 pm
by zykethehellfire
I have a character, an assassin dunmer,who has a fancy for legendary items.In Mournhold i'm still tryin to find a way to steal stenndar's hammer while it weighs 1000 lbs.Many of the items in my collection are the mace of slurring,ring of surroundings(not really rare but its in the book of rares in the musuem) stalhrim longsword of flame, trueflame, mace of avaer stone slinger(forgot how to spell that
)spear of hte hunter ,the werewolf ring forgot what its called, daedric crecent, and many more objects of the such.I also have a nack for raiding daedric and dwemer ruins just for the bloodshed:mischief: But all in all i just have a nack for doing anthing dark in the game
Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:16 pm
by AmpaSand
i got bored of there not being a bridge between the forien canton and redoran so i store enough books to build a lemmings style bridge... is that weird?
I also collect interesting weapons and prescious tones and scrolls. and the weirdest... corpusmeat hunks i just think it's funny to bury vivec in them.... but beacuse i busted the lock too early in the game i had to dig into him.