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Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 10:12 am
by Nihil
I found this days ago:
YouTube - Fable 2 video diary #2
Is Fable 2 video diary #2. About battles.
ps. I can't use this forum quite well, these MasterCard and "Mike's hard lemonade" won't let me click in the forum.
Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 6:52 am
by Sweethart Rose
u can preorder Fable 2
If anyone is interested you can preorder Fable 2 at release date is 11-30-08.
Ps: Remember release date can change.
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 10:20 pm
by DesR85
Three new Fable 2 screenshots showing off the Hobbes have just been posted at [url=""]Kotaku[/url].
Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 12:33 am
by DesR85
There are [url=""]3 recent GDC'08 demonstration videos of Fable 2[/url] at [url=""]Gametrailers[/url]. It's different than the previous videos as the visuals are updated and Mr Molyneux himself demonstrated the co-op feature, the combat, a little bit about the family side of the game and some new features (such as jumping over a fence to name a few).
P.S. You can view those videos in either SD or HD.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 12:25 pm
by netherworld boy
Character Morphing
According to PM, the character morphing will have a big effect on the hero now but he does not want to discuss this for time being. He will talk about it at E3 (or something like that, the next big game event, you know what i'm talking about).

So the big corruption guy in the trailer will probably be an example of the morph effects if you choose the evil path but this hasn't been confirmed if this is what you'll actually look like. There have been no details about what morph you would have if your the good hero but neverless, PM will be talking about it at some point. And everybody knows that alignment takes a big part in Fable so PM will probably want to get a few things off his chest about it.
Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:23 am
by DesR85
netherworld boy wrote:There have been no details about what morph you would have if your the good hero but neverless, PM will be talking about it at some point. And everybody knows that alignment takes a big part in Fable so PM will probably want to get a few things off his chest about it.
Well, if you look at the link of the videos I posted, including yours, I assume that the woman character Mr. Molyneux's playing is on the good side, whereas the co-op guy's male character is the evil one. This is what he mentioned in that GDC video.
As for E3, not so sure if there will be one, given the mixed response about last year's new format and no exact date has been set yet. It could be possible he is referring to PAX at the moment (31st March).
Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:19 pm
by Unreality
haha the co-op is perfect if ure tired of ure wife and wan't to stay good yust have ure evil friend come over and pop her in the head :laugh:
Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 3:12 pm
by netherworld boy
What about the jobs that's been confirmed. Henchman, blacksmith, assassin, woodsman etc. I hope you can be a butcher too.
Posted: Sat Apr 12, 2008 8:47 pm
by ross12694
can someone post a release date?
Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2008 6:17 pm
by BobbTheBuilder
yeah from what i have heard from friends and stuff it comes out on October 21st of this year, which is amazing and if you have xbox live my name is BobbTheBuilder, so if you wanna play fable 2 whne it comes out hit me up