Minor adjustment with Salary demand in US$
protagonist - fighter/barbarian Russell Crowe see below
human bard/thief Edward Norton 5,000,000
male ranger Brad Pitt 20,000,000
cleric Patrick Stewart 2,000,000
mage/sorceror Jeremy Irons 2,000,000
monk Jet Li see below
paladin Brendan Fraser 5,000,000
irenicus - The mummy in the Mummy - 50,000 or Cyrus the Virus in Con Air (John ~Malkovich) 5,000,000
bodhi - Mystique from X-Men
(Rebecca Romin-Stamos)250,000/Jennifer Love Hewitt 5,000,000
viconia - Tyra Banks 300,000/Halle Berry 500,000
valygar - Wesley Snipes 10,000,000/Will Smith 20,000,000
anomen - Tom cruise 10% gross box office + 15,000,000/Jason Lee from Almost Famous, Dogma, Chasing Amy and Mallrats 100,000
cernd - Nightwolf from Mortal Kombat: Annihliation 5,000
jan - Danny de Veto 2,000,000 plus 10% merchandise sales/Martin Short from SNL 500,000
yoshimo - Chow Yuen Fat from Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, Anna & the King and The Corruptor 5,000,000
nalia - Drew Barrymore from Charlie's Angels and Wedding Singer, 5,000,000/Helena Bonham Carter from Fight Club 50,000
keldorn - Russel Crowe from Gladiator 15,000,000/Christopher Lambert from Mortal Kombat I and Highlander trilogy 5,000,000
haer'dalis - Ray Kark Darth Maul in Star Wars Episode I and Toad in X-men 50,000/Jet Li from Romeo Must Die and Lethal Weapon 4 1,000,000
imoen - Julia Roberts
20,000,000/Jennifer Anniston-Pitt 1,000,000
jahiera - Salma Hayek 5,000,000
minsc - Arnold Schwarzaneger 20,000,000 plus a Mansion
edwin - Alan Rickman 2,000,000/Dustin Hoffman 5,000,000
aerie - Heidi Klum
500,000/Michelle Pfeiffer 2,000,000
there could also be cameos for the following:
christopher walken as a cowled wizard
harrison ford as a government bloke
stallone and rutger hauer as mercenaries
alec baldwin as renal bloodscalp
harey kietel as Ribald
gary oldman as Neb
ben affleck as Neeber
robert de niro in the Asylum
al pacin as Frikaag
bruce willis as aran lindel
super models as courtsean
and famous royalties as lords and beggars.
Not intented to get people upset or sick....