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Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:40 pm
by SupaCat
-Fallout 3 (recently played Fallout 2 and I was trully amazed, maybe a bit too much Pop references, but still, I'm going to buy fallout 3 if only for the atmosphere)
-Starcraft 2 (was addicted to starcraft long time ago)
-Fable 2 (recently gained interest for the game, it looks pretty cool and if they make the things they say they will, true then it'll be a great game... I hope)
-Battlefield heroes (seems really cool and it's for FREE!!!!)

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 1:42 pm
by Monolith
Monolith wrote:"Age of Decadence" is the game I'm looking forward to the most. An actual and non-linear RPG with many choices and consequences, TB combat, a lot of dialogues and an interesting setting. And it's in "polishing phase" now, so it's just a question of months...

Besides, "Assassin's Creed" looks like an interesting game, as well as "Bioshock". When it comes to RPGs it's "Broken Hourglass", "Eschalon: Book 1", "Ashes - Two Worlds Collide" and the updated "Darghul".
Unbelievable. More than one year passed and I still haven't played even one of those games. Ashes is dead, Broken Hourglass, AoD and Darghul yet to be finished. I didn't have time to play nor money to get Eschalon (due to the unexpected greatness of both The Witcher and MotB). Assassin's Creed as well as Bioshock turned out to be mediocre, at least from what I've read.

So, here's my updated list:
- AoD
- Darghul
- Purgatorio mod for NWN 2
- Broken Sword 2.5
- Far Cry 2

I'm not so sure about Storm of Zehir and Mysteries of Westgate, mostly because I despise combat in NWN 2 and having two games/mods/add-ons/whatever that sorta focus on combat...

Totally lost interest in Broken Hourglass.

And yeah, before I forget, I pretty much liked Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy (despite the annoying action-sequences), so I'm looking forward to whatever Quantic Dream is cooking.

Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 11:46 pm
by DesR85
Monolith wrote: And yeah, before I forget, I pretty much liked Fahrenheit/Indigo Prophecy (despite the annoying action-sequences), so I'm looking forward to whatever Quantic Dream is cooking.
I liked Fahrenheit too, but I didn't like the button-mashing action sequences either. ;) I remember that Quantic Dream is working on another new game called Heavy Rain for the PS3. No news of it came out after they demoed their first video last year, though.

As an update to the list of games I'm looking forward to:
- Prince of Persia
- Crysis Warhead
- Empire: Total War

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:02 am
by Tricky
I wish Quantic made another game with a famous musician that also stars as a character in the game. Those David Bowie concerts in Omikron were awesome. Again, the fighting sequences were completely retarded, but the rest of the game was a work of art.

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:24 am
by Crenshinibon
So far it stands at:

Mirror's Edge
Portal 2

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:39 am
by deadplayer
Diablo III and WAR!

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 1:13 pm
by stanolis
stanolis wrote:this is my possible purchase list:

soul caliber4* (360 gets yoda, ps3 gets vader, destructable environments) bleh, for the destrucable environents. Yeah, on the character creation. Yoda is too small to fight against. I basically played this game straight for a week and haven't played it since, slightly burned out with the money farming
sw force unleashed* (omg this game looks fantastic!. I really suggest you view some of the trailers and development details.) still buzzed

narnia pc
alone in the dark - haven't heard anything good lately. bad previews/reviews Will not purchase
fable 2* (co-op will rock!) hearing alot of good stuff except for the "pub games"
lego batman/ indiana jones (maybe it's cuz i'm a girl, but i totally love those lil' lego people. There are soooooooo cute! Especially when they break into a billion pieces.) haven't bought yet
tc sc conviction*
fallout 3
sonic unleashed
left 4 dead
ghostbusters - written by dan akroyd and voiced by original actors
tomb raider underworld* hearing a lot of good things about this.
project origin
too human - the demo was just hack/slash, not interested
SIMS 3 -FTW. i so love those sims. this time you can load the whole neighborhood and walk around. house to house.

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 7:02 pm
by DesR85
stanolis wrote: SIMS 3 -FTW. i so love those sims. this time you can load the whole neighborhood and walk around. house to house.
I certainly hope that it isn't plagued with long load times and lag in the previous Sims series. I wonder how EA is going to resolve them when the game is open-world...

And I also hope that the system requirements aren't too beefy.

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:46 pm
by stanolis
des, i also share your concern. i hate LONG or FREQUENT load times. the load times in kotor were unreasonable. you walk 10 feet and then BOOM, load screen. blah. i'm sure they have some strategy, if the whole city is "visitable". i hope i don't have to wait forever for the pets this time.

i personally haven't upgraded my pc in years (oblivion needed a video card). i plan to do the whole thing this time. my only worry is M$. i hate them and their new op system. hopefully, i can keep my xp. honestly, this is the main reason, i've moved on to consoles.

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:22 pm
by repapips
These are the games im looking forward to release

for xbox360:
Nba 2k9
Nba Live09
Fable 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Resident Evil 5
Street Fighter 5
MAfia 2

Mafia 2
Age of empire 4 (if it is available)

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:17 pm
by Khaoz
Bit life to here :)

Diablo III !!!!!!!!

End of life :(

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 12:11 pm
by stanolis
sw force unleashed* (omg this game looks fantastic!. I really suggest you view some of the trailers and development details.) I was buzzed until i played the demo. I'm not sure what it is. I just feel that it lacks something. it is definitely not anywhere near the hype. if you felt that the previous games lack force power then maybe this is your game. it seems to be a lot hack n slash

fable 2* (co-op will rock!) still hearing alot of good stuff except for the "pub games". i also heard it is really short, but the co-op allows for lots of replay. i still plan to pick up a copy, for the co-op!

ghostbusters - written by dan akroyd and voiced by original actors. BAD news, I heard that they lost their publisher or something. It may never be released. :( where's mr. stay-puff when u need him?

also, add ALIENS or colonial marines (whatever it is called)to my list: rpg and fps. man, AVP was scary. the first level, i played about 2/3 of the way through and then i just ran to the load point. I actually jumped off an edge, lost almost all my life and kept running. AHHHHHHHH!

wishful thinking. I need more THIEF!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2009 11:48 pm
by pongax
final fantasy XIV
god of war 3
final fantasy 13 and versus 13

monster hunter 3
tekken 6 - not quite sure bout this
final fantasy 13 agito
kingdom hearts "forgot the title"
u.s. ver of final fantasy dissidia

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 11:07 am
by Loki[D.d.G]
Lets see... Diablo III, ME 2, DA:O and HL2 episode 3. Can't wait to see how that story ends, and find out once and for all who the g-man actually is. Unless they come up wif a HL3. :rolleyes:

Oh... and waiting on a new pc that can actually handle those games smoothly lol :D

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 2:50 am
by DesR85
Loki[D.d.G] wrote:...HL2 episode 3. Can't wait to see how that story ends, and find out once and for all who the g-man actually is. Unless they come up wif a HL3. :rolleyes:
Yep. It does say something when Gabe Newell came up with the idea of episodic content that only requires 6 months in development and yet, none of them ever achieve their stated goal.

Hope Ep 3 really sees the light of day soon, but I'm not too sure how interested I am in it when it is released. The wait has taken it's toll, I assume.

Anyway, as for future games, I am looking forward to Modern Warfare 2, Alan Wake and possibly Mass Effect 2 (if I like the first one, that is).

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 5:40 am
by JasonOne
I'm not so fond of games but I prefer the Transformers Fallen. I find it interesting and I use to play it if I'm not busy.

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:14 am
by stanolis
updated again

HIGHLANDER* - still waiting
DIABLO 3*- keep it free
TC SC CONVICTION* - re-vamped
COLONIAL MARINES* - multi-player
HALO: ODST* - h.a.l.o
BATMAN: Arkam Asylum
MUA 2: again for the multi-player
THIEF - just wishful thinking

Quick review
GHOSTBUSTERS - in case you didn't know. it was picked up again and has already came out. THANK YOU DAN AKROYD!!! i love this game. 8/10. playing it was a little like talking to old friends. people have complained about the controls, but once you understand what you are doing it really becomes quite easy.

wolverine - i really love this game. 9/10. amazing fighting, easy to learn and master: running around killing everyone. it will take at least 2 play throughs to get all the achievements. my first run through i had 1650/2000 kills. FYI: the main storyline follows the basically movie, but the details of how do not.

sims3 - 9/10 i did not upgrade my pc as stated earlier. the game runs fairly well - not the highest graphical settings though. there is one giant load screen and then zero for the remainder of the game. you can zoom in on your sims and the out to view the town. have your kids get married and move them out, but keep the same active household. only problem is lack of mods (temporary)

again, these are just opinions and nothing i have stated is affiliated with any known entities like mcdonald's or god.

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 8:30 pm
by sexyhotgamer09
Games that i'm looking forward to are:

Diablo 3
CTRacer Online :)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:52 am
by Lightning 14
CoD 4 Modern Warfare 2 Cant wait till its out :)

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 10:21 am
by Loki[D.d.G]
Lightning 14 wrote:CoD 4 Modern Warfare 2 Cant wait till its out :)
I cant help but find the title of the latest CoD game to be slightly amusing. With a CoD 5 already out, why not just call it CoD 6?

In any case, another game currently on my radar is TOR. It certainly looks interesting enough.