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Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:15 am
by Bao-Dur3
light side

Honestly I think the light side is better even though i have the hots for visas i think bao-dur rules all

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:59 am
by Darth Vol
I like the Dark Side becouse you can be ruthless and dont care about anything than you and your power.
Light Side i play for the story and to try something else.

Posted: Sat May 03, 2008 2:37 am
by Invisable Man
dark side because it makes my manipulative side show

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:29 pm
by squall900200
I would rather choose the light side than the dark side, but In kotor2, I like to think of the exile as one who helps people but is not under any circumstances a jedi (don't ask, I just like the idea lol).

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:07 am
by Darth Juhani
Light or Dark?

Which is the best side? Light or Dark? Jedi or Sith? I say Sith!

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 10:18 am
by MrRandomGuy

With the force storm attack, you can clear out entire rooms of baddies with one or two shots. Plus your force points don't freeze up in the cave on Korriban.

And I kind of like the graysh color of my characters' skin.

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:07 pm
by Dottie
Merged with already existing thread.

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:50 am
by Sethian
I did not answer the poll. I played KOTOR 1 as pure light side. I was very tempetd sometimes though hehee. So I decided to play KOTOR 2 as full dark side just for the fun of it. I have to admit though, that in KOTOR 1 I saved a game right before confronting Bastila for the first time and making your actual choice of light or dark side. I chose light the first time. I think I'll play it again sometime soon just to see how the game ends when you are the Dark Lord :D

P.S. I finished KOTOR 1 yesterday and today i stareted KOTOR 2. So far, 1 is by far better..

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 5:25 am
by Invisable Man
if i where to play the game as if i were playing in real life i recon i would be almost full darkside not from killings but from the basic torturing of others ... i wish i were kidding but i would probebly be the guy to manipulate you into giving me all your money the catching the next ship out letting you get the crap beaten out of you for the exchange

oh and how i play my game i play as darkside :D

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2008 12:35 am
by Darth Malignus
I´m sort of in between. I run through the game as a class, first good, and then evil. I like being evil mainly for the "Piss off, peasant!"-lines, but good makes me feel like I´m actually saving the galaxy. Which, incidentially, I am. Sort of.

However, the bad guy lines aren´t that outrageously hilarious, except maybe for some interesting conversations with HK-47. I never laughed as hard about the evil lines in Kotor II as I did over some of the lines in, say, BG II. Like the answer to a beggar: "Am I charity to be hounded by the unwashed? Begone!" I still get a kick out of that one.

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 5:45 pm
by Solcius
The Jedi are weak, the true power is with the dark side. I mean come on, jedi dont let you eleticute people then throw them into walls. Besides, Anger is a great emotion, especially in battle.

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 4:27 pm
by Devil Girl
It has to be light side for me. I just like playing that way (though I do like to be occasionally dark side :) )

Posted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:02 pm
by probe53
the obvious dark-side responses sometimes annoy the crap out of me...
"wah wah wah, i didnt get what i want so lets demand it again like a 3 year old with the kill action word in there somewhere" type reponses is what I refer to. I tend to go dark side by persuasive acts and definately get some DS points when mind-afffecting/domination or other force actions were available. I would have liked to see multiple dark side points for overall manipulation... when the effects of your selfish power hungry plans are seen etc. but not because you had to murder everything in your way.

However, im not heartless either and sometimes even with a profiteering and power seeking and realpolitik mind, i will let some stuff and people go...

Neutral is what I want to be but sadly there is no real reward. If only at TRUE NEUTRAL maybe you get 5% discounts for both light side and dark side force powers + charisma modifier effect maybe like the penalties (with no class bonus, ex. the +3 STR from weapon master or +50 force in consular).
By natural course of acts i would end up crawling up the light side, then a bit down, then when the game nears end, i go "crunch time" to get the mastery.

but anyone tried to have fun with high CHA light side caster who uses dark side attack powers? If you got the fuel to burn, go burn'em...
light side inquisitor/enforcer hehehe...

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:47 am
by CJ@
Definately dark side. It's fun being cruel. :devil:

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 4:34 am
by Jimwth
Somewhat electrified LS. Force Lightning rules! :D

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:25 am
by lifeishell91
I'm usually either Neutral or Dark Side because I tend to agree with Kreia's teachings.

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 5:43 pm
by swfan
sorry guys... but im a sith! its alot more gainful for you... for example a tramp needs more money to pay for a debt, as a jedi- give him money
as a sith- take what he has and kill him!

everyone wins! your clearing the bums off the street and you got a few credits :P

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:50 am
by Hayes
Neither, I stay neutral and do whats in my best interest at the time.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:49 pm
by Epithet
Light side. Being a jerk to everyone is no challenge and just makes me feel bad.

And while people who prefer DS are correct to say the DS options are too violent in general, the reverse is also true in many instances - lots of times LS points are given for being ludicrously gullible, worst with the fake holocron bit on Dantooine, where it's worth several LS points to listen to the guy go into his obviously untrue sob-story about the poor wife and kids and then pay him for the fake. DS may not be well written, but "good = stupid" is actually just as bad.

Still, I do understand the game designers. People argue "smart evil", but how do you write that neatly into a game plot? Sure, Kreia and Palpatine are cool manipulators, but they've both been working at their respective plans for at least a decade when the game begins and the dividends begin to pay off. Of course you can't match by just showing and trying to be sneaky.

Posted: Fri Jul 24, 2009 2:58 am
by bigredpanda
Epithet wrote: DS may not be well written, but "good = stupid" is actually just as bad.
I agree with this - I remember raising the point back when there was discusison about a possible K3. Somebody like an Obiwan or a Kyle Katern is hardly a pushover - you can be LS and authoritative, rather than a "softie".