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Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 6:00 pm
by DesR85
First off, I want to apologise for being off-topic in this thread.
matthewd wrote: People should stay and remain on same level, also a heroine should have childeren.... But fighthing balverines with a pregnant belly is something unlogical and strange to get used to
Agreed. Looks weird to see a pregnant heroine fighting. Maybe they (Lionhead) could introduce some restrictions like being confined to a town or something. Not sure of other methods but that's the best I can think of. :( For this kind of mechanic to work, perhaps they (Lionhead) should look to the Sims for ideas and inspiration. :)

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:52 pm
by Unreality
i would agree it would look out of place but still making the female hero stay in town for 9 months (ingame time) might be too long a 9 months later text should do

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 5:03 pm
by Darth_Juro
In my opinion if you do not have the mental capabilities to determine right from wrong you shouldn't be allowed to play video games or watch tv,movies, listen to music.

Granted there are some people out there that you know are so messed up they go out and kill someone or steal a car and say they saw it on GTA or in a movie and they got away with it why cant I?

With that being said take columbine highschool shooting.....they tried to blame manson's music for the cause of it when in reality those kids were picked on day after day for years. After years of having to endure such treatment(and I know from experience) your bound to snap one day.

Parents were worried about that game the bully because it's a game just about picking on people to survive in highschool or whatever. Yes youth can be easily brought into such situations but if you don't think your child is capable of seeing the difference between right and wrong, fiction and reality should you really be allowing said child into such a situation? that goes for adults to.

There will always be people agreeing and disagreeing to this topic, but fact remains it all depends on the persons capabilties to see what is real.

Take me for example, I've endured over 16 years of physical and mental abuse by father figures, school bullies, brothers etc...but that doesn't mean I'm going to go and stab them in the eye with a pen or staple there private parts to a piece of paper just because I saw it on tv, heard it in a song, did it in a game.

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 1:15 pm
by dmcusn
I suspect this would be handled via a cutscene. "...and so the hero started a family of her own..."

If they did allow pregant heroins to battle than miscarraiges would have to considered.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:26 pm
by Unreality
what they could do is make the heroine or wife not look pregnant except have somewhere in a menu like Wife: blah blah now 5 months pregnant

not that i dont like pregnant women this could atleast people from beating up there pregnant wife or the somewhat absurd sight of a pregnant heroine killing monsters o.O

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2007 6:42 am
by Rebelkitten

I love the whole 'pregnancy' shtick, but one point depresses me to think about. What if you have a husband in a certain town that allows magic, your eight months pregnant, you accidently kill someone, and then your husband divorces you..... How sad. :'(
Also, instead of going out, and fighting monsters while pregnant - though the having your water break while fighting Twinblade, and the body slam the ground and shoot the baby at enemies ideas would have me laughing for hours if it could happen - you will have to stay at home, or go and work your job instead of having the looming threat of having your child in the middle of the Arena.

Zomg! Rock Troll! -chucks baby-

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2007 2:20 pm
by superbob263
I think being pregnant in the game would add a whole new demension to the game like haveing the good/evil bar and put in a second bar for something like bad parent/good parent or bad spouse/good spouse wich would also efect how people in the town where you live like you and if they avoid you or not and could also prevent you from devolping another relationship/marrage with someone after you killed your spouse or got divorced because they would know about you and what you had done

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:33 pm
by mr_sir
Can I remind everyone that this is a thread about whether people think its a good idea to have pregnancy etc. in the game. It is not a thread to discuss a possible abuse system in the game. Further, I do not feel that discussion condoning abuse towards women or children, even if in a video game, is appropriate on this site. Therefore I have deleted the posts concerned and request that it gets back on topic.

Thank you.

Posted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 4:30 pm
by Darth_Juro
I personally would like having children, that would add a more in-depth view of end game playability

Posted: Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:08 pm
by Batos
Yeah, I don't like it, but I was thinking, why not just have the pregnancy and birth like fable 1's marriage, "Then the Hero's wife got pregnant, the hero tended to her blah blah blah, a baby was born!"

Hitting your wife, should be like any other crime in the game, hitting the child/infant should make you an auto-criminal in that region. And the child gets taken away by Bowerstone Social Services, etc etc..

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:15 am
by DesR85
Batos wrote:Yeah, I don't like it, but I was thinking, why not just have the pregnancy and birth like fable 1's marriage, "Then the Hero's wife got pregnant, the hero tended to her blah blah blah, a baby was born!"

Hitting your wife, should be like any other crime in the game, hitting the child/infant should make you an auto-criminal in that region. And the child gets taken away by Bowerstone Social Services, etc etc..
Very good idea, especially the second paragraph. At least this will provide the game with serious repercussions if you (the main character) abuse your family.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:51 pm
by Darth Spawn
as i hav not been playing fable for long but i hav seen there do happen to be jump scenes in which you can change in apperence also many years can pass to so i presume if you do happen to get or get someone pregnent (i wonder how :rolleyes: ) you could hav like a nine month time laps all though there would hav to be a limit to how many times u can do this i mean how will they replicate the condom factor in this is what i want to know:laugh:

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:39 pm
by Wakatishy
I would totally be some prego heroine just to see what happens and what it would be like with all the mood swings if there are any but yea it would be an interesting experience indeed so I would vote yes.

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 10:05 am
by famas
since you can get pregnent can u get metaphas

Posted: Fri Jun 20, 2008 6:49 pm
by Invisable Man
famas wrote:since you can get pregnent can u get metaphas
ok well theres no stupid questions but that comes very colse to being one... i would prusumbe no because that would involve the hero or wife having periods and that would be just a bit to real for me :confused: :confused:

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 9:58 am
by rickemosh
i think that if you want to then do it if you dont then dont do it but i think that being pregnant would be cool but i dnt tihnk they would be allowed to show a woman with child getting beaten up